Thursday, October 2, 2008


There are a few things in this society that get my anger up. They include the way this country is run, the socialist agenda being forced on us, the whole anti-smoking campaign. But the one i am thinking about infuriates me for the simple fact that people try their hardest to force all responsibility for their action onto others.

The one i talk about is obesity. Everywhere you read or look, there is always something said about obesity. Don't eat this or you will get fat, eat this and you won't get fat. But the one that just chaps my nether region is the idea that government needs to step in and stop fast food restaurants from serving "unsafe" food, or force cereal makers to stop using Characters , or force manufacturers to put big logo's on their product to show that it is "unsafe". But who is the expert that deems these foods "unsafe".

Well today there is a report from a group that condemns the use of Characters on products. The group thinks that because these food companies use mascots, that it encourages kids to buy the product, and since they feel the products are made with too much sodium or sugar or any other item they feel threatened, this group feels that this use of mascots should be stopped.

Well let me start off by saying this. Companies use Mascots, Advertisements, Flashy packaging to catch the consumers eye and therefore increase sales. Why would they want to increase sales? Simple, to make money. A Company that doesn't make money, does exist. I know there are the ones out there that feel that any Company that makes money is an evil company (just like you hear all the time about Walmart, Microsoft, IBM, and Oil Companies). But these are the same people that would complain if they didn't have a job. Guess where jobs come from (Don't tell the politicians but it doesn't come from them), they come from companies that make money. I know that this is sacrilegious to the Socialists of today, but it is true. So companies have every right to use what ever legal means to get their name out there to increase their sales. Its economics 101, unfortunately the socialist here have tried to squash the idea. The people complaining are the same ones that would use the same advertising tactics if they owned a business.

But the more important thing to note is the fact that kids do not buy food, parents do. So even though companies do market products to younger people, this does not mean an increase in sales. Because the group being targeted have no income from which to buy things. The group that has the money is the parents.

So if kids are becoming obese in this country, barring any legitimate medical condition that might cause obesity (such as thyroid issues), it is purely the parents responsibility. If the parents do not buy sugar laden cereal, or take their children to fast food restaurants constantly for food, or allow their children to spend every waking moment in front of the TV, then guess what? You wouldn't have childhood obesity. It is purely the parents responsibility to ensure that their children grow up healthy. IT IS NOT the government's, the school's, the food manufacturers, an action group, or any one else's. It is about time for parents to be responsible adults and quit blaming every one but themselves for this problem.

Viva Liberty!

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