Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Birth Certificate

Well i just recieved an email just a little bit ago. It is from a very trusted source.

As most people know, there has been a big thing going on about Obama's birth certificate. This is an issue that has been brewing since early on in the last presidential campaign. Many have spent a huge amount of money trying to investigate this issue. Because as most people know, if our current president does not have a valid birth certificate proving that he was born a United States Citizen.

But i am not for sure why all of this money has been spent on this issue, when my trusted source only spent a matter of mere days, and spent no money to be able to find this document, thanks to a Pro Bono Legal Services Company ran by some very high profile people (People you will know)

But finally it has been proven that Obama is truly a United States Citizen from birth. I know some will want to question the doctors who are named on the document. My source has not tried to find these doctors. But looking at the document, it looks like it is all legit and needs no questioning.

So below are copies of the Official Birth Certificate and the Law Firm that has found the document.

Now i guess we will have to find another topic of interest to pursue.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Interesting Thing to Find

I was down at the Spartanburg County Courthouse on Friday. I know for most people, when you mention this fact you can get some pretty interesting reactions. But then when you tell them it was for Political Purposes, you can get some funny looks.
Most don't have any clue why anyone would want to fight in the realm of politics in this country. But what they don't realize is this, If it weren't for people willing to fight in the realm of Politics, this country would never exist. It is all fine and great to vote in this country. But when all that your activism consists of is voting, not much really changes in this country. If it does change, its generally for the worse. Which is part of the reason why this country is in the mess its in now. Most people are fearful to get out of the comfort of their homes to get in the trenches to fight for what they feel is right. To me there is nothing that feels better or fulfilling then to fight for something much bigger than myself. And every ones rights and freedoms are definitely worth fighting for. I would rather find myself as a casualty of war in the political war on rights and freedoms, then to sit in comfort complaining at how screwed up this country is. If you are complaining about it, THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Either getup and fight to change it, or shut the hell up.
Sorry, I have digressed a bit.
But like i said, i went to the courthouse to the Clerk of Courts, to get some paperwork stamped and placed into public record. You really get raised eyes when you mention to people that you went to the Clerk of Court's office and it was not to pay child support.
But while i was in there i noticed a framed picture on the wall. It was titled "Famous Flags from History". It was a pretty interesting picture. It had the Stars and Stripes, the Confederate flag, then allot of other flags. But one i found interestingly missing was the Gadsden Flag. Now most do not recall this flag, but it is one of the greatest to me and my fellow Libertarian Patriots.
I found this interesting.

Why would the government find it necessary to try to hide this famous flag? It might be because the meaning of this flag represented the fight against an empirical government. One that we fought against in the Revolutionary War, only to see the same thing 200 years later. So the government thinks that if squashes this emblem, that we won't have a symbol to fight under against them. Boy are they ever wrong.

Keep up the fight, and fly the Gadsden Flag at all times.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Big Thank You!

A little bit ago i was going through the Tracking for this blog, and i was pleasantly surprised. I want to first thank everyone that come to my little dusty ill lit corner of the web. I know there is so much on the web that each of you could be doing, but you visiting here to see what i have to say, it stuns me.

So i wanted to take the time to give my thanks to each of you. And i must say i was taken aback from where some of the traffic came from, like Germany (Danke vielmals!), and Belguim, not to mention hits from 19 states in this country. But the craziest one for me was Hollis, NY. It was crazy because the old Run DMC song Christmas In Hollis started playing in my head (a song i haven't heard in over 20 years).

But once again i just want say a big Thank You to each and every one of you. Keep reading.

Viva Liberty!

An Official Message!

Yesterday i recieved this email from a member of the National Libertarian Party about HR 3200 (aka The Obama Deathcare System). It starts off talking about the Public Outcry over this Bill and how the Politicians are reacting to it. There is also a link in it that the Libertarian Party would love for you to print off and try to get your Congressional Representatives to sign.

I say lets all try to get them sign and see how much luck we have with it. Better yet, film the process of you trying to get them to sign and put it up on youtube. Lets get the word out about how these elected officials are truly not working for our best interest and frankly could care less about our interests.

Well here is the email.

Aug. 10, 2009
Your Monday Message from the Libertarian Party:
Dear friend,
Rep. Kathy Castor and Sen. Russ Carnahan called out union thugs to rough up citizens who showed up to speak out against government-run medicine.

Rep. David Scott began screaming at a doctor who disagreed with him.

Rep. John Dingell got into an argument with an elderly man who brought his special needs son.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed people who are revealing the details of HR 3200 are “carrying swastikas.”

Rep. Brian Baird refuses to even meet with his constituents to discuss the bill. He publicly referred to the senior citizens and families he’s supposed to represent as “Brown Shirts,” the infamous Nazi war criminals.

As the details of HR 3200 trickle out and public support for government-run medicine collapses, Democrats are doing everything they can to instigate chaos and bully the millions of Americans who don’t want government-run medicine.

Gee, you’d think there’s stuff in the Obama health care takeover Democrats don’t want people to hear about. Probably page 16 outlawing private health care, page 167 and others calling for new national taxes on people with “unacceptable” health care plans, or the sections calling for “end of life planning” for the elderly and sick. No wonder Democrats seem to be trying to turn town halls away from serious discussions of their bill and into WWE wrestling events.

Well, Libertarians think differently. Not only do we oppose initiating force to achieve social or political goals, elected Libertarians treat their constituents, especially those who disagree, with respect.

You can help the Libertarian Party hold advocates of government-run medicine accountable. I am sending you a link to the Libertarian Party’s Responsible Legislator Pledge at

Please print it out, take it with you to your congressman or senator’s town hall meeting and politely and respectfully ask them to sign it and agree to one simple promise. Don’t vote for any federal health care legislation you have not read in full, and understand.

They have two options. Refuse to sign it, and admit they don’t read major legislation before they vote. Or sign it, and be held personally accountable for everything in the bill. Unlike they did with the pork in the “stimulus” bill, they can’t claim to know about the outlawing of private insurance, the billions in new taxes, the waiting lists and the “end of life planning.”

Democrats are calling out the thugs because they want Americans to stop talking about their plan. Do your part to restore accountability to Congress. Click here to print out your own copy of the Libertarian Party Responsible Legislator Pledge. Or go to

Take it to your local town hall and politely ask your congressman or senator if they will actually read the bill and take personal responsibility if they plan to support government-run medicine.
With optimism,

Donny Ferguson
Director of Communications
Libertarian Party

Viva Liberty!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's Official!

Well get ready Spartanburg County. Today at Noon we met at the Spartanburg County Courthouse Steps. We met to Officially launch the Party. We had to meet to elect the County Party Officials.

So Spartanburg County Officially has a Libertarian Party! This is the third attempt at the County Party. I'm not really for sure what happened the first go round. However I knew the woman who got it organized the second time around, Jenni Messel. Unfortunately Jenni was afflected with a Heart Condition that took her life in 2007. My first post on this blog is actually dedicating this blog to her and her memory. she was a great woman, one that will truly be missed.

But the plan is to hit the ground running. So keep an eye out, coming soon will be many. There is hopes to have the website up and running in the next few weeks.

So keep tuned for all of the excited things to come. If any of you reading this wants to become an active part just let me know and we will get you involved.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Rants and Raves.... Well mainly Rants!

I thought with as much as is going on here lately that i just need Rant or Vent on the current state of the affairs in this country. So i thought, what the heck, why not just do a post and combine them all into one post. So here i go.

Bob Inglis

I was informed a few days ago about the Town Hall Meeting our Politician was having in Boiling Spring by a great young lady. Unfortunately i got the dates wrong, i was planning on attending, but i thought it was next week, so i missed the event.

But to digress for a moment from my thoughts, I would like to say thank you to Victoria Garrett for letting me knowing about it and filling me in on what transpired at the meeting. Now i hope i don't embarrass her in any way, since she doesn't know i am talking about her, but i wish we had more young people such as herself. Now a days you don't find very many Recent High School Graduates that are really concerned with the state of this country, the state of our citizens, and even the state of our rights. Victoria keep up the great work, i know it is frustrating, but worth it. Hopefully one of these days she will grace the Libertarian Party with her presence. Thanks for posting the video of the meeting - See it at

But back to my rant. Last night this Pompous Prick of a Politician had the nerve to tell the attendees that they needed to stop watching TV, stop watching Glenn Beck, because they are making this situation worse. Well for you Mr Inglis. When will you learn who you work for. I am personally sick of people such as yourself and some other politicians that spew this conservative speech when it is convenient, but spew the liberal mantra other times. Why don't you stand up for once. I am sick of Politicians like this jackass. I hope this pompous prick doesn't get elected the next time around.

Lindsey Graham

Wow, where do i start with this guy. First off, Is it a must to kiss up and brown nose to who ever is power? Face it, you were stuck up Bush's ass when he was in power, putting yourself on what ever news program you could get on to spew his "Conservative" programs. I used that term loosely seeing as how we had a lot of programs got into effect during that time that stripped our rights away from us (But to conservative politicians that is ok, because they don't agree with those rights anyway). Now with the current administration he is doing the exact same thing. Hey Lindsey, to be frank, grow up a set and actually stand up for something on your own. But my main reason for bringing up him is because to be such a conservative, he sure was quick to vote for Sotomayor, a person who thinks that its the judges who should be coming up with the laws, not the Legislature, which is a blatant smack in the face of the Constitution. Thanks Mr Graham for not standing up for the document that makes this country what it is. You are another one that should fear your next election.

Obama Care
I think this is the biggest fiasco that i have seen come out Washington. A plan to make health care affordable, by giving government control. When has anything become affordable by giving government control over it. This plan, from what i have read (and i must admit at 1000 pages i haven't had time to read much of it) will give the government the right to demand that you take their program if you don't have insurance (or fine you if you don't), the right to come into your house and talk with you about your parenting skills, the right to demand to see your child's immunization records. And due to higher taxes being placed on smaller businesses, it will force these businesses to not offer insurance to their employees, which will force them to take this government care. Now with that being said, it was funny about when during the last presidents terms that we heard tons about how the Medicare system would be going bankrupt if something was not done, why was this? It was because it is managed and run by the government. Why is it that now everyone believes with a new president that it will now miraculously be run adequately? And then on top of that where will the money come from? Middle class, regardless to what the lib's want you to believe. Majority of tax hikes are aimed at the middle class, but the politicians will beat their chest or do a dance to keep your eyes and mind away from seeing that.
I am glad to see all of the protests about this. It makes me feel good inside to see people getting off of their asses and fighting back. Unfortunately with the two main parties being of one accord, it will take politician reform before that changes (hint, hint election of other party's such as the Libertarians!)

Government over stepping its bounds
In California a little 8 yr old girl decided to set up a Lemonade Stand to help her family raise money for a vacation. But unfortunately the overbearing government is trying to prove a lesson that they are not to be toyed with. The local government forced this little girl to shut down her lemonade stand because, get this, she did not have a permit. This is utterly ridiculous. These politicians need to grow a brain.

For those freedom fighters out there, keep up the good work. I know it is frustrating at times, and you want to give up sometimes, but keep up the fight. It is only through our work that freedom will ever have a chance to flourish in this country again.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Revenge of the Media Whores

Well leave it up to our Former Chief Media whore and his minions of Media Call Girls to come in and save the day.

Yesterday our former president had to come in and save the day for our nation, and our current president. Not one to let his name fall far from our ears, he had to come in and save the day for 2 Americans being held in North Korea.

I'm sure everyone knows of the story of these two women. They were 2 "reporters" that were arrested and punished in North Korea. And there has been a big push to free these two women.

But there is more then meets the eyes on this story. These women weren't simply "reporters" as our fearless media propagandist would have you believe it.

These women were working for the "Saviour" of the environment Al Gore, a media whore in his own right, especially on the Internet he created. I have not found an actual reason for why they went (the media will probably never let it out if it were nefarious). These women, contrary to popular belief, actually snuck across the border into North Korea. And not only did they knowingly sneak across the border into the country, they filmed the entire process. So these women were knowingly breaking laws in the process of whatever they were doing.

So these women, in my opinion, deserved the punishment they received, seeing as that is the punishment for such a crime. I wish once our politicians leave office that they would leave the public eye. But unfortunately our recent politicians will whore themselves out to whatever media outlet for whatever reason possible. Anything to keep themselves in the public eye.

If you go to another country and knowingly break their laws, you deserve whatever punishment you get. And our government should break its back trying to get you freed!

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Soon to be Official

Well this Saturday August 8th will be the Official Launch of the Spartanburg County Libertarian Party. Paperwork has been filed with the Clerk of Court, Press Releases have been made. Now we just have one more thing to do. Meet.

So on Saturday we will be meeting at the Spartanburg County Courthouse at noon. We will be electing the County Committee, County Chairman, Representative to the State Committe, as well set dates, times, and location for monthly County Party meetings.

So if you are wanting to be part of this please feel free to join me on Saturday.

See you there.

Viva Liberty!

The Intentions were Admirable

Well i read a report this morning about a group of Federal Judges that have given the State of California 45 days to come up with a working solution to reduce the number of state inmates to a more acceptable range. The 33 prisons in California are housing inmates at a rate of 300% above the intended population.

When i first saw this is must saw i was excited. You mean there will actually be a movement starting to actually save taxpayers money, not to mention that there will be people to actually be part of society. These convicts will actually get a chance to be part of the American dream. And more than likely the many who have been convicted for being a casualty of war, will be the ones freed (A war on drugs that our government will never win, all while dropping trillions of dollars in the process. But their are those who protest the Gulf Wars because of it being an "illegitimate war", why aren't they protesting this war, but i digress).

But then i started to really digest all of the story. And some things started to turn my stomach on this issue. The biggest one is why the Federal Government is getting involved. This is a state issue and the Federal Government should never be involved in such things as these.

This one action, as well intented as it may be, is just another example of our federal government sticking their noses more and more into the affairs of the states, and into the affairs of our lives. It is getting to the critical point, the point of no return, per se, we must push back against the intrusion by the federal government.

Viva Liberty!