Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bring On The Reparations

Well if Obama-bin Socialist gets elected, get ready for a deficit like you could never imagine. There is talk by Obama that America needs to take steps other than words to fix the issue of slavery in the past. Here is his exact words:

"Sen. Barack Obama, speaking to a gathering of minority journalists yesterday, stopped short of endorsing an official U.S. apology to American Indians but said the country should acknowledge its history of poor treatment of certain ethnic groups.
"There's no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we've got some very sad and difficult things to account for," Obama told hundreds of attendees of UNITY '08, a convention of four minority journalism associations.
"I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged," the Democratic presidential hopeful said.
"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

So what does this mean, you may ask. Well if he wins in November, get ready to pay, and pay dearly. For things that have happened many years ago against others.

My question is, who will be included in these reparations? The blacks, The American Indians, The Mexicans (since some believe we stole Texas and California from them), The Iraqi's. There will be groups that will come out of the wood work to demand money from us. We will be held hostage by every group known to man.

But i believe that if this issue comes up, then the whole story needs to be looked at. In this country all you hear about is how the White Man caused the slavery. But lets have a history lesson here.

Slavery has been going on since the beginning of time. Read the bible and see how the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. The Persians held slaves, the Babylonians held slaves, the Greeks held slaves, the Romans held slaves. Every major government held the captives of other countries as slaves after wars. Not until the recent past, has slavery become an outlawed practice. Now don't think i advocate slavery, i don't i abhor it. But the slavery we know in the history of this country goes way back, mainly to around the 1400-1500's. The Dutch, English, and Spanish were the original perpetrators of the slavery we think of here. Merchants ships for the mention countries would travel around Africa on its way to India and China. It was there that they were approached by coastal African tribes trying to sell the captives. The captives were other tribes that were conquered. Now these captives were bought, brought to other countries (including other areas of Africa) and sold as slaves to the highest bidder. Now as America gained its independence there were many fights over slaves. It came down to the Northern Areas forbid it, while the Southern Areas allowed it. And as you all know it culminated in the Civil War, which since the North won, Slavery ended. So as you can see, many ethnic groups participated in the slave trade business, not just the whites as is popularly thought. And also in that, there were many whites who fought against slavery.

But as we skip ahead to the current time. According to popular belief, all whites are the cause of slavery, and all blacks were the victims. Although this is a very convenient thought pattern, this is so far from the truth it is pathetic. I will interject myself into this equation. I am white, so by popular belief i am an ancestor of the perpetrators of slavery. So i should have to pay for it right? Well, my family is from up north and were actually part of the underground railroad in the years leading up to the Civil War. So i, as you can imagine, do not feel i should have to foot part of the bill, as a taxpayer, for reparations for something that other peoples ancestors caused (even some of the people that would receive the reparations had ancestors that profitted and were part of the cause of the slave trade).

It is time we get past all of these race / slavery / discrimination issues that tend to plague our country and get back to the basics of taking care of humanity not a ethnic group.

Plus if reparations are handed out, what will the Jacksons and Sharptons of the media prostitute themselves out on? It will take away they very reason they are in the spot light.

Viva Liberty!

Oh Thank You Mr Saviour

Well i would like to be the first to thank Obama-Bin Socialist for helping us, the mindless minion masses, realize what needs to be done to fix the issue with gas prices.

We, as Americans, as obviously not smart enough to figure out why gas prices are so high (at least the Americans not brainwashed by the Democrats, um, er, i guess by the majority of Republicans as well). So we need our savior (as he and the media would like to hail him as) to set us straight, tell us what we need to do, and lead us to the utopic land of flying unicorns made of oil and rainbows of free healthcare.

If you haven't heard, Barrack "Saddam" Hussein Obama told a rally that we can alleviate the gas crunch without drilling here. All that we, as Americans, need to do is make sure that we properly inflate the tires on our car, get them in to mechanic to get a tune up done, and cut back on the miles we drive. If we do that, then we will have a surplus of gas and will not need to pump from our own soil.

So, let me get this straight. We Americans are not smart enough to know what to do to cut back on usage. At least the president knows that we are smart enough to decide for ourselves what steps need to be take in our own life to counteract the effect of the price of gas. We are not smart enough to know that the upkeep of our vehicles will lower our usage of gas usage, we have to wait for the "chosen one" to tell us. We would never have known this without him. And it is also good to know that it is more important for us to be using the foreign oil cartels, according to Obama, to fill our tanks from instead of using our own supply. Using oil from foreign oil cartels puts us at more risk and more dependency on other countries than is needed. But i guess, Mr Obama, it is more important for all Muslims to stick together, especially if one of them is the President here.

Why are the masses to awestruck to see what he is trying to do here? And they complain about the current administration.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Legislative Morality

There has been some discussion in some circles about whether government should legislate morality. A majority of people believe that it should be.

Now all laws have some sort of morality intertwined in them. There is no way around this.

However there are some things to look at when talking on this subject. The main question to ask is, whose morality should be legislated? Should it be the Christian's, Should it be the Mormon's, Should it be the Krishna's, Should it be the Muslim's, Should it be the Satanist's, Should it be the Atheists? Every group in this country has differing morality. Now there will be some aspects of each of these groups that will fit on the same moral compass, but not all. You can not expect a law to fit all groups moral ideals. So every law that passed under the basis of morality, you are fighting against the morality of others.

So we, as Americans, need to be looking not at morality, per se, when looking for laws. We need to be looking at the Constitution. As the Constitution will help guide us, without having to get into the whole morality battle. Because when letting the Constitution be the guide, then you have the basic morality of all groups without having to get involved in the more intricate moralities of each group.

Viva Liberty!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Environmental Schizophrenia and The Peanut Media Whore

You hear so much these days about global warming and how we need to become more dependant on renewable source of energy, such as Wind, Solar, and Water Power.

You also hear so much from Jimmy Carter on the news, doing nothing but prostituting himself to the news media to keep everyone from forgetting his entire existance.

Well now the 2 have combined forces to become a liberal nutjob superhero of sorts. I'll be the first to name this "Superhero". I will call it "The Environmental Schizophrenic Media Whore". And it is funny to hear the evils that it is fighting.

The evil project of building more dams in the state of Georgia.

As most people have heard Georgia has been in a pretty bad situation over the last year or so dealing with a drought. There have been court battles between them and Alabama and Tennessee of water. There have been water restriction in Georgia for quite a while. Georgia's lakes are at dangerously low levels. So one of the State Congressmen has proposed building a dam that would hold water to eleviate the massive water issues that the state is inbroiled in.

Now as this would eleviate some of the drought it would also help further part of the environmentalists idea of using renewable energy. By putting turbines in the dam, the water running through it would produce massive amounts of energy.

So why would they fight against one of their own mantras.

I guess its only a fighting point when its convenient to them!

Viva Liberty!

Friday, July 25, 2008

No Child Left Behind....By The Bus Driver

I think when G-Dub was pressing the whole No Child Left Behind Act, he forgot to expand it to all school employees. Here is a story i read today on FoxNews. I will put the report in its entirety here.

"Second-Grader Left by Bus Driver on the Side of the Road

A North Carolina second-grader was left on the side of the road alone after a school bus driver told him he was on the wrong bus and had to get off, WRAL reports.

Lisa McGlohon watched son Brady, 6, get on the bus for school and thought everything was OK.

Instead, the bus driver told Brady he was not on his assigned bus and dropped him back off on the corner by himself — even though the bus was going to the boy's school.

"He is 6 years old and he shouldn't be left alone at any given time,” McGlohon told WRAL.

Though he was scared and crying, the boy went knocking on neighbors' doors looking for help. A neighbor got Brady safely to school, but McGlohon said "I really just don't feel that he [the driver] should be driving a bus.”

School officials told WRAL that they agree with Lisa McGlohon's version of the incident and another bus was not scheduled to come by after Brady was left on the curb. They also said the driver is no longer operating a bus and an investigation is under way.

Since the incident, Lisa McGlohon has been driving Brady to school."

Now those of you who are avid regular readers know my abhorrent hatred of the government being involved in the educations system. It is a system that flushes money down the drain, while indoctrinating our children and taking our parental rights away from us.

But this story is ridiculous. Now remember that bus drivers are no different than teachers, administrators, politicians, policeman, and any other government workers paid by taxpayer monies. These are people that work for us and as a government employee they feel like they are in control and can do as they feel without regard of the citizens.

Just another sign of why we need to take back our government, and its employees. And demand our rights back and get the government out of the education of our children.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don't Ask Don't Tell

Well it seems that after a decade or so, there is an issue that is coming back to the forefront. That is gays in the military.

For those of you that aren't privy to this, i'll explain it. Basically during the Clintonian Administration there was a big deal made about allowing gays into the military. One side believed that gays had every right to fight in the military the same as straights. The other side believed that the moral would suffer because of this (in a side note, during this era the moral did suffer only because the current administration did everything they could to diminish the military). There was only a few options the military could have taken on this matter. They could have openly allowed the recruitment of openly gay people, they could have banned the recruitment of gays, or looked the other way when recruiting. Well since the spineless Clinton couldn't stand up for the rights of people, he pushed for the policy of Don't Ask Don't Tell. This made it to where the military couldn't ask someone if they were gay, and the person couldn't tell others that they were gay.

There have been hearings in the Congress about whether to revoke the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy in the military. And as usual you have both sides of the issue are pushing this issue.

Well here is my take on this issue. Regardless of how you (or me for that matter) were to feel about someone being homosexual, people in this catagory are afforded the same rights under the constitution as heterosexuals. Under the constitution is doesn't matter what race, ethnicity, religion, sex, occupation you are, you all have the same rights (as long as you are a citizen of this country). So if the same rights are to be given to a homosexual the same as a heterosexual, then is it right to discriminate one or the other. NO. The homosexual person has just as much right to serve our country as a heterosexual. Would it be right to make it mandatory for the military to discriminate against a heterosexual person for saying that they are married? NO. So why is it ok to discriminate against against a homosexual in the same instance?

I have said it before, and i will say it again. We have to fight for the rights of ALL Americans regardless of whether we believe what they are doing is right or wrong. If it is a right , then it is a right. If you take away the rights of others because you don't believe in what they say or do, then just sit back and wait to see how long it takes for your rights to be taken away from you.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Imagine This

We all know of the financial market issues going on right now. We also know of the government plan to bail out and take over the companies at the heart of the issue.

Now i think it is wrong for the government to just jump into this option without looking at all of the possible fixes for the issue.

Well, in the case of the Freddie Mac, it seems like the best idea is to let the market take care of itself. In a report Freddie Mac has offered a plan that would not need government intervention. They are proposing to offer $10 billion stock sale. This would allow them to sell an additional $10b worth of stock which will bring them more capital to help them with this major situation. Not to mention, more buying of stock will drive their stock prices up which will bring more capital to the company. This would be the perfect solution for the problem.

My prediction is that the government will not allow this to happen. The government has this notion that the only way that anything runs properly is if it runs it. The government will take it over and in 5 years or less there will be a need to pump billions more each year to continue propping it up from failure. It will turn into another Social Security monster, one that we will never get out of.

More government, More control, More failure.

Viva Liberty!

Governments Fix For High Prices, Tax Them More

My Heading says it all. The only thing our governments knows, and is quite proficient at is, corruption, complete incompetence, and excessive taxation. Now that i think about it, these are the same reasons why we wanted independence from England in this first place.

Well, as we all know, gas prices are way out of whack. We all agree that something needs to be done fast to fix our financial situation, and in turn the financial situation of this economy. However the problem is what needs to be done. Everyone has their own ideas for fixing the problems. For some it is going to alternative fuels, some its flex fuel vehicles, some it is more pumping, some it is more refining capacity, some it is a combination of multiple ideas. But to the government the answer is quite a different matter.

Many things have been discussed in the government as to how to fix the issues. However as usual, none will have any effect on the situation. Such as a gas tax holiday, which would only save Americans about $30 over the summer. A windfall profit tax, which doesn't fix any problem, it only charges more taxes on companies for being prosperous, which higher taxes mean higher prices at the pump.

But the latest idea, takes the cake. There are some in government that are wanting to raise the gasoline tax. Their idea is that the higher the prices the less people will drive, and the more money they will have to repair roads. There is quite a bit wrong here in this thinking. The first is that we as citizens need the government to tell us to cut back on our usage, this could not be further from the truth, Americans are smart enough to make decisions on their own without having an overbearing government telling what is needed. The second is that the only way to fix roads is to raise taxes, what happened to all of the other money that was to be put towards roads. My opinion is to privatize roads and let private companies do the upkeep by use money from advertising placed on said roads (this would get the government out of it).

Every couple of years we hear that more money is needed to fund education, or roads, or social security, or this program, or that program. And 9 times out of 10 the tax increase is given, since voting against it would be Un-American. But wait 2-3 years and the issue will come back up, even though a few years before the vote was given to appropriate more money to the issue, where did that money go to. One guess, some where other than where it was intended, but politicians that can not be entrusted with the money they are in charge of.

It is time that we put our foot down and hold this government accountable to us. We have to make them very clear that a tax hike will not be tolerated, and the only thing that we will stand for in this matter is a tax decrease.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Case For Changes In Healthcare

I have blogged here before on the Medical catastrophe in this country. How medical care is so expensive. And how the remedy is to get private insurance and the government insurance programs out of the market, and to let the free competitive market take hold to see rates drop.

Well this is just another case of what the current system is with the strangle hold private insurance has on this nation (and this is just the tip of the iceburg of what it would be like with Socialized Universal Healthcare like Obama-bin-Socialist and Hitlery are wanting).

There is a 19 year old woman in Florida that was set to go under the knife for brain surgery to help relieve symptoms of Chiari malformation, a brain condition that causes excruciating headaches and fainting spells and can, without treatment, eventually lead to the destruction of motor skills and memory. This condition can also be fatal.

Well just minutes before the surgery was set to take place, her insurance company, AETNA, cancelled her insurance policy. This company felt it was more important to save the potential cost of the procedure than it was to help this young woman live a better life.

It is cases like this that prove how much we need to change the system. If this woman had a Medical Savings account that she put money in, she could pay for it herself (and if insurance wasn't involved, the $119,000 surgery would probably only cost $30,000, just because hospitals would compete for business).

Well thankfully the people at Fox News' morning show picked up the story and acted on it. In the end the governor of Florida put people on this issue and AETNA was forced to pickup coverage on this young woman.

Thank G-d there are people who will still fight for others. We all need to learn from these people.

Viva Liberty!

Why does this always happen?

Why is it that when some people get into the government their head swells up and they think that they are more important than the ones that pay their salary.

This normally happens in the Congressional Realm of government, but sometimes there are instances of others in government getting the big head syndrome.

This one in particular happened in Florida. A Daytona Beach, Fl policeman used his position to score free Coffee and Tea at the local Starbucks. It seems that for over 2 years the policeman has been going to this Starbucks around 6-7 times a day to get free drinks for himself while on duty. Then he started to go when he was off duty and demand more free drinks. Then when new ownership took over the store, he was denied his customary demand of free drinks. This sent him over the edge. He started threatening the store with slower response times for calls. He told the management that he would make sure that when they had a call in to the police department, he would make sure the response time for the call would be at least 15-20 minutes, instead of the normal 2-3 minutes.

This "officer" has since been fired for his actions in and out of uniform. I agree with them.

Now don't get me wrong. I believe that police officers put their lives on the line everyday for us, and when applicable, i believe we should show our appreciation. At one point in my life, i worked as a manager in a local restaurant. While in that position, when a uniformed officer entered the restaurant, i would give their food to them free, even without the approval of upper management, and never once did the officers ask for it. If anything they were extremely thankfull for the gesture. But for one of these officers to go into a place of business and demand special treatment, is absurd.

When attitudes such the one in question here come about, by any government employee, direct action needs to be taken. These employees need to know that we appreciate what they do, but they are our employee's.

So thank those humble men and women in uniform for what they do, and throw the ones such as this officers out of our employment.

Viva Liberty!

All Hail... The Media Whore?

Well it seems that the former vice president Al Gore can not live without making sure he is in the media spotlight. And the media can not go without plastering him all over the airwaves. What is the infatuation with people like him whoring themselves out constantly to get on TV. Much like a prostitute, this man, and people like him, can not go a day without selling himself to the people.

He has come out talking about his reguritative topic of choice the environment. It doesn't matter to him how many scientists come out with scientific proof to rebuke his ideas on global warming, he still keeps rambling on about it. These Kook's like him, believe that the only ones that are right on this topic is them, if proof comes out to the contrary, the pull the conspiracy card, saying that the information is being made up or that we can't come to grips with the truth.

His latest rambling has to do with oil, the latest democratic mantra, and how we need to do something fast. He is no saying that we have 10 years to move into renewable energy sources, before irrepairable harm is caused on the planet. This is the same verbal vomit that comes out of his mouth.

Lets not forget that in the 80's he told Congress that we had 20 years to fix the problems causing global warming before man would all be dead from it. Lets also not forget that in the early part of this decade, he stood in front of Congress and told everyone that we have 20 years to fix the global warming issue before man will all be dead from its effects. Well in 20 years we will hear this same speech again.

I wish this man would just sit down from public life and shut up for once.

Ohh. Maybe we should build a lockbox (like was his proposal for Social Security in the 2000 campaign) around the earth to protect it from ourselves.

Media Whores, when will it end!

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Official Libertarian Response

'Let them fail'

Government bailouts of Freddie and Fannie like giving candy to problem children

"Let them fail," says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis, referring to the mortgage institutions Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, who the Bush administration has said it plans to rescue from financial collapse.

"Let them fail, and let them learn from their mistakes on their own dime," says Davis. "Bailing out these two institutions will only delay the inevitable outcome of any financial firm insulated from the market by government backing. The long run damage of continuing a policy of bailouts far exceeds any short term woes in letting the market consume failing institutions."

The Libertarian Party is calling for an end to government bailouts, which it equates to nothing more than welfare for businessmen. The Party believes that government support of these institutions decreases the incentive to make responsible decisions, and unfairly socializes the risk--putting taxpayers on the line for costly mistakes.

"It's like giving more candy to problem children," says Davis. "Lenders should recognize that there are repercussions for risky loans, and borrowers should realize that there are consequences for taking loans they can't repay. If it's financial collapse, or having your house foreclosed--so be it. It's bad economics to remove the incentives, even if they are negative, which encourage sensible and responsible decisions."

The Party says Freddie and Fannie should be fully independent of government support, and subject to the same levels of market competition other firms face.

"I could not agree more with the editorial page of yesterday's Financial Times when it said that the current structure of these institutions cannot be maintained, and that government should prepare a 'decent burial' for them," says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath. "Freddie and Fannie are not needed for mortgage finance in the United States. No credible commentator thinks that the failure of these two institutions would add even as much as one percentage point over the long-term to mortgage rates. Congress and the President need to quickly move Fannie and Freddie to privatization with no strings attached to the federal government and taxpayer."

The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

Financial Bailout....

Well, as you can imagine, there has been alot of talk of current financial mess, and the current government involvement.

Now the government has basically decided to take over these institutions to keep these issues from happening again, and to also help maintain some stability of the current market. This is a noble cause, but let's be honest here, as i have posted on many times, the government fails miserably at any endeavor such as this.

This is ridiculous. This is a capitalism market. It will take care of itself. It might be a scary ride, but it will come out stronger than ever. Part of this whole mess has came from governmental regulation that gave these banks the green light to give loans to people who 1) can not give proper employment information, 2)do not have the credit for such a loan, 3) should never be given a loan. Now this industry is partly to blame for taking these chances on people who should not be given a loan, but the government regulations allowed this to happen (just another example of government involvement causing more issues than it helps). If the government regulation were not there, and no taxpayer money were backing up the market, these institutions would have never given these practices the time of day. This is because when your companies money is on the line (without money backing you up) you will not take chances that will possibly put you out of business.

This type of activity will continue to pump more of our money to prop up these institutions. Which will lead to more deficit for us. Not to mention more governmental regulations that will create more catastrophic events that will cause more and more governmental control.

We have to stop this at all costs!

Viva Liberty!

We're Screwed '08

There is a website that i have came across that is selling this logo on T Shirts and Bumper Stickers. Check It Out Here.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Constitution Be Damned

Well after the recent Supreme Court ruling on the 2nd Amendment, you would think that DC and the other cities of Tyranny in this country would have learned that the Constitution means what it says, and strict adhearance is the only policy for government. Well think again.

For those of you not in the loop. Our nations capital has had a law on the books for around 25 years that banned any ownership of guns in the city limits. Finally someone had the guts to fight it, all the way to the Supreme Court, a man who i hail as one of the few remaining patriots left in this country. The Supreme Court ruled that the gun ban violated the Constitutions 2nd Amendment, thus proving to lawmakers that the Constitution DOES mena something in this country.

Well, don't count DC and the other cities of Tyranny out just yet. They can't just stand back and allow the Constitution to be upheld, even though that is exactly the oath they took when entering office. They basically are going to try to do everything possible to outlaw the owning of weapons without it being an "outlaw" on guns. You may be asking how this is possible, the Constitution allows it, the Supreme Court upheld it, how can they still outlaw them?

Here's how, the will make so hard be creating so many different rules, with so many different hoops for people to jump through, with so much red tape, that people will not want to waste their time going through the numerous steps to be able to own a gun. This will make it where the majority of citizens will not own weapons, thus making it a round about ban on guns.

Well here are the steps they are taking. Guns can only be housed in the home for self-defense, and the gun can only hold a maximum of 12 rounds of ammunition. They would also require that the gun be housed in the home unloaded, disassembled, or equipped with a trigger lock.

This is a slap in the face of the ruling by the Supreme Court. How can you protect yourself in your home if you are required to keep the gun stored in such a way that it would take a long time to get the weapon operational. If this law stands, and your house was being broke into, you would be dead by your attackers before you could get to the point of firing your own weapon. The whole purpose of having a weapon for protection, is to be able to protect yourself with said weapon in a moments notice.

I hope that the citizens of our nations capital will continue to fight these rules that the braindead politicians are trying to impose.

It Is Your Constitutional Right To Bear Arms. Period. No where in the Constitution does it have stipulations for owning a gun.

We Must Stand Up For Our Constitutional Rights! If you don't, do you really think that the politicians will.

Viva Liberty!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Day... New Gov'ment Entity

In a day where everyday brings new overbearing involvement by our government.

Why is it that our current government believes that the answer for any market problems is for the government to control the market. Our government has this idea that they, which most have no idea what it takes to run a business of any sort, are a viable solution than the open market. Just look at the dismal failures that this government has involved itself when it comes to businesses of any sort. This government has done nothing in the realm of business that has ever made money, in fact every endeavor has been nothing but a massive money pit, that the only answer is to through more money. You need proof. Just look at Social Security & Medicare, and you will find a perfect example.

In the business world, if a weaker or poorly managed company is in the market, it will basically get itself out of the market via bankruptcy or selling itself off. this will leave a void in the market (depending on how big the company), but another company will come in an eat up the void left by the previous company. This is the way the free market behaves. It fixes itself, sometimes it will take a little while to rectify the problems in its market, but it fixes itself. And contrary to government belief, the government doesn't need get involved for it to happen.

Well, the government has set in motion a company takeover that will pump tons of taxpayer money into a business that will eventually lead to the government selling it back into the market at fraction of the original cost, and that is the best case scenario. The government has taken over a mortgage company in California. This company was one that loaned out mortgage money, however they didn't require all of personal information to be verified by most. Then it seems that the Senator Charles Schumer sent out a letter explaining fears that the company might fear, which caused the depositors of the lending institution to withdraw their money, causing money issues. So in one instance the government is the part of the final downfall, and in another it comes to bail it out.

I question if this was done on purpose. I know this might seem like a conspiracy theory, but humor me for a second. We have a government that is hell bent on taking on our rights away, but they try to do it slowly so that it will not cause much outrage, which has worked perfectly so far. But if you take the rights away, and then you take the control of housing away from the people, then you have control over the people and then how can the people fight back, they can't. I get the feeling that the government is taking over market after market to help gain more and more control over us. You might think i have lost my mind but think of this. The Nazi's when they came to power, they took away the right to bear arms, they took away free speech, they took over the businesses of the Jews as they carted the Jews off, they took over the food industry, they took over the auto industry, they took over the building sector, they took over the housing market. They gained more and more control over the people to the point that the people had no rights and they had to rely on the Nazi government for their every want and need. This is where we are heading. It took the Nazi's 20 years of rapid expansion for this to happen, our government has been at it for nearly 100 years, so it is a slower progression, but slow or fast, it is all the same.

We have to stand up against this, or we will be under a new Nazi style regime before we know it.

Viva Liberty!

A Moment Of Silence

I just wanted to take time out of the normal topics here to take a moment of silence for the family of Tony Snow. Tony was a member of the Foxnews team and then moved on to Press Secretary for the White House. Tony passed over the night from his battles with Cancer.

I would ask each of us to take a moment of silence for his grieving family.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Sound of our rights being Flushed!

Well a couple of days ago, the Congress passed a bill that will continue to flush our rights down the crapper. Now, the Democan'ts, no matter how much they talk about it, failed to fight enough to block the removal of these rights.

The rights i talk about is this: The Wiretap surveillance Bill.

For those of you that have been in a hole for the past few years, here is the bill. The bill allows the government to tap into and listen to your phone calls, emails, internet activity, credit card activity, banking records, etc. Now this allows them to do it without a search warrant. But this bill goes a step further. This bill gives immunity to the telecom companies that give this information to the government.

Ok, so the Constitution forbids the government from performing illegal search and seizure. So this bill violates our Constitutional Rights.

Isn't this the same Constitution (and the rights therein) that all of the Congress is sworn to uphold.

This is just another example of the politicians not giving a crap about the citizens and our rights. The only thing that matters is taking our rights so that we will continue to come more under their thumb, and eventually become a tyrannical government.

Its time for us to rise up against the mentality, and get our rights back!

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Who's Country Is It Anyways

I have posted here before about the report on the secret agreement that the administration was trying to press the Iraqi's into signing off on. Just to remind some of you, this agreement would allow the US to maintain around 50 military bases in Iraq from this point on, it would allow our military to complete raids and arrest civilians without Iraqi government approval, and give all military and civilian contractor immunity against any crime in Iraq. Now also, for those of you reading during that time, i posted abuot how i thought this was ridiculous and how we needed to give the sovreignty of Iraq over to the Iraqi people, to whom it belongs. Not try to maintain an empirical reign over these peoples.

Well the Iraqi government has come back stating that they will not agree to this agreement. they want to setup a definite timeline to get our military out of thier country. But as you can imagine, our current administration thinks this is the worst idea to come out since Hitler decided to gas the Jews. But I fully agree with the Iraqi government. I feel it is terrible that our own government can not realize that we need to deal with things at home, and let this great nation deal with thier own people.

I feel that we as citizens of this country need to push back on our government to adhere to what they Iraqi government is requesting.

After all Who's Country Is Iraq Anyways? Theirs Or Ours? I guess the answer will be different depending on who you ask (The Bush's or The Iraqi's and The US Citizens).

Viva Liberty!

We Don't Approve

There is a report out right now on the approval ratings of our Congress. It seems that most Americans feel the same a myself, and that is Congress is doing a terrible job.

From what i am reading. Democrats have a 13% approval rating of Congress, while Republicans have a 9% approval rating.

There is alot of different issues that go into why this is so low. So people will disagree on some of the reasons, but here are the main ones that come to my mind. ( So Congressmen/women if your reading this blog, then take these examples to heart and fix them if you want to see your ratings approve.)

-Failure to act on the price of gas (by getting the Speculators out of the market)

-Failure to act on the price of food products (once again by getting the Speculators out of the market)

-Failure to act on removing the initiative on Ethanol (which is driving the price of food up, while causing major feed issues throughout the world, all while failing to help the price of gas)

-Failure to get government out of the medical sector (which drives prices up)

-Failure to get us out of this war of unending proportions

-Failure to uphold the same Constitution you are sworn to protect

-Failure to get out foriegn policy nose out of other countries business.

These are but a few, believe me i could go on all days about the failures of this Congress and this Administration. It is time that we as citizens start acting on these approval ratings. Why do we keep re-electing people to office that we do not approve of? Its like a saying i heard a long time ago; If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got.

Its time for us to start the revolution to get this country back to the where the Constitution proclaims it should be. Free!

Viva Liberty!

Monday, July 7, 2008

He Said What?

Well i read a report today that really makes me question what people truly think about who they are and how they fit into the world.

Now if there is something wrong with your immediate world, what do you do to change it? You would first look to make sure you are not part of the problem, right? If you are part of the problem, you would work on fixing the problem. Then you would move on to the next part of the problem. But you have to be able to question parts of yourself to truly see if you are part of the problem, and be smart enough to make the changes needed to fix the problem.

Well the reason i bring this up is because our president is at the G8 summit, i guess trying to represent us. While there, part of their activity was to right down a wish that they could wish.

Well our leader, had another one of his moments. His wish was for there to be an end to tyranny. Well isn't that just interesting. Our president has been in charge of one of the biggest influx's of tyranny into this country than we have seen since the '30's. I mean since 9/11 this administration has effectively taken more rights away from so fast that the Socialist Democrats are envious. This man has ran an administration that has made it legal for Telecom companies to spy on you conversations, made it legal for the federal government spy on your telephone activity, made it legal for the feds and companies to spy on your emails, internet activities, made it legal for all of your financial records to be looked at, all while not having to get any type of warrant.

These are just a few instances of our president helping to take us down the road to tyranny.

So Mr President, if you truly want to see the end of tyranny, you would need to undo the tyranny you have caused here at home. You can't want an end to something you yourself are part of the reason it exists.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Can't Say I Agree With This

Well as you know, at least those who are regular readers, i try not to blog about issues in other countries, unless it correlates to something going on here. Something we can relate to our political situation. But it isn't very often i just blog about issues other countries are having.

However i will step outside of this box i have put up about my blog. This post is about something going on in the UK. It has nothing with us here in the US, but if the crazy's here in this country catch wind, it is just a matter of time.

I believe that schools should teach of all major religions in public school's (at least until we Libertarians get our way and it is turned into a private entity that government has no say or regulation on), but only from the stand point to tell about they are about, but that is it. At no point should school force the students to ever do any religious functions in the process of learning. Especially not to the point of punishing students.

Well in the UK, there has been an incident that should have never taken place. There is a public school that was teaching on the Muslim faith. Now don't get me wrong, i have no problem with other faiths and what they believe, it is not what i believe in, but they have the freedom to believe in what ever religion they see fit, regardless of how right or wrong it is to me. But this school took it too far. During the lessons on Muslim, the teacher made them all meet and take part in the Muslim prayers. I have a problem with this.

Well the students who didn't participate in the prayers, were suspended.

I object most definitely with this. I feel it is ok to teach of other religions, because i believe we can all learn from others and their beliefs. But never should someone be forced, to the point of punishment, to participate in the religious activity.

I feel, we as citizens, have to stand up for situations from taking place. Because, as most of us know, if we don't, our children will forced here at home to endure the same activities regardless of how we as parents feel about it.

Viva Liberty!

What Office Is He Campaigning For?

In this time of Campaigning we see a lot of the candidates doing everything and going everywhere to get people to vote for them. They will also pander to everyone to get the vote. As i see it, this is the time that candidates will prostitute and whore themselves out to anyone and everyone just to get a vote. Why can't candidates just believe in something and act on those beliefs.

But what i worry about more than anything else is who these candidates are pandering to.

Well Mr Obama bin Socialist is showing this right now. I just read a report that his campaign is in the works for him to make a stop for a speech in Germany.

Now i have to ask myself, why is he making a stop in Germany? Who is he trying get votes from? It seems to me that he is worried about what people outside this country think. Screw That. People outside of this country have no say in what happens in this country. The same as we have no right to say what happens in another country.

This type of mentality is just an extension of the current situation this current administration is in. Our current government is too worried about what the world view is to us. We have enough issues going on here at home to worry about the thoughts of us around the world.

It is time for our government to invert itself to deal with the problems here at home, and allow the world deal with itself.

I guess the "change" he talks about is going to be accomplished by him further throwing out our Constitution and going by what the world dictates.

Only we can stop this madness, and dangerous campaign strategy.

Viva Liberty!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

What Is Patriotism?

I thought on the day after the greatest Holiday to the American people, i would put out some of my ideas of what Patriotism means. These are my thoughts, some of you will agree, other won't. But that is the great thing of this country we live, we have the right and freedom to say what we feel regardless of what people think or how they feel.

Patriotism is loving your country

Patriotism is celebrating the freedoms we have

Patriotism is standing firm on your rights given to you by the Constitution

Patriotism is standing firm for your rights given to you by the Constitution

Patriotism is standing firm for your fellow citizens rights given to them by the Constitution.

Patriotism is fighting for your rights and your neighbors rights, even to the point of death

Patriotism is Honoring the Constitution, Civil Rights

Patriotism is Honoring the symbols of this country The Pledge Of Allegiance, The National Anthem, and The Flag

Patriotism is Honoring those who fought for your freedom

Patriotism is Honoring those who gave their life for your freedom

Patriotism is staying faithful to our Founding Fathers' dream: that all men are created equal

Patriotism is honoring the diversity of belief and culture that this country was founded on

These are but a few of things that Patriotism is. What does Patriotism mean to you? Send them to me, and i will create a new post with all the responses.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Creating New Criminals

Well it seems today, with 1 out of every 99 American citizens are incarcerated in American prisons, you would think that politicians would try to find ways to prevent this statistic. The ideas that come to mind to me would be, see if the laws are too overbearing (are you asking too much of the people on some of the laws), are there social ills causing the rise, are the level of approval of the government at a high level of happiness, are the levels of poor economic conditions causing the people to resort to such reaction, are the ideals of an overbearing or possibly oppressive government taking its toll on the citizens. I am sure that a combination of these are possible causes for this influx of society into the prisons.

I think to some of the laws that are oppressive. DUI laws, i believe, are such. If you partake in any amount of alcohol, you can be punished. If you are over the legal limit of blood alcohol level you can be charged with Driving Under The Influence, however if you are under that proclaimed "Legal Limit" you can be charged with Driving While Intoxicated. So in this instance you can be punished regardless of whether you under over or under the "Legal Limit". So even though the government would never tell you the truth, they have a created an environment where you do not have a chance if you drink. If you have one sip of alcohol and go outside, you have broken a law of some sort.

But i have digressed a little from the main topic of this post. There is a group that has spent a considerable amount of time looking into the amount of criminal laws that has been put into law by our Congress. This has nothing to do with the amount of criminal laws passed by state and local governments, only what Congress passes. So it seems that since 1983, there have been over 1400 new criminal laws added to the books, not to mention over 400 laws that are added to the books for federal crimes.

So, if you think hard for a minute, you will see what is happening. How do you keep a population in line? Take away their rights. What is the best way to take ones rights away? By making it law that if you commit a crime, that you lose some of your rights. How do you make it happen? By passing so many laws that just about anything you do breaks at least one law.

This group has come up with tons of stupid laws that have been passed. One such law put a man in jail for 2 years for not putting an appropriate stamp on a package sent via UPS.

I feel it is time for us to stand up and push back against the Congress that is hell bent on taking all rights away from us and condemning us to their will.

Viva Liberty!

Why Is This The Case?

Why is it the case for our government that every country we have been at war with turns out to some of our biggest Allies, and why is it the the countries we help in a war later turn out to be staunch enemies of ours?

We have fought against the English in the Revolutionary War, yet shortly after, they became one of our biggest Allies and Friend.
We were Allies with the French during the Revolutionary War, yet we have had an off and on contemptuous relationship.
We were enemies with the Japanese, who perpetrated a indescribable unprovoked attacked against us. Now they are a very strong Ally.
We helped the Iranians when the Iraqi's (under Saddam) attacked them. But where is our political relationship with them.
We helped the Afghanistan people in their fight against the Russian invasion. But look at the relationship with the Taliban prior to 9/11. They harbored our enemies and aided in the attack against by their inaction.

It seems to me that we, as a country, need to rethink our policy with dealing with our Allys and our Enemies. I think we need to withdraw our troop from bases throughout over 130 countries throughout the world, and allow these countries to deal with our their own problems. This might strengthen our relationship with our Allies and actually reverse the growing ill will against us by our enemies and actually turn them into Allies.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I wanted to take a moment and thank some people on this 4Th Of July.

I want to thank the Founding Fathers, for having the knowledge and insight to create the Constitution of this great nation. For having the guts to lead in the face of indescribable odds.

I want to thank everyone who fought for our liberty during the greatest, most important time in this country's life, The Revolutionary War. There were many people who gave their lives, their property, and much much more in the fight for our independence.

I want to thank everyone who has fought and/or given their life for our freedom. These are people that fought for future generations.

I want to thank our grandparents generation for fighting against the likes of Communism and Socialism to maintain our freedom.

I especially want to thank all the patriots of freedom through out this country's history. It is important to remember to honor these people and their struggles to maintain this great country for future generations.

So Salute!

But just as important is what this generation needs to do to ensure the freedom for the next generation and beyond. We need to fight for our Constitutional Rights and fervently protect all of the Rights afforded to us by the Constitution. We need to fight for a deficit free government. We need to fight for a government that does not go around antagonizing a war in other countries. We need to fight for a fair tax system, where taxes are virtually none. We need to fight for politicians to be held to our standards and hold them to be our employees, which they are. We need to fight for useless imprisonment of person under archaic and illegitimate drug punishment laws.

So i hope everyone enjoys their holiday tomorrow. Please take at least a few minutes in remembrance of the people in this countries past that gave the ultimate price for our freedom. Without them we would not be who we are today.

So enjoy the festivities. Thanks once again for your patronage to this blog.

Viva Liberty!

Amnesia on the Campaign Trail

If you remember back a few months while the Democratic Primary was all the rage, Obama bin Socialist was pushing Hitlery hard about how she voted for the war in Iraq. Also he talked very hard about getting the war over with. He even went so far to say that we would mandate a timeline to get our military out of Iraq.

But it seems that this was only the thought of the day for the great purveyor of socialism. This is nothing new when it comes to politicians. It seems these days they will prostitute themselves to which ever ideological theme is the topic of the day. If it gun rights, then they make themselves out to be the biggest hunting gun owner in the history of the world, all the while abhorring the idea. They will be anti-abortion at a local church rally, all while voting for a pro choice bill in congress the week before. They will whore themselves to get whatever money and votes, no matter what morals they have, if any.

But i digress. It seems that now Mr Obama bin Socialist has changed his tune. Now that he has to try to persuade the Conservatives to his side, he has to say what they want to hear. He is now saying that he can not put a timeline on the withdrawal of our troops in Iraq. He also said that he would instead allow the Generals to help guide the withdraw the timeline.

So it seems like both major political parties are just morphing more into the same ideological monster. Why can't a candidate just stand up on their morals? Why can't the candidates stand up and do what is right, and get us out of anothers country, and allow that country to take care of their own problems?

Well like i saw on an ad this past week. "We're Screwed '08".

Viva Liberty!

Steeping Off Of The Beaten Path

Well, i am going to step off of the beaten political path to blog on something that is not really political. However it is on a feeling that most politicians, and for that matter, most people in America have. This is a story i read on It is by a Lis Wiehl, former prosecutor and Fox News Legal Analyst

"Brooke’s uncle…her stepfather responsible for her kidnapping, rape, and death? Unthinkable…But sexual assault of a child is unlike any other crime. Why? Because someone who is willing to cross the line to pedophilia can never turn back. A shoplifter can be rehabilitated, a burglar can be rehabilitated, even a murderer can be rehabilitated. But not a pedophile. Once a pedophile, always a pedophile. And the children drawn in are the most hapless of victims…betrayed by the people most responsible for taking care of them…tragic."

I have to say that i disagree with what this woman is portraying. You mean to tell me, Lis, that everyone that commits a crime can be rehabilitated EXCEPT for pedophiles. With this mentality you are boxing pedophiles in to be no more than pedophiles during their life (. You are saying that a pedophile can not learn from his/her mistakes and change their lives to the point of not committing that crime ever again. Lis, i am sorry to say, you are part of the reason this country is in the situation it is in. People like you think that no one can make a mistake, and if they do make a mistake criminally, they are to be treated like scum for the rest of their life. I know many people, myself included, that have committed a crime, punished for said crime, then went on to live a very productive life, never committing another crime. But if it were up to perfect people, like you must think of yourself, then we who have committed a crime should be punished by a government penal system, then be allowed to be punished by civilians.

There are some people who would fit your statement about "once a pedophile, always a pedophile". But the rehabilitation plays a large role. The penal system in this country has a mandate to rehabilitate everyone that comes through its facilities. But there is just one problem there. The penal system can not control the brain activities of these people. The only way a person is going to be rehabilitated is on their own. If a person wants to rehabilitate their life, regardless of the fact thaey are in prison or not, they are the only ones that can rehabilitate themselves, and no self-serving egotistical politician can do it for them.

There is too much emphasis, Lis, from people like you on punishing people, and taking people rights away in regards to that punishment. Today, if you commit a crime, then you will pay in some way or another for the rest of your life for that crime. Even after you have been punished by the penal system, you will pay for it. I use myself as an example. I have been convicted of a crime, a non violent crime, but a crime nonetheless. I received my punishment in a court of law. Completed my court punishment before my complete time was up, so i was released from the system, since all court appointed punishment had been served (house arrest, probation, restitution), and have committed no more crime since (over 10 years). But i still have a cloud that will hang over me for the rest of my life due to the fact that i made a mistake. I will be discriminated against for jobs (this is government allowed discrimination, even though discrimination of any sort is supposed to be illegal), i can not own a weapon of any sort (even though it is my constitutional right to bear arms), if a crime was to happen on my property (or near my property) i would be investigated as a prime suspect just because of my record. So as you can see there are many people in this country that are punished legally even after the conviction takes place.

We in this country, hear all the time, about giving people a second chance. It seems to me that that only matters if the people talking are non convicts. The convicts in this country can just rot in hell according to the mentality of the people never convicted of a crime. We need to truly be giving people a second chance. Now don't think i am saying that serial rapists or repeat offenders meet this. I am saying that if you made a mistake and served your time and turned your life around, you should have a fresh start and be able to live life to the fullest without further punishment from society.

Remember the only difference between a person with a record and person without is the person with the record got caught. Every person on this earth has committed numerous crimes in their life, but only some get caught. So don't think you are better than those with a criminal record, your just lucky.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Yet Another Failure

Well it seems that we are facing another failure in this war on terror. This whole war started with the invasion of Afghanistan. I have to say that i agreed with this invasion, since the perpetrators of the attack 9/11 have been harbored and allowed to function within that country. The Taliban allowed Al Qaeda to train and function in anonymity, so i feel that invasion was needed.

But seeing as how the war in Afghanistan has been pretty much over with, it has been just a mission of maintaining the peace so that the new infant government can begin to walk on its own.

Well it seems that our government has taken a situation (one that our great military has proclaimed victory in) and meddled so much that the country is volatile again. Through a series of debacles, led by our retarded politicians, the Taliban has been able to regroup and begin attacking our soldiers and the Afghan civilians.

As usual, our current administration, instead of creating real solutions to fix the problems in Afghanistan, has come up with the only things it knows. Throw more military personnel at the problem. Not to mention stretching our military too thin, putting more at risk or harm, and also prolong this problem further. This, i believe is not the answer. Our government needs to come up with new ways to handle this problem, all while allowing the Afghanistan government to build itself and allow the Afghan people stand up for and protect themselves.

It is time for us to make this administration make better decisions that will drive better solutions and freedom for a people that deserve it. But we can not give that freedom if we do not allow these people to build and maintain their own destiny.

Lets stand up people for the lives of our military and also the lives of the Afghans.

Viva Liberty!

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

I believe that my title sums up most peoples reaction to taxes. More and more our taxes go up (i am only talking of Income Taxes) to pay for more and more useless programs.

Along with this more and more people are talking about these taxes but no one acts upon these thoughts. And why is that you might ask? The answers are varied: I am only one person, My voice doesn't matter. These responses are endless. But we all need to know that as individuals we will not change anything in this political landscape, however if we all band together we can make our point.

Also if we are smart we can get a lot more people on board. And i have a plan that if we as Libertarians can push this tax issue and get it down to what it needs to be, virtually nothing.

Why do people fuss so much about property tax? Why do people complain so much about the amount of sales tax that they have to pay? Because they see the money leave their wallet and go to the government. However the opposite is true for why people don't take action on income tax, against the government (federal or state). People do not take action because they do not see the money leave them, it is taken out from your check before you see it. So for most it is the Out Of Sight Out Of Mind Scenario.

Well i have a solution to get our income taxes down in this country, and my solution will anger everyone to the point of action.

My solution is this: We, as Libertarians, push Congress to change the laws to where employer deductions will be outlawed. This will make everyone accountable to go down to the local tax office and pay the money out of their pocket. The people will not be paying more, just change the way the bill is paid. but by making everyone pay in person, this will infuriate everyone to action.

By doing this we will force everyone to become involved and force Congress to lower taxes to more acceptable level ( close to zero). We Libertarians, and other Constitutionally minded people, need to band together and force this issue, as this is the only way we can get this issue resolved, and force Congress to act as we want and demand them to. They work for us don't they?

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To The Fellows In The North

I just read a report that i feel is quite humorous.

A poll was taken recently of Canadians, if they were to be able to vote today for a new leader, and they could vote for anyone, regardless of whether they were Canadian or not, who would they vote for.

Well around 51% named someone outside of Canada as who they would vote for. 26% for Obama, 16% for Clinton, and 3% for McCain. So a good portion of the Canadian population would rather have one of our candidates as their own. It seems that their approval of their politicians is not good, it's a little better than here in the US but it is low none the less.

I believe i have a fix to this whole thing. We Americans are not happy with the political landscape at home, and our Canadian brothers feel the same for their homeland.

So my fix is this. Since the Canadians like Obama so much, you can have him. He can be picked at anytime, and at any of the many campaign stops he will be making. And if you act now, we will throw in McCain, and the Clintons (both of them) for free. They are yours for free, all you have to do is come get them. The only stipulation to this agreement is that once you take them, there will not be any ability to return them.

I am just poking a little fun, but seriously, to the Canadians if you want them, you can have them. I'm sure there are a few more you can have along with them. I'm sure that for a case of Canadian Whiskey we can work out a deal for you to have all of the politicians in Washington.

Viva Liberty!