Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who's policing the police?

I had an incidence today that made me think. On my way home i had one of south carolina's finest behind me. It was a State Trooper. So while he's behind me i am keeping constant look at my speedometer to make sure that i don't go over the 50 mph speed limit. For me, while i am getting into the political scene with the Libertarian Party, i feel that it is paramount as a representative of this great party that i keep and maintain all laws even if i don't agree with them. However as this fine officer (which is what i think of all law enforcement officers unless they prove that otherwise, i mean they deserve the same respect that the military deserves because they lay their life on the line everyday for us) is behind me, he takes off well in excess of the LEGAL speed limit to pass by me on a double yellow line. This made me think. Shouldn't all members of this society be held accountable to the same laws on the same level. Why should the ones enforcing the law think they are above the law? It is time that the law enforcement officers of this nation (of whom we employ since their salaries are paid by our taxes) be held to account for failing to abide by the same laws they are sworn to uphold.

The more i think about it, the more i realize it is the same for all forms and areas of government. They take the masses as mindless idiots, who are on strings for them to pull just like the fictional Godfather Vito Corleone. Actually shouldn't it be the people pulling the string of the politicians, instead of the other way around. It's time to rise up and hold the feet of those in power to the fire of the Constitution.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."
- Ronald Reagan

"At the end of a century that has seen the evils of communism, Nazism and other modern tyrannies,the impulse to centralize power remains amazingly persistent."
- Joseph Sobran

"The most unresolved problem of the day is precisely the problem that concerned the founders of this nation:how to limit the scope and power of government.Tyranny, restrictions on human freedom,come primarily from governmental restrictions that we ourselves have set up."
- Milton Friedman

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Global Warming Farce

It seems kind of funny to me. Here in the recent past there has been enormous amounts of talk of Global Warming. Al Gore has told us on 2 different occasions some mere 20 years apart that the earth had 20 years to reverse its actions or it would destroy itself by global warming. Its also funny that on the media today, all we hear about is the fear mongers side of what catastrophys lay ahead for us. However the dissenting view point is pushed off as being out of date people that don't want to face the facts. What is hilarious to me is that the 2 most recent incidences where Washington was to hold a Congressional Summit on Global Warming it was cancelled both times because of heavy snow. The last one (December 2007) doesn't surprise me or many others because it was in the Winter, however the first one (September 2007) wasn't even in fall and yet it was cancelled due to snow. Funny isn't it.

Today i saw an article about how the earth temperatures have actually fallen during this winter season. It has fallen enough to make up for the warming the earth temperature has done in the last 100 years. Where are the global warming mongers now? During this past winter things have changed so much that China has had the coldest winter in over 100 years, North America has had more snow coverage than in the last 50 years, Baghdad has had snow for the first time in recorded history, and record levels of Artic Sea Ice forming.

These figures are coming from not 1 temperature monitoring services, but 4.

Once again the government (and our elected representatives) are shown another example of how they are not worthy of our trust and support. Once again, just because they think they know, they think you should fall in line and believe. They also believe that if you do not agree with them, then you must be more of an idiot than they thought you were. It is numerous examples just as this that points to the citizens of this nation standing up and reclaiming this country once again, just like our Forefathers did.

Viva Liberty!

Health Care

There is a crisis of untold proportions in this country dealing with health care. You have the cost of individuals healthcare rising at an astonishing rate. Even with insurance coverage it is too much for some people to afford. I got an email today for a bill going before Congress that would help take away this burden. The bill is sponsored by Ron Paul.

But first a little behind the crisis coverage. Today the government pays or provides coverage for nearly half of the population in this country. Let me remind you that this is the same government that fails miserably at every "program" they put our money into. Take this 50% of the population and add in the private insurance companies that lobby in Washington. You basically have probably 90% of the population falls into one of these 2 groups. So what you have are the government and private insurance companys that tell health care providers what they are going to pay. What does that mean? Well if the government and private insurance tell the health care providers what they will pay, who pays the rest? We do, this is why it costs so much to see a doctor or go to the hospital, even after your insurance. The current system ties the health care you need to either A) the government or B) your employer. Ask yourself who is looking out for you in this?

Healthcare needs to be set on a free market system. Then and only then will the prices come down. Once government and private healthcare get out of it, there will be a dramatic drop in cost. You may be asking yourself, How is this possible? One example. Lasik Eye Surgery. Lasik Eye Surgery is not currently covered by private health care systems or the government systems. However according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (think about it, a government agency that is actually giving proof against a government program and ideology. i will pause while you pick yourself up off of the floor.......) the price for Lasik Eye Surgery in 1999 was $2106 and in 2004 it was $1626. Now during this time the cost of procedure went down while the quality of the procedure actually went up. Hmm Sounds like Capitalism at work here (wonder how long it takes the government to come in and take over).

But i digress, the Bill by Ron Paul is called the "Comprehensive Healthcare Reform" (H.R. 3343). In it Mr Paul brings forth some good solutions to the problem (i know, i know a politician being part of the solution instead of part of the problem, It's Unheard Of), Here are a few:
- Give a complete refund on your taxes for every penny spent on your medical care (even insurance)
- Lift any legality that would allow to deposit the money you spend on insurance into a Health Savings Account. Basically making you the controller of your health care.
- Would give the right to gain interest off of the Health Savings Account, and use the money (tax free) how you see fit.

Think about it under this system, the doctors, hospitals, ect would work for you ( Not the government, not the insurance companies, and in turn not your employer, but you!).

This would put the control back in your hands. You could go to whatever doctor you see fit, hospital you see fit, thus creating true competition in the health care market. When ever you have competition you will also have lower prices and better quality.

I implore you to contact your Congressman/Congresswoman and demand that they vote for this bill. After all they do work for you.

Viva Libery!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Inflation Tax

This is an email i received from Check them out, they have alot good information.

End the Inflation Tax

The Benefits: Success for this campaign would help bring an eventual end to inflation, which is a hidden tax the government uses to pay some of its bills, and to transfer wealth from you to others. If we can stop government caused inflation your money will start to buy more and more as the economy grows, instead of less and less, as it does today. Ending inflation would also put an end to bubbles and booms, and the recessions they cause.

Congressman Ron Paul has introduced two bills that could bring the above benefits.

His 15-word "Honest Money Act" (HR 2756) would repeal the 41-word legal tender law, while his 104 word "Free Competition in Currency Act" (HR 4683) would repeal the 69 words of Title 18 Section 489. The legal tender law gives the Federal Reserve a monopoly over the money supply, while Title 18 Section 489 gives the United States government a monopoly over the creation of coins for use as currency.

You can read the full text of both bills, as well as the full text of the existing laws they would repeal, using the Background tab at the top of this page.

If you're well versed in economics you may already know why these simple changes could help end both inflation and recessions. If so, you can ask your elected representatives to cosponsor both HR 2756 and HR 4683 right at the bottom of this page.

If you don't know the significance of repealing the legal tender law and the coinage monopoly, or you're looking for good talking points to use your in your message to Congress, an explanation follows . . .

The Legal Tender Law Creates a Monopoly

Every paper dollar you own carries the words "Federal Reserve Note" (FRN). This means they were issued by the Federal Reserve System (Fed), a national bank created by Congress. The legal tender law gives the Fed monopoly control over what you use for money.

When a currency is legal tender you are legally compelled to accept it in payment for debts, even if you've made a contract to be paid in some other currency or commodity, such as gold. Repealing the legal tender law, and Title 18 Section 489, would free you to use, other currencies, gold, silver, or all of them at the same time, including FRNs.

If this seems like a strange new world to you, please realize that you already live in this world to a certain extent.

When you check-out at a store you can already pay using cash, check, debit card, or credit card, and you probably also have a number of different accounts you use for various purposes. Repealing the legal tender monopoly would simply give you more choices.

How the FRN Monopoly Works

Choice is good because it allows competition. Monopoly is bad because it leads to price fixing. Monopoly control over what people use for money provides the greatest price-fixing power of all, because it impacts ALL of your economic transactions. The Fed can manipulate the price of absolutely everything, by increasing the number of circulating dollars (inflation), or by decreasing them (deflation).

You already know what it means when counterfeiters inflate the money supply. They use their fake money to get something for nothing, taking wealth from others without creating any wealth of their own. It's a form of stealing. But the long-term consequences of counterfeiting are even worse than the initial theft . . .

If the counterfeit dollars were allowed to stay in the economy, instead of gradually being removed from circulation, the result would be an ever-growing inflation of the money supply. This inflation would trick businesses into making a disastrous mistake . . .

If you were a widget maker you would see an increased demand for your widgets because of the extra dollars pumped into the economy by the counterfeiters. This sense of increased demand and increased wealth would be the "bubble," or "boom," that always follows an inflation of the money supply.

Your widgets would start to fly off the shelves faster than you could make them. You would have to increase prices to maintain inventories and invest in new production to meet the increased demand. But this increased demand would be an illusion, because . . .

Everyone else would raise their prices too, for the same reasons. Rising prices would remove the perception of increased wealth, and soak up the extra spending power created by the counterfeit dollars. This would cause the demand for your widgets to shrink back to its old level, but with a wicked twist . . .

The increased inventories and expanded production capacity you created in response to the inflationary boom would turn out not to be needed. Your widgets would start to gather dust on the shelf and you would have trouble paying your bills. The result?

You would lay-off recently hired employees and close your recently expanded production facilities.

First came the inflationary boom, or bubble, and then the bust, or recession.

Extra FRNs created by the Fed work exactly the same as extra FRNs created by counterfeiters. They allow those who get the dollars first to get something for nothing, followed by a boom, and then a bust.

The Fed has numerous ways to create new FRNs out of thin air. Economists cloud these methods in complicated jargon, and the talking heads on TV make it all sound perfectly normal and even necessary, but the result is exactly the same as with illegal counterfeiting.

The government uses some of the new Fed-created dollars to get something for nothing, paying some of its bills with the new money before the monetary inflation has time to raise prices. You pay the bill later through the resulting price increases and the economic recession that follows. Monetary inflation is simply a hidden tax.

Given the above explanation it should come as no surprise that the greatest boom and bust in American history happened immediately following the Fed's birth in 1913. Fed inflation put the inflationary "roar" in the "Roaring Twenties" followed by the biggest bust ever, the Great Depression.

All past inflations, booms, and busts were created through essentially the same process, including the recent stock market and housing bubbles. The Fed is simply the government's latest-and-greatest tool for legalized counterfeiting.

How You Can End This Con-game

Imagine what would happen if FRNs had to compete with gold, a form of money that can't be significantly inflated or deflated because of its scarcity and durability. . .
  • People would begin to have gold accounts that they would use to buy and sell. The ownership of the gold would be transferred back and forth using checks, debit cards, paper certificates (currency), and a few coins, just like with FRNs.
  • When you went shopping you would start to see two prices, one in FRNs and one in a certain weight of gold.
  • If the Fed inflated the number of FRNs you would see the FRN prices rise while the gold price would stay roughly the same.
  • You would begin to prefer to pay the gold price, so you would want to be paid in gold too.
  • How could the Fed stop the flight to gold? Only one way. Stop inflating the number of FRNs.

Congressman Paul has hit upon the easiest way to end inflation, and the booms and busts that follow in its wake. Simply repeal the legal tender monopoly enjoyed by FRNs, and the coinage monopoly held by the United States government. Allow monetary competition. Not only would this help to end inflation and recessions, it would also limit the ability of politicians to hide the true cost of government through the inflation tax. But that's not all . . .

Forcing FRNs to compete with gold would also confer one other benefit. Over time the prices you pay will tend to fall as increases in economic efficiency (for example, technological improvements) lower the cost of production and increase the supply of goods and services. A stable money supply tends to become more valuable over time, unlike an inflationary currency that constantly loses value.

To gain the benefits of monetary competition please use the form below to urge your elected representatives to co-sponsor "The Honest Money Act" and the "Free Competition in Currency Act."

  • Use the information in this introductory material to craft your own, unique message. Personalized messages are worth more than form messages. We've made this as simple as possible for you, but we can't BE you.
  • If you've used our Congressional Contact System before just enter your user email address and password, and hit GO. You'll be taken to a screen where you can add your own comments to the message to your elected representatives.
  • If you're using our Congressional Contact System for the first time, please fill out the form for new users. This information is used to direct your message to the correct Senators. Please provide your own password. Do not let the system create one for you. Remember your password. It will allow you to use our system easily in the future for other issues. Please use an email address you check regularly so you can receive our free email newsletter, the Downsizer Dispatch, and stay up to date on Congressional actions.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Inaugural Address of the Past from a Forefather

".....Let us, then, with courage and confidence pursue our own federal and republican principles, our attachment to our union and representative government. . . . Entertaining a due sense of our equal right to the use of our own faculties, to the acquisitions of our industry, to honor and confidence from our fellow citizens, resulting not from birth but from our actions and their sense of them; enlightened by a benign religion, professed, indeed, and practiced in various forms, yet all of them including honesty, truth, temperance, gratitude, and the love of man; acknowledging and adoring an overruling Providence, which by all its dispensations proves that it delights in the happiness of man here and his greater happiness hereafter; with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and prosperous people? Still one more thing, fellow citizens - a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities."

Thomas Jefferson
First Inaugural Address
March 4, 1801

He words it perfectly. What more can i add?

Viva Liberty!

Movie Quote

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

This is from the Motion Picture V For Vendetta.

This is so very true. Two reasons why the government is the way it is today is because
1) The politicians think that the citizens are stupid, and
2) The politicians fear us.

This explains why our rights over the past 100 years have been continuously eroded out from under us. The fear the government has for us has made them think that taking our guns, money, and our rights will make us less of a threat. Their thinking is that if they make us completely dependent on their programs we will be less of a threat. I pray for the day when the great citizens of this great nation stand up and demand our rights back, and TRULY make the government fear us.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Party

After showing my response to The Editor to a colleague. He made the comment that i was going to piss some people off and they may want to come after me for ruffling feathers. I trust his opinion but his words sparked some thought. I started to think, you know what, what IF what i say DOES ruffle some feathers? I say bring it on. If my beliefs put me on the radar of others, because what i say scares them because of its truthfulness, so be it. Now i am not saying what i am saying to get a rise out of people. I am no where close to being that type of person. But when you believe in something so strongly that you want to pass it on to everyone, you're going to ruffle some feathers. I believe whole-heartedly that the forefathers knew exactly what freedoms that the people of this country needed and wanted, thats why the Constitution is so important to us. It guarantees our rights and freedoms. It limits GOVERNMENT not the PEOPLE. However the people of this nation have had these rights eroded slowly from us. And most people don't even realize it. People have been conditioned to believe that the politicians know what they need better than they do, when every program that the government runs fails miserably! Government has done nothing but corrupt itself to the core. In the process, it has expanded itself beyond what is fathomable. I believe that the Libertarian Party is the answer to this problem. Only until the Libertarians get in power will these problems even remotely begin to get better.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, February 22, 2008

No Child Left Behind - Football Style

A friend sent this to me and it makes perfect sense. I don't know who wrote this, so i can't give the author his due credit. But to the one who wrote it - Bravo!

A great Allegorical description of the way the Feds are trying to run our schools.
No Child Left Behind - Football Version

The football version of what is going on in education right now. (If you're not an educator, this may not make a lot of sense to you. But send it to your friends who are in education. They will love it!)
For all educators in and out of the education system:
1. All teams must make the state playoffs and all MUST win the championship. If a team does not win the championship, they will be on probation until they are the champions, and coaches will be held accountable. If after two years they have not won the championship their footballs and equipment will be taken away UNTIL they do win the championship.
2. All kids will be expected to have the same football skills at the same time, even if they do not have the same conditions or opportunities to practice on their own. NO exceptions will be made for lack of interest in football, a desire to perform athletically, or genetic abilities or disabilities of themselves or their parents. ALL KIDS WILL PLAY FOOTBALL AT A PROFICIENT LEVEL!
3. Talented players will be asked to workout on their own, without instruction. This is because the coaches will be using all their instructional time with the athletes who aren't interested in football, have limited athletic ability or whose parents don't like football.
4. Games will be played year round, but statistics will only be kept in the 4th, 8th, and 11th game. This will create a New Age of Sports where every school is expected to have the same level of talent and all teams will reach the same minimum goals. If no child gets ahead, then no child gets left behind. If parents do not like this new law, they are encouraged to vote for vouchers and support private schools that can screen out the non-athletes and prevent their children from having to go to school with bad football players.

Viva Liberty!

Letter To The Editor - Educate Yourself

The following is a response to the Letter to the Editorial(Click Link To See)

Educate Yourself

I would like to respond to Mr Davies Letter on Friday about the public school system. The public school system is a travesty beyond all measure. The No Child Left Behind has done just that, left millions of children behind. Children in the public school system today will enter a world that they are not prepared for, simply because the government thinks they know what the children of this great country need to learn (how they need to learn) better than the parents do. The parents of the children have to go with what the government tells them, or spend their own hard earned money to send them to a private school to get the skills that they need, not to mention still pay taxes for the very schools that they pulled their children from. It is time for government to get out of the school business and let private "accountable" schools teach the children. Then, and only then, will parents have a true say in their children's education. Also if the schools are private, then a parent will truly have the right to put their children in a school of the parent's choice not the government's choice, and not have to worry about paying taxes for a school that they don't care to be using. Teachers in a privatized system will be paid better, have more rights, less bureaucracy, less red tape, and less vanishing promises by government officials, letting them focus what truly matters, The Children. Remember the government can not effectively run your local DMV office, yet we believe they can run our schools. Furthermore it is broke so we must fix it! The only political party that has a true solution to this ( not simply putting bandages on the wound ) is the Libertarian Party.

Viva Liberty!

Letter To The Editor - Political Infidelity

Political Infidelity

These days there are so many different meanings to the word Infidelity. However the one that stands out the most to me is Any violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of a relationship. These are very true of the political landscape within our country today. Within the Constitution are written the mutually agreed upon rules of our government. However on almost a daily basis it seems our elected officials are usurping the authority given to them to continuously chip away at our rights. Government has given themselves the right to spy on our activity at home, tell us what schools our children should attend, the amount of taxes we should pay, what programs we should fund, and soon enough what healthcare we should have. It is unfortunately getting to the point where the few (the “elected” ones) think that they know how to run your life better than you do.
Well I feel it is time for a change (unlike a change being talked about by the current candidates in Washington). It is time for a TRUE change. One where people truly have a voice, one where people get to decide for themselves what is best for them as long as it doesn’t harm another persons rights, one where the government is small, the taxes are smaller, and one where the Constitution of this great nation actually means something. If you want to be part of this change, look no further than the party of personal rights and liberty. The Libertarian Party.

Viva Liberty!

My First Post.

I want to start off by saying that this blog was created and maintained for the continued memory of Jenni Messel. Jenni was a great advocate of many things especially Libertarianism and the awareness of PH (Pulmonary Hypertension) the disease that eventually that took her life. I'm just sorry we lost touch over the years, even though she was like a sister to me during the teen years. I do take solace in getting back to know her the last few months of her life. I just hope i can follow her lead and continue on the cause of which she started. May you truly rest in peace. You will be missed.

Viva Liberty!