Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Abuse Of Power

I just got finished reading a story about a lady in Chicago who took her daughters to the local Walmart to allow them to drop off money to the Salvation Army attendant stationed outside (this was during the Christmas Season obviously). When she arrived at the Walmart she parked in the pickup lane at the store. Left her infant daughter in the car, locked it, and walked over with her daughters to deposite the change. Just to note, she did not enter the store, and had full eye contact with the car at all times. On her way back to her car she was detained by the Security guard for the store, and police were called. She was arrested on misdemeanor charges of child endangerment.

This is ridiculous! First off where the common sense of the arresting officers. If a woman is in this situation and the Police think she is endangering her child, then they all need to be stripped of their badges and get some more qualified "THINKING" people in to do these jobs.

The whole problem with this is 2 fold.
1) Police and Government officials spend too much time focussing on the people that don't deserve being under scrutiny, while allowing the people who do deserve to be under the scrutiny to continue on hurting and endangering the children of this great nation.
2) Law makers have to tried to come up with a one size fits all law for everything, thus giving Police and enforcement officals the opportunity to stop using thier brains, and their common sense.

Its about time that people stand up to this pathetic condition that this nation is in. It is time for Lawmakers to be smart about the laws that they pass. Its time for these same lawmakers be accountable to the tax payers. Its also time for ALL Government employees to realize that we are the ones that pay their paychecks, thus making us their boss. It is past time for this country to get past the sense that Government knows better how we should live than we do. It is time for a REVOLUTION!

Where has all the common sense gone?

Viva Liberty!

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