Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Freedom On Life Support

With the upcoming election right around the corner, it seems that our basic freedoms given to us by the Constitution is in jeopardy. The socialist leaning Democratic party is already putting a plan together to start stripping rights in the event that they win the election.

They are already planning to implement the long gone Fairness Doctrine. A policy that will force television, radio, and the web to give differing viewpoints. I feel that this is a horrendous stomping on our rights. No where in the Constitution is it stated that we have the Freedom to listen to opposing speech. It gives us the right to free speech. This policy will do nothing but limit free speech in every aspect of our life, mainly through force legal wrangling by forces that oppose the things you say.

It is time that we stand up and demand our rights and fight for them. No one else will. We have to fight against these socialist demons that are trying to pull the plug on the life support to our Constitution. Life support that they have put it on.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here Comes The Lie!

On a headline today is a quote from our President. He says that the government involvement with the bank takeover will be "Limited and Temporary".

How false this is. As i have heard from someone once before.

-There is nothing more permanent than a temporary Government Program-

Says it all, doesn't it!

Viva Liberty!

The Saga Continues

Well the saga just continues spiral out of control on the lawlessness of our government when it comes to this whole bail-out situation. I have said many times on here and to others about how this whole thing is unconstitutional, the bill was unconstitutional, the idea of socialist control is unconstitutional, not to mention will have dire consequences on us.

Well it has just gotten worse. It seems that with the government giving themselves more power has come to an all time high, with end in sight. The government is continuously hell bent on complete and absolute power over everything. The governments minions create a massive problem, and them think that they are the only ones with the answer. To Hell with us, To Hell with the Constitution, To hell with Capitalism, this is their thought and mantra.

Yesterday, the Fed called in 5 or 6 of the most major banks in this nation, and gave them an offer they couldn't refuse. It seems all to reminescent of The Godfather. Although if the banks would have refused, it wouldn't have been a horse's head in their bed, no the government would have made sure it was their head.

The fed basically told the banks that the government was buying a major interest in the banks and that there was nothing the banks could do about it. So our government has forced its way into the banking sector. What is the need for our government to do that? Control. Our government has been driving us down the Socialist highway for quite some time now, and it seems that now they have kicked the car into overdrive to speed the trip up.

The only ones that can stop this is us, the American Citizens. We can not rely on anyone else to do it for us, can we? We must stop this NOW! It is time for Americans to get off of their asses and stand up for themselves, their neighbors, their fellow citizens, their country, and THEIR CONSTITUTION!

I implore you to do what i am doing this election. Vote Libertarian! Thats what i will be doing, and i will make my voice heard. For those elections that do not have a Libertarian Candidate running i will vote for the Candidate that did not vote for this bailout. If the incumbent candidates on my ballet voted for the bail out, i will vote against them regardless of who the candidate is (thats only if there is no Libertarians on the ticket).

Stand Up, Make Your Voice Be Heard!

Viva Liberty!

Friday, October 10, 2008

What An Oxymoron!

There is a report from the University of Texas about free speech. There were two roommates on campus that put up a poster in their dorm window supporting Obama. The University didn't like it and ordered the students to remove it, even though ther was another student that had put up a poster supporting McCain. The school has a rule barring posters and other items from being placed in the dorm windows, in an attempt to control how the exterior of the schools buildings look. The President of the school overturned the rule until a committee could be appointed to investigate options to the rule that would allow for the school to maintain control, without catch flack about Freedom of Speech.

When the two men in question were asked about the situation, they replied that they had the freedom of speech which allows them to display such things.

Now i will not argue against them on this point. They do have the Freedom of Speech which allows them to do things such as what they had done. Now if the school was privately funded it would have been a different matter, because it would have been on private property. But since the school is publicly funded then private property doesn't exist.

But what i think is very ironic in this whole matter is this, and i think these young men, like so many are, is that the same Freedom that they have right now, will be diminished more after this election. Both major candidates have a proven track record to not put much thought into the preservation of our rights. Look at their voting records on bills that deal with Illegal Search and Seizure. Both candidates will throw the Constitution under the bus for the furtherment of their own beliefs and their owns parties Socialistic ways.

So you are using your Freedom of Speech to speak for a person that is hell-bent on taking that right away from you!

Sounds like an Oxymoron to me!

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What Does This Show You!

Well there is a headline today that states " Obama camp spending 3 to 1 over McCain on TV Advertising".

So what does this say to you?

To me it says this. Let me preface by saying that i DO NOT LIKE NOR WILL I VOTE for either one of the 2 major candidates. Read the name of my blog and you will get a hint as to who i am voting for.
I know some would say that this shows how Obama is serious about getting his message out.

- I would say that it shows a little character on McCains part. His voting record doesn't, but this does. It shows that he understands the value of a dollar, and the need to save for unforeseen problems. Now don't think i am giving him a green light as a candidate, because as a senator he has failed to show this same financial character. But people tend to act different with their own money than with other peoples money. But it does show some frugality when it comes to his own money.
-It also shows that the Obama camp is willing to spend like there is no tomorrow just for the sake of winning a lame duck position. I think it shows that he doesn't care to be somewhat frugal with his own money, that he will have far less restraint when it comes to our money.

- It shows that McCain and his camp would rather speak their mind in front of people instead on a TV screen through an ad. Obama would rather try to sway the people through propaganda techniques.
Now both candidates have failed to give any substantial plan on how to fix any of the problems we face, it is always about what the other candidate will not do.

But thats a little bit of what this says to me.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Raid

Well as most of you have heard. There was a raid on a Columbia Farms here in the upstate here in South Carolina. The raid happened yesterday by INS and other agencies. The took around 300 illegals into custody.

On the local media here they were interviewing some family members. One Hispanic lady was worried for her family member whom she hadn't had any contact with since he was arrested. But the one that got me was this one white lady whose boyfriend had been arrested. Her response was this (paraphrased of course), They need to think more before they just go in and arrest people, they are taking away income from families, possibly making them go on government assistance since there is less money for the family to live on.

So this is my response to this lady. SO WHAT! Don't live and rely on an illegal immigrant, and this won't happen. IF YOU ARE HERE ILLEGALLY, YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS! So to this lady, i say, you got yourself into this by being involved with someone that you knew was an illegal in this country, and that everyday there is a chance he would get caught and be deported.

Don't get me wrong. I am not against immigrants, we are all here due to immigrants. But if you come here by trying to get around the law, this is what you get. So come here by obeying the laws of this country and we will welcome you with open arms.

As for this lady, educate yourself and quit being selfish, thinking you are more important than anyone else!

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


There are a few things in this society that get my anger up. They include the way this country is run, the socialist agenda being forced on us, the whole anti-smoking campaign. But the one i am thinking about infuriates me for the simple fact that people try their hardest to force all responsibility for their action onto others.

The one i talk about is obesity. Everywhere you read or look, there is always something said about obesity. Don't eat this or you will get fat, eat this and you won't get fat. But the one that just chaps my nether region is the idea that government needs to step in and stop fast food restaurants from serving "unsafe" food, or force cereal makers to stop using Characters , or force manufacturers to put big logo's on their product to show that it is "unsafe". But who is the expert that deems these foods "unsafe".

Well today there is a report from a group that condemns the use of Characters on products. The group thinks that because these food companies use mascots, that it encourages kids to buy the product, and since they feel the products are made with too much sodium or sugar or any other item they feel threatened, this group feels that this use of mascots should be stopped.

Well let me start off by saying this. Companies use Mascots, Advertisements, Flashy packaging to catch the consumers eye and therefore increase sales. Why would they want to increase sales? Simple, to make money. A Company that doesn't make money, does exist. I know there are the ones out there that feel that any Company that makes money is an evil company (just like you hear all the time about Walmart, Microsoft, IBM, and Oil Companies). But these are the same people that would complain if they didn't have a job. Guess where jobs come from (Don't tell the politicians but it doesn't come from them), they come from companies that make money. I know that this is sacrilegious to the Socialists of today, but it is true. So companies have every right to use what ever legal means to get their name out there to increase their sales. Its economics 101, unfortunately the socialist here have tried to squash the idea. The people complaining are the same ones that would use the same advertising tactics if they owned a business.

But the more important thing to note is the fact that kids do not buy food, parents do. So even though companies do market products to younger people, this does not mean an increase in sales. Because the group being targeted have no income from which to buy things. The group that has the money is the parents.

So if kids are becoming obese in this country, barring any legitimate medical condition that might cause obesity (such as thyroid issues), it is purely the parents responsibility. If the parents do not buy sugar laden cereal, or take their children to fast food restaurants constantly for food, or allow their children to spend every waking moment in front of the TV, then guess what? You wouldn't have childhood obesity. It is purely the parents responsibility to ensure that their children grow up healthy. IT IS NOT the government's, the school's, the food manufacturers, an action group, or any one else's. It is about time for parents to be responsible adults and quit blaming every one but themselves for this problem.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well my title says it all. But you may be asking why.

Tonight, our Senate has passed the bail out package that the house failed to pass earlier this week. A bill that by itself was Unconstitutional.

But the Senate's move clearly goes against the rule set for the government. According to the law, The House of Representatives is setup to create the bills (since the House is supposed to be the closest to the American People - thus the term House of REPRESENTATIVES, they are to the true representatives of the American people. This is why they are more numerous in coverage of the State they are from.). The House is supposed to Create, Debate, and Pass or Fail the bills. If the bill passes the House, it is then passed on to the Senate.

The Senate then and only then have the ability to discuss the bill and can then vote on the bill. If it is passed in the Senate, it is then passed on to the President, who can veto or sign the bill into law. If vetoed by the President, the Senate can vote and over ride the veto if the number of votes needed are there.

So, the Constitution does not allow for the Senate to write legislation, especially legislation dealing with financial matters.

But why should the Constitution matter to the politicians in office. It is just a piece of paper, one that has no other purpose than for them to wipe their butts with. But to the American people, it is all we have. It is all that protects us. It is all that gives us any single right that we have. And as long as we sit back like mindless idiots and not fight the tyranny, we will continue to see this great document destroyed.

This bill needs to be thrown out on the grounds of being UnConstitutional. It is our right and responsibility to fight against this. No matter what the politicians think, no matter what the media thinks we should think. No is the time to take back our country.


If we don't stand for the Constitution, we will die by the government!

Like Jay Leno said - "Iraq, wants our constitution. We might as well give it to them since we don't have a use for it anymore." This is so true, and we are the only ones that can change it!

Viva Liberty!

Why Should I Have To Pay

I saw on the news this morning something that just resparks a debate in me.

This morning the mayor of Columbia, SC was on talking about the new ban taking place in his city and how this was a responsible thing to do. We said that with smoking prohibited in restaurants that this would make these places safer and make less people sick (I paraphrased on this since i do not have the actual quote in front of me). But then he went on to say that he can not wait for a ban such as this to be statewide.

As i have said before, the government does not need and should not be involved in this. Since when is the right of one group more important than the right of another group. What is happening is non-smokers feel that they have more rights being a non-smoker than smokers have. So the public is created a second class citizen out of the smoking population. Basically telling smokers that until they become like the non-smokers they can not have the rights.

But i have digressed, as i usually do with the topic of tobacco rights.

But watching this Socialist mayor (I use that term because, i feel, anyone who is hellbent on taking a right away from another is a traveller on the Socialist/Communist freight train.) sparked another phrase pushed around by the non-smoking elitests, that infuriates me. the phrase is this; Why should i have to pay for a smokers healthcare when they get cancer? You know what you shouldn't. But i mean it differently than the elites take it. The non-smoking elites take that as meaning that i agree with the rights stripping of smokers. But they are wrong. Because i believe that you shouldn't have to pay for it because there shouldn't be a system to where you pay for others. Government healthcare such as Medicare and Medicaid should be ended. You should never pay anyone elses way on anything. Everyone should take care of themselves. That way if you want to do things that others feel are harmful, those others are not on the hook to help foot the bill.

But i will say one thing in response to the Why should have to pay crowd. With the current system we have i will say this. You don't want to pay for smokers health problems. Well neither do i. But i don't want to pay for you son who fell off of a trampoline and broke his leg. I don't want to pay for your daughter who can't drive and wrecked her car. I don't want to pay for your college student who hasn't learned that binge drinking at college is not a smart thing to do. I don't want to pay for your dog who is not bright enough to know that if it chases after a car it can get hit. I don't want to help pay for any of that, but does that mean that i condone the banning of trampolines, cars, alcohol, or animals. No, Hell No!

If it is a right than let no one take it away. Smokers, i give you a call to arms. Fight back against the tyrannical elites in this country that want to tell you what to do (But heaven forbid you push through an agenda to cut out fried foods, porn, alcohol, or anything else that you may feel is harmfull that they do). Stand Up for your rights. Fight this, and I will be standing there fighting right beside you, even though i don't smoke.

A Right is something that must be fought for, even to the death, even if you don't like it or agree with it.

Stand Up America! Or Your Rights Are Next!

Viva Liberty!