Thursday, August 6, 2009

Revenge of the Media Whores

Well leave it up to our Former Chief Media whore and his minions of Media Call Girls to come in and save the day.

Yesterday our former president had to come in and save the day for our nation, and our current president. Not one to let his name fall far from our ears, he had to come in and save the day for 2 Americans being held in North Korea.

I'm sure everyone knows of the story of these two women. They were 2 "reporters" that were arrested and punished in North Korea. And there has been a big push to free these two women.

But there is more then meets the eyes on this story. These women weren't simply "reporters" as our fearless media propagandist would have you believe it.

These women were working for the "Saviour" of the environment Al Gore, a media whore in his own right, especially on the Internet he created. I have not found an actual reason for why they went (the media will probably never let it out if it were nefarious). These women, contrary to popular belief, actually snuck across the border into North Korea. And not only did they knowingly sneak across the border into the country, they filmed the entire process. So these women were knowingly breaking laws in the process of whatever they were doing.

So these women, in my opinion, deserved the punishment they received, seeing as that is the punishment for such a crime. I wish once our politicians leave office that they would leave the public eye. But unfortunately our recent politicians will whore themselves out to whatever media outlet for whatever reason possible. Anything to keep themselves in the public eye.

If you go to another country and knowingly break their laws, you deserve whatever punishment you get. And our government should break its back trying to get you freed!

Viva Liberty!

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