I thought with as much as is going on here lately that i just need Rant or Vent on the current state of the affairs in this country. So i thought, what the heck, why not just do a post and combine them all into one post. So here i go.
Bob Inglis
I was informed a few days ago about the Town Hall Meeting our Politician was having in Boiling Spring by a great young lady. Unfortunately i got the dates wrong, i was planning on attending, but i thought it was next week, so i missed the event.
But to digress for a moment from my thoughts, I would like to say thank you to Victoria Garrett for letting me knowing about it and filling me in on what transpired at the meeting. Now i hope i don't
embarrass her in any way, since she doesn't know i am talking about her, but i wish we had more young people such as herself. Now a days you don't find very many Recent High School Graduates that are really concerned with the state of this country, the state of our citizens, and even the state of our rights. Victoria keep up the great work, i know it is frustrating, but worth it. Hopefully one of these days she will grace the Libertarian Party with her presence. Thanks for posting the video of the meeting - See it at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMs47TSA0M4But back to my rant. Last night this Pompous Prick of a Politician had the nerve to tell the
attendees that they needed to stop watching TV, stop watching Glenn Beck, because they are making this situation worse. Well for you Mr Inglis. When will you learn who you work for. I am personally sick of people such as yourself and some other politicians that spew this conservative speech when it is convenient, but spew the liberal mantra other times. Why don't you stand up for once. I am sick of Politicians like this jackass. I hope this pompous prick doesn't get elected the next time around.
Lindsey Graham
Wow, where do i start with this guy. First off, Is it a must to kiss up and brown nose to who ever is power? Face it, you were stuck up Bush's ass when he was in power,
putting yourself on what ever news program you could get on to spew his "Conservative" programs. I used that term loosely seeing as how we had a lot of programs got into effect during that time that stripped our rights away from us (But to conservative politicians that is
ok, because they don't agree with those rights anyway). Now with the current administration he is doing the exact same thing. Hey
Lindsey, to be frank, grow up a set and actually stand up for something on your own. But my main reason for bringing up him is because to be such a conservative, he sure was quick to vote for
Sotomayor, a person who thinks that its the judges who should be coming up with the laws, not the Legislature, which is a blatant smack in the face of the Constitution. Thanks Mr Graham for not standing up for the document that makes this country what it is. You are another one that should fear your next election.
Obama CareI think this is the biggest fiasco that i have seen come out Washington. A plan to make
health care affordable, by giving government control. When has anything become affordable by giving government control over it. This plan, from what i have read (and i must admit at 1000 pages i haven't had time to read much of it) will give the government the right to demand that you take their program if you don't have insurance (or fine you if you don't), the right to come into your house and talk with you about your parenting skills, the right to demand to see your
child's immunization records. And due to higher taxes being placed on smaller businesses, it will force these businesses to not offer insurance to their employees, which will force them to take this government care. Now with that being said, it was funny about when during the last presidents terms that we heard tons about how the Medicare system would be going bankrupt if something was not done, why was this? It was because it is managed and run by the government. Why is it that now everyone believes with a new president that it will now miraculously be run
adequately? And then on top of that where will the money come from? Middle class, regardless to what the lib's want you to believe. Majority of tax hikes are aimed at the middle class, but the politicians will beat their chest or do a dance to keep your eyes and mind away from seeing that.
I am glad to see all of the protests about this. It makes me feel good inside to see people getting off of their asses and fighting back. Unfortunately with the two main parties being of one accord, it will take politician reform before that changes (hint, hint election of other
party's such as the Libertarians!)
Government over stepping its bounds
In California a little 8 yr old girl decided to set up a Lemonade Stand to help her family raise money for a vacation. But unfortunately the overbearing government is trying to prove a lesson that they are not to be toyed with. The local government forced this little girl to shut down her lemonade stand because, get this, she did not have a permit. This is utterly ridiculous. These politicians need to grow a brain.
For those freedom fighters out there, keep up the good work. I know it is frustrating at times, and you want to give up sometimes, but keep up the fight. It is only through our work that freedom will ever have a chance to flourish in this country again.
Viva Liberty!