Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Legislative Morality

There has been some discussion in some circles about whether government should legislate morality. A majority of people believe that it should be.

Now all laws have some sort of morality intertwined in them. There is no way around this.

However there are some things to look at when talking on this subject. The main question to ask is, whose morality should be legislated? Should it be the Christian's, Should it be the Mormon's, Should it be the Krishna's, Should it be the Muslim's, Should it be the Satanist's, Should it be the Atheists? Every group in this country has differing morality. Now there will be some aspects of each of these groups that will fit on the same moral compass, but not all. You can not expect a law to fit all groups moral ideals. So every law that passed under the basis of morality, you are fighting against the morality of others.

So we, as Americans, need to be looking not at morality, per se, when looking for laws. We need to be looking at the Constitution. As the Constitution will help guide us, without having to get into the whole morality battle. Because when letting the Constitution be the guide, then you have the basic morality of all groups without having to get involved in the more intricate moralities of each group.

Viva Liberty!

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