Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh Thank You Mr Saviour

Well i would like to be the first to thank Obama-Bin Socialist for helping us, the mindless minion masses, realize what needs to be done to fix the issue with gas prices.

We, as Americans, as obviously not smart enough to figure out why gas prices are so high (at least the Americans not brainwashed by the Democrats, um, er, i guess by the majority of Republicans as well). So we need our savior (as he and the media would like to hail him as) to set us straight, tell us what we need to do, and lead us to the utopic land of flying unicorns made of oil and rainbows of free healthcare.

If you haven't heard, Barrack "Saddam" Hussein Obama told a rally that we can alleviate the gas crunch without drilling here. All that we, as Americans, need to do is make sure that we properly inflate the tires on our car, get them in to mechanic to get a tune up done, and cut back on the miles we drive. If we do that, then we will have a surplus of gas and will not need to pump from our own soil.

So, let me get this straight. We Americans are not smart enough to know what to do to cut back on usage. At least the president knows that we are smart enough to decide for ourselves what steps need to be take in our own life to counteract the effect of the price of gas. We are not smart enough to know that the upkeep of our vehicles will lower our usage of gas usage, we have to wait for the "chosen one" to tell us. We would never have known this without him. And it is also good to know that it is more important for us to be using the foreign oil cartels, according to Obama, to fill our tanks from instead of using our own supply. Using oil from foreign oil cartels puts us at more risk and more dependency on other countries than is needed. But i guess, Mr Obama, it is more important for all Muslims to stick together, especially if one of them is the President here.

Why are the masses to awestruck to see what he is trying to do here? And they complain about the current administration.

Viva Liberty!

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