Sunday, April 20, 2008

Slippery Slope of Societal Norms

Now i want to start off saying that my intent here is to not slam the Christian Faith, I am part of this faith. But i will be a little critical of some Christians and their attitudes of closed mindedness toward others.

Now i want to remind these Christians of the Societal Norms and government of the Ancient Romans. During this time, Christians were persecuted by the government because they were not understood and did not fit the societal normal behavior. Because of this, many religious leaders were falsely imprisoned and put to death for their beliefs, for the basic reason that they were a misunderstood minority.

Skip ahead to recent history. Now today we have Christianity intertwined in our Constitution, and alot of our laws. Why, some may ask? It is because in this country it is the Society Norm.

The only problem with that is this. The people in the Societal Norm tend to push their beliefs on those without. And can alienate the minority. The other problem is that Societal Norms are constantly changing and evolving. So what was the Societal Norm in the 1930's are not the same as the Societal Norm of today.

Now today i feel that those in the majority of the Societal Norm can and do pass laws against those that aren't. Basically, in a small way, persecuting the minority for their beliefs. Whether it be for Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Polygamy, Smoking, Gambling, or any of the litany of other things.
Just remember that the times will change, and if history does nothing else it will change. Now with change comes the altering of Societal Norms. What will happen when the Norms change to the point to where the Christians are once again in the minority. ? What will happen then? Who will guard the freedoms of you?

Remember that just because we do not agree with someone or their beliefs, it is their constitutional right to have those beliefs. It is like i believe Benjamin Franklin said (paraphrased): I might not agree with what you have to say, but i will fight to the death for your right to say it! Pretty strong words.

We must be considerate of others beliefs. I mean some Christians forget the golden rule when it comes to this subject. Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you! If you don't want others taking away your rights, don't take them away from them!

Viva Liberty!

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