Monday, June 9, 2008

Why Should That Matter?

In a report today, the Senate is looking at the possibility of getting rid of the taxpayer funded food program, for a privatized program run by businesses.

The reason for this idea is this, the current food system is losing money. To the total of about $2 million this year. Now while on the surface this looks good. But think about it, these are the same politicians that waste away billions of dollars each year on crap programs that should be stopped.

So my initiative to each of you, myself included, should be putting issue on the politicians to continue this onto other programs. Programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, The War In Iraq, The War On Drugs, and all of the other pork barrel spending programs.

Think about it, if all of these failure programs are put out of their (and our) misery, just think about how your tax situation would be. It would be much better, and you would have more money in YOUR pockets to spend as you see fit.

Lets start a movement to get this going.

Viva Liberty!

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