Friday, July 8, 2011

I see changes on the horizon!

Well hello all! I have been putting tons of thought lately into this blog and what it is, what it was, and what i have in my mind for it to be. So i thought, what the hell, i'll launch my ideas out and see what people think and if people would be interested in helping.

First off, my idea for the future of the blog is one that will remain on the task of retaining, recouping or rebuilding our rights and liberties in this country, if not the world. I want this medium to be used as a way to expose the vast corruption and evil shown and performed throughout every corner of our government. I also want this to be used as a way to wake up people to the facts, not the "facts" that our government and main stream want us to believe, but the true cold hard facts. A sort of antibiotic against the sheeple virus infecting more and more people in the once great nation.

Secondly i want to see this move from being the work of one miniscule man to a vast group of like-minded people telling the truth from their mouths, in their perspective. I want to have a vast network setup to where when you come here you can look at an overview of national type issues as well as look at issues from each of the states (even nations if there is a need). A setup where we have a couple of people from each of the states to make people aware of what is happening there. Sometimes we can get wrapped up with what is happening either just at the local picture or just at the national level that we fail to see the whole picture of corruption and how wide spread it is.

Thirdly, I was to see a revamp of the blog. One that isn't just this blah backdrop. I want to see this morph into a fully functional website that supports and feeds literally tons of traffic. A website with a better name, better graphics, and not to mention one that we have control over the content, not one that we have to meet the standards of speech and ideas set forth from a gargantuan bohemeth that tries to control our right to free speech.

Lastly, i want this to become a thorn in the side of every politician and anyone else who has even inkling of wanting to detroy our rights and take away our freedom. I want to hold their feet to fire on each and every issue that contridicts what the Constitution says and means.

So thats my thoughts. Now comes the process oftaking this plan from the thought process to the process of making it a reality. So if there are people out there willing to help out with this project let me know and lets get this thing off of the launch pad. I need all the help i can get.

Viva Liberty!

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