Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Interesting Thing to Find

I was down at the Spartanburg County Courthouse on Friday. I know for most people, when you mention this fact you can get some pretty interesting reactions. But then when you tell them it was for Political Purposes, you can get some funny looks.
Most don't have any clue why anyone would want to fight in the realm of politics in this country. But what they don't realize is this, If it weren't for people willing to fight in the realm of Politics, this country would never exist. It is all fine and great to vote in this country. But when all that your activism consists of is voting, not much really changes in this country. If it does change, its generally for the worse. Which is part of the reason why this country is in the mess its in now. Most people are fearful to get out of the comfort of their homes to get in the trenches to fight for what they feel is right. To me there is nothing that feels better or fulfilling then to fight for something much bigger than myself. And every ones rights and freedoms are definitely worth fighting for. I would rather find myself as a casualty of war in the political war on rights and freedoms, then to sit in comfort complaining at how screwed up this country is. If you are complaining about it, THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Either getup and fight to change it, or shut the hell up.
Sorry, I have digressed a bit.
But like i said, i went to the courthouse to the Clerk of Courts, to get some paperwork stamped and placed into public record. You really get raised eyes when you mention to people that you went to the Clerk of Court's office and it was not to pay child support.
But while i was in there i noticed a framed picture on the wall. It was titled "Famous Flags from History". It was a pretty interesting picture. It had the Stars and Stripes, the Confederate flag, then allot of other flags. But one i found interestingly missing was the Gadsden Flag. Now most do not recall this flag, but it is one of the greatest to me and my fellow Libertarian Patriots.
I found this interesting.

Why would the government find it necessary to try to hide this famous flag? It might be because the meaning of this flag represented the fight against an empirical government. One that we fought against in the Revolutionary War, only to see the same thing 200 years later. So the government thinks that if squashes this emblem, that we won't have a symbol to fight under against them. Boy are they ever wrong.

Keep up the fight, and fly the Gadsden Flag at all times.

Viva Liberty!

1 comment:

Jason said...

This is a very interesting blog that you have here. It's important that their are blogs out there who hold a very strong opinion towards certain issues.

I have a site myself where anyone can freely express their opinion towards controversial issues. I'm telling you this because I believe that you can provide others with some valuable insight towards some issues.

Keep up the good work, and maybe we can do a link exchange.
