Thursday, April 30, 2009

Panic, It does the Government Good!

Well lets see, over the past week we have been bombarded by the Media Propagandists about the Swine Flu. Now don't get me wrong, the swine flu might be something nasty to get, just like the regular flu, or pneumonia. But it defintely doesn't constitute the portrayal in the media.

But lets think for a minute. Why are we bombarded by this information? Its disproportional if you ask me. how many in the US alone each year come down with influenza? How many come down with Pneumonia? Well without a hard copy of actual figures in front of me, i would say the number is up there. But never is it mentioned by media, but why is that? It is because there are more important things for them to propagandize on. But not this time.

I have a thought as for why this is. You see 99.9% is in the bag to the Republicrat political establishment. Just think back to the last election and how they were in the bag for the candidate that was to save from everything and give us everything that we could ever want and need. Well the media isn't any different this many months later. So with them being in the bag, they will do everything possible to divert negative attention from the "saviour".

Not to mention that governments will play this up to panic the Idiot minions. They will portray this a humongous typhoon of epic proportions to get all of the economic heat away from them. Not to mention that this is a way to brainwash the people into thinking that government is the only thing that save the day on this topic.

I say brilliant, ye governments through out the world. You have been victorious in portraying (with the media's help) this small incident as a major worldwide catastrophe. You have been victorious in shifting the populations away from your screwing of our economic standing, your taking away of our freedoms, your Socialization of our goverment.

Why does the government need to instill this Panic of this illness? Because with our focus off of them, it makes their job of taking our rights a much easier endeavor.

Viva Liberty!

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