Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Could It Be A Start Of Something New

I talk alot on this blog about the government and how they feel they should stick their noses in their citizens lives. Whether it be through illegal wiretaps, or illegal searches, or invasive laws, or excessive taxes, etc.

Instead of leaving the American citizens alone to live their lives, they have to infiltrate every fabric of our existence. Now it even goes past us mere citizens, it goes into business as well. Like the calling the oil company's in to explain why the make so much money. Even though they make on a capitalist market (free market) and on a speculative market that was created and endorsed by a government agency. Nothing like making money in a government created system and then getting called out to explain how you made this money, and some greedy politicians try taking some of this money from you.

Well it continues to go even further, by wasting taxpayer money on things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things. such as Steroid use in baseball, or steroid use in professional wrestling.

But today there seems to be a little flicker of hope at the end of the tunnel. Today Senator Arlen Specter basically refused to call the executives of the NFL in front of Congress about the Radio Spy incident of last season.

Thanks God that this waste of taxpayer money didn't happen. Now if we can get the Congress to stop the rest of the wasteful spending so that they can get their hands off of our money, we would be doing much better.

Viva Liberty!

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