My Heading says it all. The only thing our governments knows, and is quite proficient at is, corruption, complete incompetence, and excessive taxation. Now that i think about it, these are the same reasons why we wanted independence from England in this first place.
Well, as we all know, gas prices are way out of whack. We all agree that something needs to be done fast to fix our financial situation, and in turn the financial situation of this economy. However the problem is what needs to be done. Everyone has their own ideas for fixing the problems. For some it is going to alternative fuels, some its flex fuel vehicles, some it is more pumping, some it is more refining capacity, some it is a combination of multiple ideas. But to the government the answer is quite a different matter.
Many things have been discussed in the government as to how to fix the issues. However as usual, none will have any effect on the situation. Such as a gas tax holiday, which would only save Americans about $30 over the summer. A windfall profit tax, which doesn't fix any problem, it only charges more taxes on companies for being prosperous, which higher taxes mean higher prices at the pump.
But the latest idea, takes the cake. There are some in government that are wanting to raise the gasoline tax. Their idea is that the higher the prices the less people will drive, and the more money they will have to repair roads. There is quite a bit wrong here in this thinking. The first is that we as citizens need the government to tell us to cut back on our usage, this could not be further from the truth, Americans are smart enough to make decisions on their own without having an overbearing government telling what is needed. The second is that the only way to fix roads is to raise taxes, what happened to all of the other money that was to be put towards roads. My opinion is to privatize roads and let private companies do the upkeep by use money from advertising placed on said roads (this would get the government out of it).
Every couple of years we hear that more money is needed to fund education, or roads, or social security, or this program, or that program. And 9 times out of 10 the tax increase is given, since voting against it would be Un-American. But wait 2-3 years and the issue will come back up, even though a few years before the vote was given to appropriate more money to the issue, where did that money go to. One guess, some where other than where it was intended, but politicians that can not be entrusted with the money they are in charge of.
It is time that we put our foot down and hold this government accountable to us. We have to make them very clear that a tax hike will not be tolerated, and the only thing that we will stand for in this matter is a tax decrease.
Viva Liberty!
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