Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Its about time

I read a report yesterday on the RealID system that Homeland Security is trying to get all states to comply with. It says in the report that there are 4 states that are still holding out on enacting this plan, and that as a result, citizens of those states might have to wait through more security checks to get on a plane. Now while it looks like, on the outside, that the states need to comply with this to make life easier for their citizens. The states are actually standing up for something that is good. They are making a stand against something the government says is "Good" but will have no benefit, not to mention bring the feds closer to your backyard than ever before. I also have to add that one of the states is our own. For once i have to give my thanks to this state for their stance. Now if they would just grow a set of balls (for lack of a better term) and stand up for the rest of the rights of the citizens on the local, state, national level. Then we would be able to have our true rights that the forefathers thought that we should have.

Viva Liberty!

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