Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Freedom On Life Support

With the upcoming election right around the corner, it seems that our basic freedoms given to us by the Constitution is in jeopardy. The socialist leaning Democratic party is already putting a plan together to start stripping rights in the event that they win the election.

They are already planning to implement the long gone Fairness Doctrine. A policy that will force television, radio, and the web to give differing viewpoints. I feel that this is a horrendous stomping on our rights. No where in the Constitution is it stated that we have the Freedom to listen to opposing speech. It gives us the right to free speech. This policy will do nothing but limit free speech in every aspect of our life, mainly through force legal wrangling by forces that oppose the things you say.

It is time that we stand up and demand our rights and fight for them. No one else will. We have to fight against these socialist demons that are trying to pull the plug on the life support to our Constitution. Life support that they have put it on.

Viva Liberty!


Anonymous said...


Jello Biafra once said, "Libertarians are just Republicans that smoke pot."

Is that true?

I hope so.

Your friend,

Jamie A. Steele said...

I believe it is very short sighted to say that Libertarians are just Republicans that smoke pot. Libertarians are neither Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal. Libertarians are devoted to the preservation of our rights as our forefathers wanted.
Libertarians true are for the legalizing or decriminalization or drugs. That is mainly due to taking the criminal element out of it along with getting the majority of the prison population off of the taxpayers wallet. Lets face it the majority of drug related incarcerations are of drug users not the dealers.
Libertarians are for peoples constitutional rights, no matter if i personally agree with them or not. If it is a constitutional right, the we have to fight for it.
This is just a snippet of what a Libertarian is.