Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Gestapo Post?

Well it seems the new Gestapo police force have setup a new post in the US. It seems the police all over this country are transforming right before our eyes, from a mild mannered peace officer charged with keeping the peace into a force of over zealous violence addicted force of gun toting maniacs.

This post is prompted by the video all over the news this morning about the beating of 3 suspects by police in Philadelphia.

Police pulled over a car with 3 men in it. No one knows, at this point, what they were pulled over for, but by the TV helicopter started recording, there were 12 officers beating away at these three men. The men on the video were not struggling with the officers, just laying on the ground.

The police give the lousy excuse that the officers have been on edge since Saturday when one of their fellow officers were gunned down in the line of duty.

I will say i am sorry that this officer was shot. but how does this justify the severe beating of citizens. Since when does it take 12 men to bring 3 men under control (3 men who were not fighting the officers or resisting)? This is almost a Deja Vu moment of the Rodney King Incident of the '90's. And it will end the same way. The officers will not be punished for their actions.

Situations such as this are going to be happening more frequent as time goes on. It will, because as this country heads down the Socialist Highway the purveyors of peace will become the perpetrators of violence and force against its own populace.

It is time to stand up to those trying to do this to our country.

Viva Liberty!

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