Sunday, April 27, 2008

Calling for Assistance

Well as most of you know the news these days have been rather slow news days. Each days headlines are pretty much a regurgitation of the story's from the day before. Also most of my blog entries here are based on the headlines of the day, it just makes sense to do so because "the now" are what most people are concerned about. I refuse to regurgitate my same thoughts over and over on the same topic. I don't mind blogging on the same topic if it deals with the a different part of the topic that i might not have dealt with fully with before. Anyways, i would like for some topics to write on. So please send me your topics of interest, or if you want to do a guest post just send it to me and i might put it up if it fits in with the other types of items. The only thing i ask is that it deal with politics.

Viva Liberty!

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