Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here They Go Again... Pressing the Empirical Agenda

Now while i believe that a legal trustworthy election system is paramount to a trustworthy government, this next topic is a slippery slope, and you have to be careful as to how it is handled.

If you find that your countries election's system is flawed it I would implore you as a citizen of said country to fight back to make it a trustworthy process that upholds the countries Constitution and serves for the public good.

So in the news right now is Zimbabwe's sham of an election. Basically, the man in power is campaigning for the "president" position in the country, he is actually the incumbent in the office. However there is a growing opposition party that is trying to rig the government of its corruption under the current leader. The opposition leader recently dropped out of the race due to violence on members of the opposition party, and death threats on his own life. With no other people running for the office. It means that the incumbent will win the post without opposition.

This has cause a major international uproar over the illegitimate election system in that country. Our own country has joined in the international outcry.

However, today i read that our president is calling for sanctions against the country of Zimbabwe to punish the president of Zimbabwe. I do not agree with this mentality.

The reason i do not agree with rhetoric and mentality is this. We as a nation have enough problems to get involved in others, yet this government believes it is their responsibility to police the world, but they do not like it when they are policed and spoken badly about. It is this type of empirical thinking that continues to have adverse effects on this country.

Why are we HATED in the Middle East, Venezuela, China, Vietnam, Korea, Russia, and other countries? Why are we disliked in France, Germany, Mexico, South Americans Countries, and other countries? Because we will side track a countries sovereignty if we believe that it doesn't match our own empirical view of how things should be.

We currently have sanctions against Darfur, Iran, Korea, China, Cuba, etc for no other reason than we do not agree with their policies. It is their job to create policies for their country not ours. At the drop of the hat we will punish a country for not adhering to the utopia that we believe they should have, but we are also the same ones that will cry to the heavens if another country (or United Nations) even talk about doing such a thing to us.

We need to stop this distructive set of foriegn policies, and put our focus on the things here at home. We need to get back to the policies this country had back over 100 years ago. We need to let other countries deal with their own problems, while we deal with our own.

Now don't get me wrong. Don't think that i feel we should turn our back on the other countries of this world. I feel that if we are asked for help, a true help (such as huminatarian help) we should meet the need. But if a countries elections are a sham, the people should stand up and hold the ones in power accountable (just like the French did with the French Revolution).

Viva Liberty!

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