Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Gestapo is Spreading

It seems the Gestapo in this country is spreading faster than heartburn at your local greasy spoon. It seems weekly there is another story of the police overstepping their bounds on the citizens of this country. I guess one of the questions we need to ask is why the police feel they have the right to teach the hard working citizens of this country? And why do we sit around and allowing to happen.

The gestapo has taken over the police force in Hartford, Connecticut.

The Police were doing a raid on two men that were alleged child pornographers. Well they went out to do the search and started searching some apartments. One of which was the apartment of Andrew Glover. Now Mr Glover was at the hospital, after having intestinal surgery, and came home to the police ransacking his house. This was the second time they searched his house. However when he came home from the hospital he found them searching his apartment once again. This is when the problems occurred. According to the report, the police didn't have a warrant, thus an illegal search. When he confronted the police about the search, he was pushed down, they pulled out his catheter, and then left his apartment. The police didn't offer to call for medical attention.

Now hes not been charged with any crime, but his 2 neighbors are the ones charged. This man has never been charged with a crime, never been convicted. So why would the police (Gestapo) treat him this way? Because they feel (like most government employees) that they are superior to everyone else and can treat the lower class (citizens of this country) however they want with no regard to anyone but themselves.

I say it is time to stand up and demand our rights back. Its pretty bad when employees harass their employers. Our tax money pays their salaries, so that makes us the employers and them the employees.

Now i am not one for lawsuits, but i say hooray for this man. He is planning on suing the police force for illegal search and civil rights violations.

Viva Liberty!

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