Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Getting Ready for the Backlash

I already anticipate to get alot of heat from some readers for this post. But i have to say what i have to say, and stand up for the rights of our citizens, even if they don't want to stand up, and even if people don't agree. We all have the freedom of speech, regardless to if we agree with the speech or not.

Well alright, now i will unleash the floodgates.

I'm sure we have all heard today about the young man in Chesterfield, SC that was arrested over the weekend for plotting to blow up his school. For those that haven't heard, his parents turned him in after a 10lb package of Ammonium Nitrate arrived at their house. Ammonium Nitrate is used as a fertilizer, but also, more sinisterly used to create bombs, such as the one used in Oklahoma City. Now when the police responded, they found a diary that talked about his plans to create another Columbine.

Now he is sitting in jail, on charges of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, facing a possible life sentence.

Now i would like to say kudos to the parents for stepping up and helping to keep this terrible tragedy from becoming a reality.

However i think the road that the authorities are taking are wrong. This young man did have a terrible plan that he wanted to execute. I do not deny this one bit, and i think that is why most people will side with punishing him as much as possible. The problem i have is this, it is illegal to put some one on trial for planning on doing something. If i plan to speed, is that a reason to give me a ticket. In these situations i agree that something needs to be done to stop these problems from happening, but locking people up for something they were planning is not the answer. This creates a situation where if you are thought to have been thinking of planning something like this, then you could be punished for it.

I think people need not rush to judgment on items such as this and think of what alternatives could be taken without government involvement. When government gets involved more rights are lost.

It seems to me that more work needs to done by parents to help ensure that these problems don't keep arising. Communication is key.

Viva Liberty!

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