Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Letter to a Principal

This is a letter just written to the principal of the school that two of my children go to addressing what i read today about Obama wanting to address the school kids on September 8th.

Hey Mr Henson,
Thank you for your quick response.

I am glad to hear that you would like to hear the perspectives of the parents on matters. This is a key of how our democracy works, which i fear more people are getting complacent and not exerting that right. As a leader in a political party i have to look indepth into subjects that deal with our government and its entities, and there are times where something looks fine from the outside, but once you dig deeper you find some startling things. I feel this is one of those instances.

I have read over the Letter from the Secretary of the Department of Education (Arne Duncan), as well the PreK-6 Menu of Classroom Activities. And i must be honest, i feel something is awry with this. I wonder what the true purpose of the President having this address. If he wanted to have an address, he would have one over the main airwaves to the attention of the children and the parents. Having this piped into schools i feel is a way for him to be able to influence children without the input of the parents.

I really got concerned when i got to the question part of the PreK-6 document. Questions such as: What is the President telling me? What is the President asking me to do? What do you think the President wants us to do? Why is it important to listen to the President?
These questions seem like a tool of persuasion aimed at impressionable children in order to further a cause that these children are not yet old enough to understand or make adaquete judgement calls on themselves. It looks as if with the documents i have read, that the children are going to be used as some sort of pawn in a political game being played out in Washington.

As i have said, i feel that this is being pushed without Parental input or Knowledge from the highest levels of our government.

As the Chairman of the Spartanburg County Libertarian Party, I would like to ask Lyman Elementary as well as Spartanburg County School District 5 not take part of this event. And instead focus on the important thing at hand, the educating of our children.

Thank you for your time. And i look forward to hearing back on the response from Dr. Turner.

Jamie A Steele
County Chairman
Spartanburg County Libertarian Party

I would urge everyone their schools and school districts and get their thoughts out on the subject.

Viva Liberty!

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