I saw on the news this morning something that just resparks a debate in me.
This morning the mayor of Columbia, SC was on talking about the new ban taking place in his city and how this was a responsible thing to do. We said that with smoking prohibited in restaurants that this would make these places safer and make less people sick (I paraphrased on this since i do not have the actual quote in front of me). But then he went on to say that he can not wait for a ban such as this to be statewide.
As i have said before, the government does not need and should not be involved in this. Since when is the right of one group more important than the right of another group. What is happening is non-smokers feel that they have more rights being a non-smoker than smokers have. So the public is created a second class citizen out of the smoking population. Basically telling smokers that until they become like the non-smokers they can not have the rights.
But i have digressed, as i usually do with the topic of tobacco rights.
But watching this Socialist mayor (I use that term because, i feel, anyone who is hellbent on taking a right away from another is a traveller on the Socialist/Communist freight train.) sparked another phrase pushed around by the non-smoking elitests, that infuriates me. the phrase is this; Why should i have to pay for a smokers healthcare when they get cancer? You know what you shouldn't. But i mean it differently than the elites take it. The non-smoking elites take that as meaning that i agree with the rights stripping of smokers. But they are wrong. Because i believe that you shouldn't have to pay for it because there shouldn't be a system to where you pay for others. Government healthcare such as Medicare and Medicaid should be ended. You should never pay anyone elses way on anything. Everyone should take care of themselves. That way if you want to do things that others feel are harmful, those others are not on the hook to help foot the bill.
But i will say one thing in response to the Why should have to pay crowd. With the current system we have i will say this. You don't want to pay for smokers health problems. Well neither do i. But i don't want to pay for you son who fell off of a trampoline and broke his leg. I don't want to pay for your daughter who can't drive and wrecked her car. I don't want to pay for your college student who hasn't learned that binge drinking at college is not a smart thing to do. I don't want to pay for your dog who is not bright enough to know that if it chases after a car it can get hit. I don't want to help pay for any of that, but does that mean that i condone the banning of trampolines, cars, alcohol, or animals. No, Hell No!
If it is a right than let no one take it away. Smokers, i give you a call to arms. Fight back against the tyrannical elites in this country that want to tell you what to do (But heaven forbid you push through an agenda to cut out fried foods, porn, alcohol, or anything else that you may feel is harmfull that they do). Stand Up for your rights. Fight this, and I will be standing there fighting right beside you, even though i don't smoke.
A Right is something that must be fought for, even to the death, even if you don't like it or agree with it.
Stand Up America! Or Your Rights Are Next!
Viva Liberty!
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