Well if Obama-bin Socialist gets elected, get ready for a deficit like you could never imagine. There is talk by Obama that America needs to take steps other than words to fix the issue of slavery in the past. Here is his exact words:
"Sen. Barack Obama, speaking to a gathering of minority journalists yesterday, stopped short of endorsing an official U.S. apology to American Indians but said the country should acknowledge its history of poor treatment of certain ethnic groups.
"There's no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we've got some very sad and difficult things to account for," Obama told hundreds of attendees of UNITY '08, a convention of four minority journalism associations.
"I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged," the Democratic presidential hopeful said.
"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."
So what does this mean, you may ask. Well if he wins in November, get ready to pay, and pay dearly. For things that have happened many years ago against others.
My question is, who will be included in these reparations? The blacks, The American Indians, The Mexicans (since some believe we stole Texas and California from them), The Iraqi's. There will be groups that will come out of the wood work to demand money from us. We will be held hostage by every group known to man.
But i believe that if this issue comes up, then the whole story needs to be looked at. In this country all you hear about is how the White Man caused the slavery. But lets have a history lesson here.
Slavery has been going on since the beginning of time. Read the bible and see how the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. The Persians held slaves, the Babylonians held slaves, the Greeks held slaves, the Romans held slaves. Every major government held the captives of other countries as slaves after wars. Not until the recent past, has slavery become an outlawed practice. Now don't think i advocate slavery, i don't i abhor it. But the slavery we know in the history of this country goes way back, mainly to around the 1400-1500's. The Dutch, English, and Spanish were the original perpetrators of the slavery we think of here. Merchants ships for the mention countries would travel around Africa on its way to India and China. It was there that they were approached by coastal African tribes trying to sell the captives. The captives were other tribes that were conquered. Now these captives were bought, brought to other countries (including other areas of Africa) and sold as slaves to the highest bidder. Now as America gained its independence there were many fights over slaves. It came down to the Northern Areas forbid it, while the Southern Areas allowed it. And as you all know it culminated in the Civil War, which since the North won, Slavery ended. So as you can see, many ethnic groups participated in the slave trade business, not just the whites as is popularly thought. And also in that, there were many whites who fought against slavery.
But as we skip ahead to the current time. According to popular belief, all whites are the cause of slavery, and all blacks were the victims. Although this is a very convenient thought pattern, this is so far from the truth it is pathetic. I will interject myself into this equation. I am white, so by popular belief i am an ancestor of the perpetrators of slavery. So i should have to pay for it right? Well, my family is from up north and were actually part of the underground railroad in the years leading up to the Civil War. So i, as you can imagine, do not feel i should have to foot part of the bill, as a taxpayer, for reparations for something that other peoples ancestors caused (even some of the people that would receive the reparations had ancestors that profitted and were part of the cause of the slave trade).
It is time we get past all of these race / slavery / discrimination issues that tend to plague our country and get back to the basics of taking care of humanity not a ethnic group.
Plus if reparations are handed out, what will the Jacksons and Sharptons of the media prostitute themselves out on? It will take away they very reason they are in the spot light.
Viva Liberty!