Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

I believe that my title sums up most peoples reaction to taxes. More and more our taxes go up (i am only talking of Income Taxes) to pay for more and more useless programs.

Along with this more and more people are talking about these taxes but no one acts upon these thoughts. And why is that you might ask? The answers are varied: I am only one person, My voice doesn't matter. These responses are endless. But we all need to know that as individuals we will not change anything in this political landscape, however if we all band together we can make our point.

Also if we are smart we can get a lot more people on board. And i have a plan that if we as Libertarians can push this tax issue and get it down to what it needs to be, virtually nothing.

Why do people fuss so much about property tax? Why do people complain so much about the amount of sales tax that they have to pay? Because they see the money leave their wallet and go to the government. However the opposite is true for why people don't take action on income tax, against the government (federal or state). People do not take action because they do not see the money leave them, it is taken out from your check before you see it. So for most it is the Out Of Sight Out Of Mind Scenario.

Well i have a solution to get our income taxes down in this country, and my solution will anger everyone to the point of action.

My solution is this: We, as Libertarians, push Congress to change the laws to where employer deductions will be outlawed. This will make everyone accountable to go down to the local tax office and pay the money out of their pocket. The people will not be paying more, just change the way the bill is paid. but by making everyone pay in person, this will infuriate everyone to action.

By doing this we will force everyone to become involved and force Congress to lower taxes to more acceptable level ( close to zero). We Libertarians, and other Constitutionally minded people, need to band together and force this issue, as this is the only way we can get this issue resolved, and force Congress to act as we want and demand them to. They work for us don't they?

Viva Liberty!

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