It is reported today that the secret deal between the US and the Iraqi's have fallen through. There is still a chance that a deal will be brokered just not in the original one brought forth by the current US administration. Now for those of you who are avid readers of this blog will remember my thoughts on this topic.
This is the deal that will allow the US Military to have up to 50 military bases in Iraq, allow US military personell to arrest Iraqi's without the Iraqi government's knowledge, and give immunity of prosecution to all US soldiers and contractors.
The Iraqi government is fighting against this deal, and understandably so. The Iraqi government is fighting it because it will blur or make useless their soveriegnty in their own country, and understandably so.
But i, being a rationally thinking person, believe that this deal should not be allowed. The Iraqi people should have their own command of their own destiny, just like the impotent GW said at the onset of this illegitament operation. The US military should start handing over all reigns of the government back to the Iraqi's. Followed by constant troop reductions, thus allowing the Iraqi's to take care of their own. Until we are fully out of Iraq. Then, and only then, will true freedom start to flourish. How can freedom flourish and live in an area where oppression is active by an outside force.
It is time to get us out of THEIR country and start fixing the problems here in OUR country.
Viva Liberty!
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