Monday, May 4, 2009

Is the White House a den of idiots?

I remember back during the last two presidential terms of the comedic content that the president gave to late night talk shows and comedians of the day.

GW flubbed up everything imaginable. And the comedians were all over it. Not letting up if thier lives depended on it. And rightfully so.

But one thing that makes me wonder is where are those same comedians with the current administration? Oh ya, thats right, they could never do anything to anger the "savior".

But i have sat back and watched this current President and all i can say is this. If the last president was an idiot because he couldn't speak well and flubbed up what he said, then that must mean that "Herr Fuhrer" must be as much of an idiot. But never will you hear him become the fodder of comedians.

But today the self proclaimed "Savior from ourselves" made one of those gaffes that is reminiscent of GW's fool me once.

Today he was talking about a Cinco De Mayo Celebration, but it came out as Cinco De Cuattro.

So remember tomorrow you will celebrating the well known holiday of "5 of 4" according to our ultra intellegent leader.

Viva Liberty!

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