Monday, June 30, 2008

Question for the Anti-Gunners

I like to pose questions to those with different viewpoints from time to time. Mainly just to get them to think differently on a subject. Not to really with the goal of changing their mind, but give them a different thought process on a subject. So in this tradition i will ask some questions for the Anti 2nd Amendment Crowd (Which i believe that if you feel there should be regulations of any type or if you feel that guns should be outlawed, your part of this crowd):

If a child fall out of a tree, should all tree be outlawed?
If a child breaks an arm falling off of a bike, should bikes be outlawed?
If a person cuts themselves with a knife, should knives be outlawed?

You are probably saying to yourself No! That would be ridiculous because these problems only effect a few, not enough to justify be outlawing them altogether. Am I right, i believe i am but here are a few more for you to ponder.

If a person strangles another to death with his bare hands, should hands be cut off to prevent it from happening?
If a drunk driver kills another person while in a car, should cars be outlawed?

Again you are probably saying the same answer for these as you are the previous questions. The majority shouldn't be punished for the actions of the few.

Why then would you answer differently to the question on the right to own and protect yourself with guns?

You can not punish all of the people for something that few people do. The last time i looked, guns do not go around looking for people to shoot do they? No, they are guns, people shoot guns, not the other way around. More and more people die each year from legal means (car wrecks, home accidents, legal drugs, natural means, etc) than do from Gun Crimes, Illegal Drugs, and Drunk Drivers, but why is it that the illegal ones get all of the play.

We as American Citizens of this great country need to get back to where we are standing up for the Constitution that PROTECTS US at all cost, regardless of if we agree with it or not.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Don't Tell the Proponents Of The Drug War

For decades we have all been bombarded with the information of the dangers of Narcotic Drugs. I remember back to the "This is your brain on drugs" commercial ad days. I also remember all the Stay Off Drug Campaigns in school. But the only drugs talked about on those, and on most of the bombardment, is Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroine, PCP, Acid, LSD, etc. Even in some circumstances Tobacco and Alcohol is thrown in there with it.

But in any of these, has it been noted about the Prescription Drugs. No, since prescription drugs are prescribed by a Doctor (and common believed to be safer) none of these have ever thought of to be dangerous.

Well i just read an article from a few weeks back, originally in NY Times, that never got the time of day due to it not being information that the mongers from the War On Drug division of the federal government wants anyone to hear.

The information is this. In Florida, where this report comes from, they studied the total number of death and where the deaths came from. Here is part of the report:

"The Florida report analyzed 168,900 deaths statewide. Cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines caused 989 deaths, it found, while legal opioids — strong painkillers in brand-name drugs like Vicodin and OxyContin — caused 2,328."
"The study also found that while the number of people who died with heroin in their bodies increased 14 percent in 2007, to 110, deaths related to the opioid oxycodone increased 36 percent, to 1,253."

This information is quite interesting. While our government spend Billions of our tax dollars on a a failed war on illegal drugs (drugs that the almighty politicians deem as illegal), they turn their eyes to a bigger problem then the one they are fighting. Florida has more death from legal drugs than they do from illegal (at a rate of 2.5 to 1).

Like i said, the only thing that separates a drug from being illegal or legal is a group on numb-skull politicians. I have to ask this question: Which is worse, an all natural drug that does have addiction issues that are deemed illegal, or an un-natural substance made by man that has numerous side-effects and major issues of addiction and death? Now i know, some of you are cursing me for my viewpoint, but ponder this. Heroine is illegal, as you know. It is addictive, as you know. But what legal substance are you given to get off of it? Methidone, if you don't know, methidone is an alternative to heroine used to lessen the effects of the addiction. However methidone is many times more addictive than Heroine ever could be. Why is Methidone legal, while Heroine is not, when Methidone is more addictive and has more adverse effects.

Now for those of you that have looked up and studied the ideals of the Libertarians, know that we believe in the legalization or at least De-criminalization or Illegal drugs. We believe that by doing this, Less people would be in Jail (and actually being productive citizens), Crime would drop (just like happened once Prohibition was lifted in the 1930's), addicts would be more likely to get the help that they need (because the stigma that exists now, would no longer exist). And perhaps, just perhaps, there would be less need for Prescribed drugs that have dangerous side-effects, because there would be other more natural substances to help people deal with problems in their lifein a regulated form(for the record, i don't advocate the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs to help deal with stress, but some people do).

Viva Liberty!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here They Go Again... Pressing the Empirical Agenda

Now while i believe that a legal trustworthy election system is paramount to a trustworthy government, this next topic is a slippery slope, and you have to be careful as to how it is handled.

If you find that your countries election's system is flawed it I would implore you as a citizen of said country to fight back to make it a trustworthy process that upholds the countries Constitution and serves for the public good.

So in the news right now is Zimbabwe's sham of an election. Basically, the man in power is campaigning for the "president" position in the country, he is actually the incumbent in the office. However there is a growing opposition party that is trying to rig the government of its corruption under the current leader. The opposition leader recently dropped out of the race due to violence on members of the opposition party, and death threats on his own life. With no other people running for the office. It means that the incumbent will win the post without opposition.

This has cause a major international uproar over the illegitimate election system in that country. Our own country has joined in the international outcry.

However, today i read that our president is calling for sanctions against the country of Zimbabwe to punish the president of Zimbabwe. I do not agree with this mentality.

The reason i do not agree with rhetoric and mentality is this. We as a nation have enough problems to get involved in others, yet this government believes it is their responsibility to police the world, but they do not like it when they are policed and spoken badly about. It is this type of empirical thinking that continues to have adverse effects on this country.

Why are we HATED in the Middle East, Venezuela, China, Vietnam, Korea, Russia, and other countries? Why are we disliked in France, Germany, Mexico, South Americans Countries, and other countries? Because we will side track a countries sovereignty if we believe that it doesn't match our own empirical view of how things should be.

We currently have sanctions against Darfur, Iran, Korea, China, Cuba, etc for no other reason than we do not agree with their policies. It is their job to create policies for their country not ours. At the drop of the hat we will punish a country for not adhering to the utopia that we believe they should have, but we are also the same ones that will cry to the heavens if another country (or United Nations) even talk about doing such a thing to us.

We need to stop this distructive set of foriegn policies, and put our focus on the things here at home. We need to get back to the policies this country had back over 100 years ago. We need to let other countries deal with their own problems, while we deal with our own.

Now don't get me wrong. Don't think that i feel we should turn our back on the other countries of this world. I feel that if we are asked for help, a true help (such as huminatarian help) we should meet the need. But if a countries elections are a sham, the people should stand up and hold the ones in power accountable (just like the French did with the French Revolution).

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I am going to piss someone off with this

I know going in to this, that what i am going to say is going to really piss some people off Some of you will think i am off of my rocker. But hopefully i will state my claim clear enough to convey my reasons for coming to this conclusion.

Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled against the state laws that say that Convicted Pedofiles can be given the death penalty and executed. The main for the ruling is that it is forbidden by the Constitution due to cruel and unusual punishment based on the crime. I agree with this ruling.

One of the reasons i agree is this. Punishment should be given as a way to make people accountable for their actions, however it should also be used as a way to deter other people from committing such crimes (why did Ancient Romans punish people by making them ward off lions and tigers in the arena for people to watch? Why did people 500 years ago have public hangings for murderers? To punish and deter, making a punishment a public spectacle detered others from committing the same acts).

So the death penalty should be a punishment reflective of the crime committed. If a life was taken in the crime, a life should be taken as the punishment (this could be taken as a slippery slope, so i will clarify, this is not for crimes involving the unintentional taking of life, only for crimes where the person intended to take a persons life) . I will take this a little further and say that the death penalty should be taken for any crime dealing with the premeditated taking of another life. I also believe that the process should be a short one, not one where the convict sits in prison for 10 years or more until the punishment is enacted.

Punishment in this country is currently a big joke. There is no deterent for people thinking of committing the crimes. But the punishment must fit the crime. For example, a proven convicted murderer should not be let off on probation, or a person stealing a head of lettuce from the local grocery store should not be given the death penalty for their crime.

So Convicted Pedophiles should be punished, severely. I believe it is truely a reprehensible crime that needs to be addressed, severely. However i think putting them to death is not the answer to the problem. Just as the death penalty is not a deterent for homicidal crime, it also will not deter these crimes. We need to address the reasons for the crimes, and punish based upon that. If it means a punishment such as public castration (if that were deemed Constitutional) to deter these crimes, that would be what needed to happen.

I believe that public humiliation is probably the best deterrent to any crime. Face it, we as humans literally hate to be humiliated for any reason. So if people know going into to commit a crime, that public humiliation will be the punishment, the amount of crime will substantially drop.

So i praise the Supreme Court for their decision. Because even convicted citizens are protected under the same constitution as the non convicted citizens.

Viva Liberty!

Hoorah! They got this one right!

The Supreme Court came back with a decision today, that upholds the Constitution. they heard a case about a gun restriction in DC that doesn't allow for citizens to carry weapons. They agreed with the Constitution that it is a Constitutional Right in this country to own weapons.

The story behind this case is this. A 68 year old security guard was allowed to carry on the job, but not allowed to carry a weapon when not at work. He tried to apply for a Concealed weapons permit, but a 27 year old law prohibited it. The original law was put in place to counteract violence and crime in the streets of the nations capital. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened once the law took effect. Over the duration of this law, crime in the capital has grown astronomically, and violent crimes spiked greatly.

But why is this, since less weapons should mean less crime. The well intentioned people that create laws fail to take a simple fact when determining these laws. When you take the right to bear arms away, you are only taking the right away from the lawful owners. The law has no effect on people who get their guns illegally. So what you end up with are the only people with guns are the criminals. And the law abiding citizens are left with no means to protect themselves.

So i say hoorah to the Supreme Court for upholding this great Constitution of ours. I just wish that we could fully apply the constitution on this matter. It is still forbidden for convicted persons to own weapons. I feel that if you are not convicted of a violent or weapons related crime, that you should be able to gain the right to own weapons back. I mean if you are convicted of DUI and they take your license from you, you still have the right to get your license back after a series of events have taken place ( such as serving your time, then allowing a span of time to pass with no other incidences). It should be this way for person convicted in this country.
DUI convicts get a second chance to drive again, should convicts and their weapons rights?

Now we won one fight, lets continue this fight to include the ability to gain your rights back after conviction. Who's with me?

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Letter For Help

This was forwarded to me from a fellow Libertarian.

My name is Brian Hamel, a long-time Libertarian residing in Connecticut.
During our 2008 national convention, the Libertarians proudly nominated
Bob Barr and Wayne Allyn Root, to represent the Libertarian Party in
this presidential election.

With Congressman Ron Paul dropping out of the race, a group of Ron
Paul-ites and there Ron Paul Revolution got together to put together a
Money Bomb for the Barr/Root campaign. The bomb has been scheduled for
July 2. They have been working very hard to promote this money drive for
a long time. More info can be found at the website -- www.barrbomb.


Most importantly, the campaign needs the money. Currently, the campaign
has raised $303,836,97. While good, we can do better. To feel the real
need for donations, check out this part of a mass email sent out
yesterday from the campaign:

Money is our number one need right now. We have the media; Bob is
climbing in the polls; and our grassroots efforts are exploding - we've
picked up 2,000 Meetup members in a week!

On top of our ballot access needs, Russ has instructed me to immediately
raise $31,000 to move into our permanent campaign headquarters. We need
to rent and install "bullpen" desk setups for our staffers. To start,
we'll have 30 dedicated, Barr/Root staffers and volunteers which will
cost us $200 for setup and takedown plus $125 per month for each

To get rolling and cover the first month we need to raise $40,750.

Right now, we're completely out of space in our temporary location (as I
type this, I'm literally back to back with six others in a single
office) and can't fit in any more workers.

There you have it -- the need is there. Now, lets make it happen. We
need the help of our Libertarian friends in South Carolina to spread
the message. Email other Libertarians in your state (mass email if you
can), email and call your friends. Do anything you can.

Thank you.

Brian Hamel

We need to do all we can to help out our party!

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Start Of Something Great

I just read something that could be the start of something very great. In a day where daily we are bombarded with government taking things from us, mainly our rights. Since the start of this blog i have called for the end of these things. I have also called for the people to stand up for their rights and demand these rights back. We as citizens need to not stop fighting until the Libertarian Mantra of Freedom has caused a Constitutional Utopia of sorts in this country.

Well it seems that some people are leading the way in their state. People in Massachusetts have a item coming up to vote that could very well cause an epidemic in this country, one that the Politicians can not force vaccines for.

The citizens will soon be able to vote to end the state income tax. A group called The Committee For Smaller Government have received enough signatures to get this on the ballot. Thank G-d for groups like this. It basically stems from citizens being pissed off because of the skyrocketing costs of goods such as gas and food.

The website for this Committee is :

However, as would be expected, politicians are speaking out about it. They feel that no income tax is not feasible because it would cause services to be shut down. DUH that's the purpose. Citizens are fed up with 1)Politicians uselessly wasting tax money, 2)Being hard working, contributive, taxpaying men/women that are forced to fund services that allow others to live off of the money without paying anything back into the system.

I say we all need to take a stand like these great Americans have done. We need to start an initiative to end our state income tax. Then once we have succeeded on this task, all of the states need to get together to end the federal income tax.

Lets Stand Up In Unity On This Great Cause!

Viva Liberty!

Fight Back Against Another War

Well, based on all the rhetoric going around right now. It looks like our current administration is well on its course to start another war. There have been some reports that the plan is to attack Iran before the end of the current administration.

It just seems crazy to me as to how blood thirsty this current administration when it comes to the
Middle East. This administration is hell bent on getting us into more conflicts that result in more unneeded blood shed, more insecurity for us and the Middle East, and gets us more involved in other countries thus making us hated more than before.

I have said before that i believe that we need to bring all of our troops home (from all of the bases from over 130 countries) and get our of others countries business.

However i digress some.

Well it seems that the current administration has the Cronies (the Congress) so brainwashed that they will give the president anything that he asks for.

I have received an email from (a very good website that sends out information on Bills in Congress that allows you to send out emails to your representatives about the bill so your voice will be heard). There is a current bill in the House that will give the President a free ride to do the following:
  • Create an international blockade of Iran to prevent it from importing the refined gasoline it needs to run its economy
  • Subject all cargo entering or leaving Iran to stringent inspections
  • Tighten economic sanctions against Iran
  • Violate international treaties by prohibiting Iranian officials not involved in negotiating the suspension of Iran's nuclear program from travelling abroad
Is this really a road we as Americans want to go down. We need to stop this bill at all cost. This bill will give the current administration the blank check to do what they want on this issue. Which will get us into another unending war, more hatred towards us in the Middle East, a rise in terrorist activity against us at home and abroad, will turn the American loving Iranian people against us, further entrench the idea that we are a meddling empire that is hell-bent on taking over the world.

This bill would allow our government to do things to other countries that we would never allow to happen to us here at home.

We as American need to stand up and let the current administration know that we will no longer allow these type of activities to continue. We want security here at home, and while wars are happening, this is not possible. We need to let them know that we want our military home, and we want to get out of other countries business and allow them to take care of themselves.

Viva Liberty!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Selling Our Rights Down The River!

Every since 9/11 our government has used every chance to take our rights and civil liberties away in the name of security. If we stand by and allow this we will most definitely receive neither our rights or security. They have continuously stripped our rights especially when it pertains to the governments ability to spy in on our lives without a warrant. And as the usual mantra, it makes us more secure.

Well this week, thanks to the Congress, the current gains its wish once again. It passed a bill that expands the warrant less intrusion of our phone conversations, email conversations, internet traffic, banking records, etc. However this one goes a little further than the previous stripping of our rights. This bill gives immunity to telecommunication companies that aid the government of this illegal act from being sued by its customers.

When are we, as citizens, going to be smart enough to stand up and refuse to let this happen. We need to make our politicians be held responsible for the stripping of our rights, and make them aware that we are the ones that pay their salaries and we will hold them responsible for their unethical, Unlawful, and Unconstitutional actions.

Viva Liberty!

Executive Privilege

Well it seems that this is the only rule that the current administration has on any topic that puts spotlight on them. They have used this for the 9/11 Commission, the CIA Leak Investigation, etc. It seems to me that the current administration uses this policy to keep from any type of investigation from finding out what is going on behind the closed door of the Oval office.

They have begun to use it again, this week to be exact. There was a Congressional Hearing this week to find out whether the current administration used its power to force the EPA to weaken decisions on Smog and Greenhouse Gases. This Congressional panel were calling officials from the EPA and the administration to testify on this subject. However 15 minutes before the officials were to take the stand, the administration issued that these officials fell under Executive Privilege. This basically meant that the officials were free to not testify and answer questions.

It seems that this current administration uses this as a crutch way too much. They feel they can use it for anything that they want to keep secret.

Well we need to force this one issue. If a Company's Board of Directors (or Shareholders for that matter) call in a CEO to question him on an unethical happening in the company, can he use Executive Privilege to keep from testifying. No. But why is this? Because he is being questioned by his employer. He can't use this type of privilege against his own employer. So my point is this. It is time that we force this Executive Privilege Law to be be repealed. The reason i feel this way is because We Are The Employer and he is accountable to Us. We have the right to know what is going on behind closed door, to make sure that illegal actions or unethical actions are not taking place.

Its time for us to hold politicians feet to the fire.

Viva Liberty!

Rewriting What

You would think that when you are going to court for a crime that the prosecution would have all of their items together for the trial. This would actually be the case the entire time leading up to the trial.

However the current administration doesn't work like that. But that is not really all that surprising with the way this administration has handled everything.

Well after the latest Supreme Court ruling that guaranteed the detainees at Gitmo the right to a trial like normal US citizens, the administration is having to regroup. The administration has adamantly stood behind the evidence they say they have on the detainees. However after the latest ruling, the administration is now saying they are going to "rewrite" the evidence against the detainees.

This really makes me wonder what the administration is trying to do here. Why would you need to re-do the evidence before the trial. It makes me wondering if their case is not as strong as they thought, and this is their way of making some evidence up to guarantee the convictions they are wanting. Why else would you need to rewrite the evidence? I mean evidence is evidence is it not.

My prediction with this situation is this. The majority of the detainees will be convicted. However at appeal, the court will overturn the conviction because of the evidence tampering that the administration will do in the course of "rewriting" the evidence.

This is the same administration that has stripped our rights away at every chance. So why do you think they would do the right thing with detainees who are not even citizens of this country.

Its about time we as Americans put this administration in its place, and demand that our rights, as well as the detainees be protected. Its the only way we will stop this ship called the USS UnConstitutional.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ohhh Don't Challenge The IRS

Well it seems that we have some churches in this country are trying to push the boundaries set on them by the IRS (from this point on in this blog it is to stand for Income Removal Service). It is a law enforced by the IRS that Churches in this country can not openly endorse a politician or try to sway their parishoners thoughts on an election.

I can see why this law was created, but i can reluctantly say that i disagree with it. I say it reluctantly because it is one of those rare occasions that the Constitution is not clear on. The Constitution is clear on freedom of speech, which speaking your mind on any pulpit or soapbox is legal. But it also very strongly talks about the separation of church of state, which a church that openly talks about politics is getting involved in the "state" which skews the separation that the Constitution calls for. I also look at this topic of politics in church as a way to "brainwash" the parishoners to vote the way the pastor would want them to, instead letting people decide for themselves.

Any way there is a preacher, in a report, that has started preaching sermons on why Christians should only vote Republican. He has went to far as to send the sermon, in letter form, to the IRS and basically challenging them to do anything about it.

I definitely stand behind him from the topic of Freedom of Speech. But this rhetoric is nothing new. Face it the White, Hispanic, Asian, European churches are forced to maintain this law by fear of having Non Profit status robbed from them if they should violate it. However in a normal election year, there will be numerous politicians frequenting black congregations to preach (and in essence, try to sway the parishoners to vote for them). This has been done from the Clintons, Gores, Obama's, etc.

So if the IRS decides to press the issue on this preacher in question, i say it is time all churches band together and fight this Goliath called the IRS.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Since When Is it Any Of Their Business

Well i just read a story for Gloucester, Mass, where there is a outbreak of teenage pregnancy at the local high school. Its not the normal rate of teenage pregnancy at the school, its actually around 4 times the normal amount. There are 17 teen girls that are pregnant.

You might be asking, What does this have to do with the government? Why am i wasting your time reading about pregnancy?

Well this is why, there are a couple of very disturbing things in this report.

First, the school has started an investigation to see if the 17 teen's made a pact between them to all get pregnant. Since when is it the schools role to investigate their students lives. These students are not the property of the state, i know this angers the state, but it is the truth. What makes the school district think it is any of their business what students do. Well here it is, ITS NOT.

Second, the nurse practitioner and a doctor at the local medical office is pushing the government in the city to be able to give contraceptive and medicine to teens with the teens parents knowledge or authorization. Where does this doctor and nurse get off thinking they are smarter than the actual parents.

Well both of these things disturb me very much. It just shows 1) that government officials think that they are have the right to involve themselves into the lives of the people in their community, 2) This mentality of the medical professionals in this country thinking that they are more important than parents.

This mentality ( the government and the medical personnel) needs to be in its place by us. NOW.

Viva Liberty!

Foreclosure Bailout Bill

I have posted previously on this topic, but it looks like it is coming up soon for vote. So i thought i would blog on it again.

As you all know, there is a major foreclosure epidemic going on in this country. I will first talk about why this is. We as American's don't know the meaning of NO. we think we are entitled to everything. We feel that nothing is our fault. We feel that if we get in trouble that the government will save us from ourselves. Is this not true for the majority of Americans?
So, the american's go about life as if nothing could ever happen to them. Americans can see that they have to cut back on their spending, to protect the most valuable asset they have. So we, as Americans, would never think twice of getting rid of our phones, cell phones, text messaging, internet, fancy cars, cable television, big screen televisions, and on and on and on. We can't see that if we cut back on our spending, get rid of the luxuries we have, and be sensible on what we drive, many Americans would not be in this spot. Now i am sure i have thoroughly pissed off many of the American readers here. But i have to call it like i see, and you know what, if it came down for me to have to cut back some spending and i have to lose some of my luxuries it would be hard, but my family's necessities are more important than my struggling with no luxuries.

However i digress. The House of Disrepresentatives Democrats are trying to get a bill to vote that would "Bail Out" foreclosures. This bill would pump $4 billion into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, companies that are government sponsored. But this bill has sinister core to it. This bill would not be used for people going through foreclosure, to keep them from being foreclosed on. No, it will give this money to these two companies to allow states to buy foreclosed houses. Why would the state need to buy up these houses? Think About It. This give the government more control on housing, because they will own the houses. I have said it before, that our current politicians are trying nothing more than to take down the road to Socialism. This is one more step and one more example of this.

We need to stand up and say NO. No to more government control. No to more spending that adds to our deficit (which is the whole point Democrats used in the last election, but they spend more that the Republicans did in the previous years).

We need to allow the free market to take over and this issue would work itself out. We don't need more laws to protect us. If part of the mortgage crisis is because of sub-prime lending, then isn't it against the law to take advantage of other, whether it be by lying, cheating, stealing, etc. We have the laws to punish those perpetrators that do this, so why do we need more government involvement? WE don't.

But it will not get any better until we make our voice heard and stand up.

Plus this bill was created by 2 Congressmen that have gotten VIP home loans from a similar lender because of their position in the government, sounds like someone is trying to push a bill that will allow them to make money off a bad issue, sounds like the sub-prime lenders have infiltrated our government, and sold us down the river.

At least our president, as much i don't agree with the majority of his policies and thinking. He is saying that he will veto this bill. If this is true, at least he will finally stand up for once.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is so true!

"We will all be better citizens when voting records of our Congressmen
are followed as carefully as scores of pro-football games."
-- Lou Erickson

The Governmental Moronathon Continues

Well in my last post i talked about GW wanting Congress to lift the ban on off shore drilling to help eleviate the gas price crunch on us Americans.

Well, of course, the Democrats have to open their mouths and insert their ass. These people are hell bent on the government running all aspects of this country.

They came out today with this dumb hair brained idea that the refineries in this country need to be nationalized, thus meaning they want the government to own and run them. This is the most absurd, idiotic, ridiculous idea i have ever heard.

We must make sure this doesn't happen at all costs. The last thing we need is for this type of idea to become reality. Everything the government gets their hand on, they ruin. Don't believe me look at Medicare, Going Broke and Moneypit. Public Schools, dismal failure, leaving kids behind daily. Department of Transportation, roads in horrible shape.

It is time for those of us that care about our country to fight back against this Governmental Black hand of death. Stand up and Fight!

It will never get any better until we get the politicians out of these types of things, and let the free market take over, just like this country's founding fathers wanted. If it was good enough for this country 200 years ago, why does it need to change.

Viva Liberty

Ridiculous Concept

Why is it, that nowadays whenever there is a crisis, all the politicians want to do is point fingers at who they think the problem is caused by. When in all actuality the short term solution is staring them right in the face.

Today the president is putting pressure on Congress to lift the ban on drilling oil on our own soil, which is 1/2 of a smart idea, the other 1/2 is building more refineries (I know this is a oxymoron o sorts, the president - smart). But at least he has a pretty decent idea of how to fix the issue. The only problem with this plan is that it will take approximately 2 years to get the boost of oil into the supply chain, but i would much rather pay the high prices now if i KNOW that in 2 years drastic relief will be coming to correct this situation.

But as usual, there are the head-up-their-nether regions politicians that are spewing their crap about what the solution. The typical maneuver that they create by pointing their finger at a certain person or business to get the public attention on that, all the while not doing one single thing to fix the situation. Plus the only fix a politician can come up with (except for the likes of Ron Paul) for any problem is to tax more and spend more, create new "Programs" to make the people think they are actually doing something.

This whole topic does nothing but piss me off beyond belief. 1) Because it is a crisis that is brewing that the politicians will do nothing about, 2) The politicians are useless wastes of space that are not looking out for the people that elect them, 3) The middle class as usual gets pressed in the vice of the governments hand (Why you may ask? Well the wealthy have nothing to worry about because they are wealthy. The poor have nothing to fear, because the great deliverer - the government - is paying their way, with our money. All the while the middle class are living well within their means but get hit with higher taxes, higher fuel costs, higher food costs). But do not think i am ever being a advocate for the government regulating salaries, this is the last thing we need. 4) and lastly we as Americans are sitting there taking it, taking the government at its word (which is like trusting, a serial killer that has you hostage, to not kill you), not holding those accountable.

The true answer is that we need to pump at least 75 - 80 % of our own oil consumption from our own soil. We need to get the oil off of the futures market. We need to get more refineries up and going in this country. We need to tell the minority fringe kook enviroNazis to give it up, we are going to pump.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Could It Be A Start Of Something New

I talk alot on this blog about the government and how they feel they should stick their noses in their citizens lives. Whether it be through illegal wiretaps, or illegal searches, or invasive laws, or excessive taxes, etc.

Instead of leaving the American citizens alone to live their lives, they have to infiltrate every fabric of our existence. Now it even goes past us mere citizens, it goes into business as well. Like the calling the oil company's in to explain why the make so much money. Even though they make on a capitalist market (free market) and on a speculative market that was created and endorsed by a government agency. Nothing like making money in a government created system and then getting called out to explain how you made this money, and some greedy politicians try taking some of this money from you.

Well it continues to go even further, by wasting taxpayer money on things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things. such as Steroid use in baseball, or steroid use in professional wrestling.

But today there seems to be a little flicker of hope at the end of the tunnel. Today Senator Arlen Specter basically refused to call the executives of the NFL in front of Congress about the Radio Spy incident of last season.

Thanks God that this waste of taxpayer money didn't happen. Now if we can get the Congress to stop the rest of the wasteful spending so that they can get their hands off of our money, we would be doing much better.

Viva Liberty!

Monday, June 16, 2008

How Much Tax Is Too Much

How much Tax Is Too Much?

Well, to me the answer is simple, all tax is too much.

But it is utterly ridiculous to think that raising taxes will ever curb the use of a particular item. Now remember i feel that all taxes are legal theft by the government towards us.

But in New York, they have taken the tax thing to far. In order to "CURB" smoking in the state, they have taken the tax level on cigarettes to an unprecedented level. It is currently $2.75 per pack. Yes that is just the tax per pack, this doesn't even include the price of the cigarettes.

Now like i have said any tax is too much tax and it is time for the citizens of the state of New York to stand up and demand these taxes to end, even if they don't smoking.

The only thing that gets curbed when politicians do this, is the politicians grip on reality and their common sense.

Viva Liberty!

No Backbone

Well it seems that the Great Democrats have done it again. As usual they come in to office touting the reforms they are going to do. They are going to do this, or force the evil president to act on that situation, they are going to fight for the working class, they are going to raise taxes on the wealthy. All the while, every single issue they seem to talk about on the campaign trail, they seem to get political amnesia once they get into office. Now don't think the republicans get a free ride. They are just as notorious for this as their counterparts.

But on this post, my attack is directed at the Democrats.

I remember back to the last series of elections, the Democrats screamed at the issues they were going to FIX once they got into office. None of these were bigger than the War In Iraq. They promised to get this war over with, even to the point of blocking funding to the War to stop this travesty from getting any worse.

Well as usual, for both political party's, they have done nothing. They are like a tiny chihuahua who barks load and acts mean, but runs off when you stand up. These democrats have passed everything that the president has asked for regarding the war. They had numerous times to put their political foot down on the issue, but as usual they do nothing. So on two fronts they have sold out the same people that believed their scheme, just like normal. They touted an end to the war, and an end to the deficit spending made significant by the republicans. But guess what neither happened to either one of these items.

You can't trust the government for anything, but we think we can trust them for our security against terrorist, not on your life.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thank The Clintons

Well you can thank the Clinton's for one more Communist in this world.

The reason i say this is because today there is a report that says Elian Gonzales of Cuba has joined the Young Communist Union. This is a Communist youth programs created by the Castro brothers. I'm not for sure at this point what this youth program is all about, i will after i do some investigation, but it almost makes me think of the indoctrination programs of the old days, The Nazi Youth ring a bell to anyone.

The reason i blame this one on the Clinton's is because this Elian Gonzales, whom you might remember, is the one that the Clinton's gave to Cuba. If you remember back to when Clinton was in office, there was a little boy that was embroiled in a scandal that battled in the courts. This boy was brought to this country by his mother from Cuba. On the way to the US his mother died and he was taken in by his family here in the US, but his father wanted him back in Cuba. So the Clintons being the wimps in office, decided to not stand up for a little boys freedom. The Clinton's once again showed no backbone to advance freedom.

So now this young man has now fell to the depths of Communism, because of our former presidents lack of balls and backbone.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Iraq Secret Deal Falls Through

It is reported today that the secret deal between the US and the Iraqi's have fallen through. There is still a chance that a deal will be brokered just not in the original one brought forth by the current US administration. Now for those of you who are avid readers of this blog will remember my thoughts on this topic.

This is the deal that will allow the US Military to have up to 50 military bases in Iraq, allow US military personell to arrest Iraqi's without the Iraqi government's knowledge, and give immunity of prosecution to all US soldiers and contractors.

The Iraqi government is fighting against this deal, and understandably so. The Iraqi government is fighting it because it will blur or make useless their soveriegnty in their own country, and understandably so.

But i, being a rationally thinking person, believe that this deal should not be allowed. The Iraqi people should have their own command of their own destiny, just like the impotent GW said at the onset of this illegitament operation. The US military should start handing over all reigns of the government back to the Iraqi's. Followed by constant troop reductions, thus allowing the Iraqi's to take care of their own. Until we are fully out of Iraq. Then, and only then, will true freedom start to flourish. How can freedom flourish and live in an area where oppression is active by an outside force.

It is time to get us out of THEIR country and start fixing the problems here in OUR country.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Object!

I always wanted to stand up in a court room and yell that out. But i am not a lawyer, so i won't get that luxury. So i will make my objections known here in this forum.

I would have yelled this out in the Supreme Court when this ruling came down.

I want to lay this out first, before continuing my thought, at least to an exceptable point where you will understand what the heck i am talking about. I do not care for the current war going on. I did agree with the war in Afghanistan, seeing as to how they were giving a free ride to the perpetrators of the infamous attacks on this country.

I also do not agree with the plan of detaining "Enemy Combatants" in a camp half way across the world. Now in war, it is common to detain the enemy soldiers, but only during the course of war. It is also normally in the region of the war, that the prisoners are held. So i feel this camp at Gitmo is just plain wrong and needs to be closed.

But i have digressed a little bit. The Supreme Court ruled that the detainees at Gitmo have the constitutional right to question, in court, their detention. I agree that they have the right to question the government on their detention. But it is not their constitutional right. Most people don't realize it, but the constitution only applies to actual US citizens, no one else. If you read the heading on the Constitution you will see that it reads, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, i don't think this was a mistake.

I feel that the Court got the constitutional part of this one wrong. Plus you may call them Enemy Combatants, but they were fighting against our soldiers in their country. But you know what, we did the exact same thing when the British attacked us and fought us on our soldier.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It Figures

Well as you all know, we are in a crisis with the gas situation. Also as you know, if you have read my blog over the last few weeks, you will know my thoughts on the truth of what would fix this situation. I am sorry, but the solution is not Ethanol, not hydrogen, not steam, not vegetable oil, at least in the short term. These might help the solution in the long term, but we need immediate action to help the crisis out now. Now, i believe that the true answer to the crisis is a two-fold approach pump all that we can from our own soil, and build more refineries to help eleviate the crunch.

However our hijacked government thinks otherwise. According to their philosophy, it is like chopping off your leg at the knee, and placing a finger band-aid on it to stop the bleeding.

Well the politicians have shown their uselessness once again. Today a house committee had before it a bill that would allow exploration and the potential for drilling in the US Coastal Waters. The bill would allow for companies to explore for oil pockets from 50 - 200 mile off the US coastline. This would all for us to know how much oil we have and make way for us to pump it out for use.

Seems like a no brainer to me. How the first of political life as a Democrat and Republican is to give up all ability to think clearly, or to have common sense. I say that because, today, the Democratic lead subcommittee in the house voted down the bill, meaning that the bill won't get to the floor for a vote.

So i think we need to have a vote of our own. A vote that will rid our government of these hijackers. It is time to vote for actual help. That means that we HAVE to send word to our Elected Officials that we want true answers and hold their feet to the fire until A)they leave office on their own B)they fall in line and help fix this crisis.

Lets take back our Country!

Viva Liberty!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Why Should That Matter?

In a report today, the Senate is looking at the possibility of getting rid of the taxpayer funded food program, for a privatized program run by businesses.

The reason for this idea is this, the current food system is losing money. To the total of about $2 million this year. Now while on the surface this looks good. But think about it, these are the same politicians that waste away billions of dollars each year on crap programs that should be stopped.

So my initiative to each of you, myself included, should be putting issue on the politicians to continue this onto other programs. Programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, The War In Iraq, The War On Drugs, and all of the other pork barrel spending programs.

Think about it, if all of these failure programs are put out of their (and our) misery, just think about how your tax situation would be. It would be much better, and you would have more money in YOUR pockets to spend as you see fit.

Lets start a movement to get this going.

Viva Liberty!

Give Them Your Finger....Prints

What is the deal with the politicians these days trying to get every form of identifying you into a database. A few months ago it was a report that DNA samples will be taken from all person arrested on a federal crime for a database. Now as i said at the time, this is for people arrested, not convicted, so this is a constitutional violation.

But this new bill, that passed the house, just continues this tend. This bill is sponsored by quite a few politicians, one is none other that Obama Bin-Socialist. This bill would make it mandatory for all people working in the mortgage industry to submit their fingerprints for the federal government to keep in a database. How many ways to identify us does the government need. They currently have a birth certificate, social security card, passport, drivers license, among others. Personally, i believe all of these government issued identifications should end immediately. Every form of identification is just one more step toward a government that has more control over us, thus a more Socialistic state.

I implore each reader of this blog to get in touch with your local congressmen/women and demand that this bill be stopped.

Its time to demand back this country.

Viva Liberty!

Re-Elect This Guy

Well it seems, there are a few politicians that get it in this country. This is one of them.

The County Council in Hunnington, WV is in the process of trying to pass pay raises for some of the city employees, including the Mayor. The council wants to raise the Mayor's pay from $62,000 to around $98,000 per year. The reason they want to raise the pay is to attractive better candidates in the subsequent elections.

To most people, this would be great. Hey, your giving me a $26,000 pay increase. I know i would flip out if my employer did that to me.

But there is a problem, or at least some look at it as a problem. There is one person standing in the way of this pay raise coming true, the mayor himself. The mayor cites that this sends the wrong message to city employees, and that there are other more important things that the council could be tackling. He plans to veto it if it is passed.

Well atleast this politician is looking out for the taxpayers in his county.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Let The Constitution Be Damned

Ok, let me get this straight. Doesn't the Constitution state that a person can not be tried for the same crime twice? I believe it does.

Now, isn't it true that all are bound by the same rights under the constitution. This also includes all government employee's and officials, including the courts. Now in this country we have 4 types of courts; Criminal Courts, Civil Courts, Family Courts, and Constitutional Law Courts (Supreme Courts, that are there to oversee the adhearance to the constitution by lawmakers and judges).

Well, its not like that unfortunately. The reason i bring it up is because, i just read a report that Scott Peterson is going back to court. Now Scott Peterson, as most of you will remember, is the man that convicted to life in prison for killing his wife and unborn child. Now you might be asking, why does it matter if he's back in court. Well personally i think what he did is despicable and he deserves the punish he got. He is where he belongs. But i digress, he is being taken back to court again for his wifes murder. This time it is in civil court.

Now to me this wreaks in Unconstitutionality. This man might be a convicted murderer, but he is still under the same constitution as the rest of us. And the constitution clearly talks against being tried for the same crime twice.

Even more concerning is the issue with OJ Simpson. It doesn't really matter if i feel he was guilty for the murder of 2 people or not. He was found not guilty, so guess what, he can not be tried for the same crime again. But wait the saga isn't over yet. He was taken back to court for the crime (against the constitutions say). This time in Civil Court. And guess what he was found guilty. Now how can you be found not-guilty in one court and guilty in another.

It is time that we stand up and demand that the constitution be upheld and that all courts be held to the same rules.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

DC The Capital of Communism

Well it seems that our nations capital has taken yet another step toward the more oppresive Communist form of government.

I thought the building block of this nation is freedom. Freedom to speak your mind, freedom to picket and protest, freedom to choose whats best for you and your family, freedom to choose your religion of choice, and freedom to travel everywhere in this country.

Well not anymore in the nations capital.

It seems that due to a rise of crime, the police have setup blockades in neighborhoods. These blockades will stop you, demand to see your identification, and demand to know why you are coming into the neighborhood. If you don't have a good enough reason you are to be turned away. Is this an American city or is this post war Berlin.

It is ridiculous that the police actually think that blockades would even diminish crime. All it will do is confine the citizens in with the criminals and create more crime. This is the same type of thinking that endorses taking away the right to bear arms, to make crime go away. When in actually this type of thinking just increases the criminals ability to commit more crimes.

This is a splendidly stupid plan by the Gestapo.

Viva Liberty!

Overspending When Your Bankrupt

Well Congress has proven its uselessness once again. These days with a growing deficit, a catastrophe of a war, corruption abound, rampant removal of rights, you would think that the politicians would want to do the job they were elected and sworn to do. But why should they do their jobs.

Well they just passed the new budget that amounts to $3.1 trillion. Now i don't know for sure what this compares to this years budget, but budget isn't the correct term to describe what they just passed. A budget is an idea that you use to monitor your money spent so that you do not spend more than you make. But i guess to the politicians, budget means spend all that you have and then print more all while stripping the money of your constituents.

But one of the most disappointing things with this bill is the fact that nothing is fixed with this. They decided it best to push off the problems that need to be dealt with until next year. Its a perfect way to waste our money by doing nothing.

They also gave budget increases! Budget Increases!! BUDGET INCREASES! You mean to tell me that in a time when we have Huge deficits, it only makes sense to the politicians to raise spending. They increased the budget of domestic agencies by 5%, and the pentagon by 7%. These alone will increase the budget by $340 billion, not counting the additional costs of the war. But they try to make it better by repealing the AMT exemptions on the middle class which will put $50 billion more taxes back in the budget, all while tightening the taxation noose around the middle class even tighter.

It is time for us to demand the politicians stop their wasteful spending, lower our taxes to the minimum possible amount (none), get rid of the deficit, give us back the rights demanded by the Constitution. When will demand these back!

Viva Liberty!

Its time to end it

I will be the first to say that i agreed with the war in Iraq at its inception. At that time i was still a brainwashed Republican. I took our current administration at face value, like all good republicans are supposed to. I agreed with the government intellegence on the Iraqi government (i learned later that this is quite the oxymoron). But i finally woke up from the brainwashed haze that i was in, and i realized that the intellegence that got us into this mess was no more than a smoke screen to peddle our influence on others in the world because the government felt it was needed. It is time to get out of this mess that has been going on.

However it now looks like it will never end, especially if the current administration gets its way. Now i am sure some of you believe the rhetoric from Obama about ending the war. But you will find him to be as futile in office as McCain. The reason i say it will never end is because of a report that just came out from The Independent. It seems they have uncovered a secret plot to control the land of the Iraqi's.

The current government minstration is trying to push a new agreement with the Iraqi government that will enable the US military to establish and maintain our military at 50 military bases in the country, allow all Iraqi airspace under 29,000 ft to be US controlled, enact immunity for all US military servicemen and its contractors, allow military to arrest Iraqi's as they see fit, and conduct military raids without the Iraqi government's approval.

This is just wrong on so many fronts, that it is too numerous to count. First who will pay for this, we will with our taxes and our servicemen's lives. Second, why is there a need for 50 military bases, do we have that many in our country? Thirdly, why are we creating a US dictatorship in Iraq?, isn't it time for the Iraqi's to lead themselves.

The whole policy of keeping our military stationed on bases through out the world is futile. Why are we there? I know you will say that it is because it will help maintain the security of our interests in those countries. Shouldn't that be that countries job to secure our interest on their soil? Since when do we allow Germany to setup a military base on our soil to secure German companies interests here? We don't because it is our job to provide security to their interests here on our soil. It should be that way everywhere. Each country should provide the security needed for another country's interest on their own soil. This helps more than one way. If we have interests in Gemany and Germany is responsible for the security, it puts more ownership on Germany to protect it because that business helps their economy. If Germany doesn't help secure our interest on their soil, we will close it up and move it back home or elsewhere, therefore hurting the Germans more than us. This policy needs to end immediately. It is time for each country to take care of itself and we need to worry about ourselves, to each his own. This was the standard government policy of ours up to the Socialistic Golden Age of the early 1900's, now all we know how to is meddle in everyone else's business.

It is time for us as citizens to put our foot down on these things. It is time to let the Bush minstration know that we will not stand for this new secret agreement that they are pushing. It is policies that have given the Middle East its anger against us, we have caused it for the most part. We need to butt out of their affairs. We need to get back to more of an isolationist viewpoint like we used to have. Let other countrys handle their own problems and not get involved unless we are attacked on our own soil (which is the opposite of what has happened in Iraq).

Stand Up People! Stand Up for our rights, and stand up for the Iraqi's rights. Rights that will be squashed by our own government and open the door for more Anti American Hatred and Retribution.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blame it on the Swedes

Well, don't let the politicians here in the US hear of what is happening by the tax officials in Sweden. Now i bring up items all of the time that deal with our rights being stripped by our over zealous politicians.

Well this one takes the cake. Not to mention being totally idiotic, and down right stupid. It wreacks of government's heavy handedness towards its citizen.

There is a couple in Sweden, parents of a 5 month old daughter, that are being forced to change the name of their daughter because the government has deemed the childs name to be masculine. So the parents have to pick a more feminine name for their daughter because the government doesn't agree with the name. The name chosen by the parents is Elvis. Now this is definitely not a name i would ever think of choosing for my son, much less my daughter. But everyone is free to name their children whatever they would like.

It is utterly ridiculous for the government to even think about peering this far into a person/families rights. I hope and pray that the Swedes don't just stand around and allow this type of rights stripping to continue. Plus you would think that the government would have better things to do instead of banning certain names for children.


Viva Liberty!

Well Done Elk Point

Well i would like to say Good Job to the people of Elk Point, south Dakota. They have proven themselves to be very smart, determined citizens that are thinking of all Americans with their vote.

In a 56% majority vote, the citizens have voted yes to the creation of a new oil refinery in their town. This vote will set aside that acreage needed to build a refinery that will bring 1000's of high paying jobs to their economy and hopefully a decrease in gas prices to the rest of us.

This will be the first new refinery built in around 20 years here in the US.

It truly amazes me that in this day of heavy handed government regulations, blood red red-tape, enviromental Nazi's, and non-thinking politicians, there are people who will lead the pack and show the other citizens of this great country what it takes to get things done.

Now this needs to be taken as a lesson to the rest of us. It is about time that we take the initiative to help fix the issues of this country, like the gas price issue. If we wait on the government to do something, we will just be waiting, because nothing substantial will ever come from that group of brain-dead wastes of space. It is also time to take the country back from the fringe environment Nazi's that are hell bent on our destruction while parading for the environment.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Heading Back Down The Communist Highway

Well since the Berlin Wall fell, we as Americans have felt that the Russian citizens were actually heading toward the freedom and autonomy that they deserve. Since then they have had a tough time with the transition to democracy but the people as a whole have stood firm and resolute on the freedoms that they have.

But it seemed all of that changed with the Putin regime. Over the course of his "Reign" stability has returned, but it has happened at the expense of their freedom. The Communist ideal is returning to the mainstream of this country.

I feel sorry that this great people are losing the ability to choose for themselves, and have the greatness that comes with freedom.

But it seems that with the government, as it stands now for the Russians, this freedom is sliding away. Putin has just made a move to squash any opposing or dissenting views from television. The government is firing television personalities, television shows, rock concerts, and any other people in media that are talking against the government.

This is a major blow to the freedoms of the citizens on this once great country. I implore each and everyone of the readers here, all of us freedom loving people, to fight for these types of controls here in this country and also find ways to help the citizens in Russia to know of the greatness that freedom allows. Hopefully this will let these citizens of Russia know that they have to fight for their rights and that all of the other freedom loving people throughout the world have their back in this matter.

There is nothing on this earth tougher than fighting for the rights of others. It is never going to be an easy job, but it is something we all have to do it, if we want freedom ourselves.

Viva Liberty!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Give Me A Break

There is a report out right now about a man in the UK that was threatened with arrest due to the T Shirt that he was wearing. Now this wasn't a obscene shirt, or an offensive shirt. It was a shirt that had a picture of Megatron of the Transformers holding a gun.

This has to be the biggest waste of taxpayers money i have seen. Aren't there better, more security related items that Airport Security should be doing, instead of harassing this person. It is ridiculous that this man was made to change his shirt.

It is ridiculous that common sense is the first thing a person loses when the begin working for the government.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Whats the big deal?

There is a report out right now that is causing a big issue in France.

There is a Muslim that got an annulment to his wife of one day. It seems that after the wedding, he found out that his new wife was not a virgin.

Well it seems that this has raised the ire of the womens rights group in France. They are demanding that the rules change to keep this from happening. They are pushing this on the idea that this is punishing women for their sexual rights.

This could be true in some peoples mind. However in mine, i look at it differently. No matter what my personal thoughts are on sex before marriage (truly in a political sense, my personal feelings mean nothing), i see marriage as a "business" arrangement of sorts. When you are going through the dating phase, you learn to trust the other person. Why do you learn to trust them, because of their words and their actions.

In the business world it is just the same way, if you deal with a cable company that constantly tells you a price of service, but constantly charges you more, will you keep working with that company or will you dissolve that business arrangement? You will end your service with that company. Marriage is the same way. Like i said, Marriage is a business arrangement between 2 people.

So in this instance of this couple in France, the woman was telling her fiance that she was a virgin while they were dating, the whole time knowing that she wasn't. And seeing as how they are Muslim, and the rules that the Muslims live by, puts high emphasis on the women being virgins at marriage. So for this woman to go into this marriage lying about this, this makes the arrangement null.

Those of you that feel differently from my view in the previous paragraph, answer me this. When a man goes out and has an affair on his wife. Now lets say his wife finds out about it and decides to divorce her husband. Why does she divorce her husband? Because he voided the "marriage contract" between the two of them.

It is no different in this instance, but i guess since it is a man pushing the issue, this makes the hair stand on end on the feminazi's.

Viva Liberty!