Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Der Fuhrer Has Spoken!

Well i saw a report today that really got my blood pressure up. Well it was actually one of many, but this is the first one i saw. It is about Israel and our Fuhrer Messiah.

Obama has called for Israel settlements in the West Bank to stop building their settlements. He is demanding that Israel halt these settlements from being built, because in his small mind he believes that this will halt the peace process. Not to mention he feels that this action goes against the "Road To Peace" process that was agreed to in 2003.

Well Mr. OBama, the last time i checked you were the President of the United States, not the President of Israel. As tempting as it is to think that you are supreme ruler over all countries, civilizations, and people. Which is actually not a new thought in Washington, as just about all politicians in the Brain dead capital have thought egotistically for years.

So as President of the United States, you only have a say in the United States. So Mr Obama, seeing as you are only the President of this country, get your nose out of everyone elses.

The last time i checked the West Bank was part of the country of Israel. So with that being said, regardless of outcome of a peace agreement, Israel has the right to built settlements for Israeli's on that land.

Oh ya, and lastly, Der Fuhrer, you might want to read a little into the whole Road to Peace intiative. Because when you do, you will see that there is no clause within it that states that Israel can not build settlements in the West Bank.

So to our Fuhrer, and all of our politicians, quit sticking our nose into other countries affairs. We have enough mess to clean up in this country because of you, why the need to create messes elsewhere.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Administration wants to resume building a virtual fence. This is hilarious. Lets not spend money on an actual fence to stop illegal immigration. Lets just build one where we can see them when they do. Thats the ticket. Thats like me being a virtual millionaire.
why is it ok for law enforcement to disregard the laws and hit someone, but if anyone else does, people want to make an example of them.
but a trooper hits a walker last night, are you going to be as quick to put out his record.
here's one for the media. Ludwig runs off the road and hits a house killing a man and you are quick to put out his past driving record.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why is it that politicians swear never to raise taxes on the poor. But they are hellbent on raising taxes on Cigarettes, when the poor are the largest percentage of smokers. Yet another political lie.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Is the White House a den of idiots?

I remember back during the last two presidential terms of the comedic content that the president gave to late night talk shows and comedians of the day.

GW flubbed up everything imaginable. And the comedians were all over it. Not letting up if thier lives depended on it. And rightfully so.

But one thing that makes me wonder is where are those same comedians with the current administration? Oh ya, thats right, they could never do anything to anger the "savior".

But i have sat back and watched this current President and all i can say is this. If the last president was an idiot because he couldn't speak well and flubbed up what he said, then that must mean that "Herr Fuhrer" must be as much of an idiot. But never will you hear him become the fodder of comedians.

But today the self proclaimed "Savior from ourselves" made one of those gaffes that is reminiscent of GW's fool me once.

Today he was talking about a Cinco De Mayo Celebration, but it came out as Cinco De Cuattro.

So remember tomorrow you will celebrating the well known holiday of "5 of 4" according to our ultra intellegent leader.

Viva Liberty!

Loose Lips

I've heard the phrase "Loose Lips Sink Ships" for years. And it has always proven itself to be a true statement.

And for the past 100 years our politicians have been tight lipped about their hell bent want to take us down the road to Socialism. Even during the days of blasting Adolf Hitler for his Socialist Regime in Germany, FDR was trying to steer us down that road.

But never has there been a politician that would ever utter the intent to take us down that road.

Until Now!

Earlier today a friend sent me this link about one Maxine Waters. And to much amazement, she has a Freudian slip during a televised event in Congress.

**Just as a warning, there is a humorous part that someone added to this video, but you will get the gist of it. This is from 2008.

The link for this video below is

Viva Liberty!