Friday, August 29, 2008

From The Don't Question The Messiah Files

There has been some stories going around about Obama and his dealings with a man Named Bill Ayers. Mr Ayers was a 60's era radical, hell bent on the destruction of our country. He was involved in numerous bombings that blew up statues, buildings in the Chicago area. not to mention taking part in riots in the Chicago. 3 of his associates were blown up and 2 wounded while in the process of making a nail bomb, a bomb that was meant to be used on a nearby Military Base. He has even professed his involvement in bombings in New York City, The Pentagon, and The Capitol Building. But later recanted his confession as fiction.

Mr Ayers went on to become a college professor. It is during this time that he met one Barack "Insane Hussien" Obama.

Now it has all come to light about the involvement between these 2 men.

Obama's campaign held fund raisers at the home of Mr Ayers. He has had Mr Ayers on the campaign trails with him at times. One of Obama's Senatorial runs in Illinois was launched from the home of William Ayers.

Now there has been some investigation on the relationship between these two men. And just when the truthful information comes out, the Obama camp tries to shut it down.

The Obama campaign has recently sent out an email to supporters to barrage any station that brings this topic. Their intent is to shut this story down. They are wanting supporters to call show host, producers, management, etc and demand that this story stop. Now these supporter have been faithfully following their Messiah. The have bombarded the airwaves with their phone calls. But in all of the instances i have heard, once questioned, they can not give a reason to what is wrong with the story.

Why would Americans actually vote for a man that has ties with the likes of a terrorist such as William Ayers?

Make your vote heard!

Viva Liberty!

Practice What You Preach!

We have been bombarded with the self absorbed environmental ideas of the likes of Al Gore. they constantly tell us we have to do this and have to do that, we have to stop doing this or do more of that, or our planet will die. They always want to preach their greater than thou message. They want us to think that they are more intellegent and are more suited to push the environmental policy. A policy that has no basis or proof to it. But that doesn't stop them, they just turn the tables and say that those who do not believe in global warming are brainwashed and idiots.

But it is funny to me how they will force feed all of this global warming crap. They will try to dictate what we have to do. But they, for some reason, feel they are exempt to the same rules and laws they push.

Al Gore, the patron saint of the Global Warmongers, was proven to spend around $10,000 per month on his home just for electricity. This doesn't include the natural gas or water usage at his home. But he keeps quiet on that. He also keeps quiet, as do the other celebs like him, on his constant usage of private jets to take him where ever he wants to go.

But the Liberals are all The Do As I Say Not As I Do crowd. Their Elitest mentality forbids them to think they are held to the same laws and standards as the "Commoners" the rule over. Thats right they believe that they RULE over the citizens. As a side note, these people believe that the Constitution is no more than a piece of paper in which they can wipe their butts with, but i digress.

The Democratic Elitest National convention touted all along that there convention this year would be completely green. They would bring people in to separate trash, transportation would be done by bike not cars, wooden hotel keys would be used (instead of plastic), and low usage bulbs would be used.

Well lets see if they completed their goal.
Separated Trash - It was deemed that the volunteer "trash sorters" were needed in "More Important Area"
Transportation - Bikes were over ruled due to security issues, SUV's and Luxury class cars were used instead, and left running with the air conditioning running prior to people using them, so that the people using the cars would not have to deal with a hot vehicle.
Wooden Hotel Keys - Physicallt impossible to use, plastic was used.
Light Bulb - The normal buls were used, not energy saving bulbs.

Sounds like they want to preach one thing but do the opposite!

Very aptly put by a commentor on a website about the Democrats - "Long on slogans and bumper-stickers, very short on substance. "

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally Some Truth

Well as we all know, one of the main Hot Topics during this campaign season is the war. Now up until a few years ago i was a die hard Republican. I also was also a die hard supporter of the war in Iraq.

However after stopping and thinking of our country i do not agree with the war. Not from the Democratic view of it being an illegitimate, illegal war, based on false statements. Now it could have been initiated based on faulty intel. But i feel that we should not have been there period for the simple fact that we need to deal with our own problems, not those of those half way around the world. We need to deal with problems in our own country and help the countries surrounding us. The Iraq situation should have been dealt with by the surrounding countries in Iraq's general vacinity.

Now don't get me wrong and think i am like some people, and blame our military for everything. I salute the men and women that serve this country. These men and women volunteered to put their life on the line for us and our freedoms. I stand behind and support these people. But i don't like the policy that has sent these men and women to this war.

Well there is a General in the military that says that the marines are really no longer needed in Iraq. He says that troop withdrawal could begin immediately due to the lack of violence in that country. He also said that the troops could go down to 2 infantry groups to help maintain backup for the Iraqi forces.

It is nice to finally see someone that will finally give a true picture on the situation in Iraq. Now only if the Higher Ups would listen, learn, and act on it.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Rockstar Messiah Of Politics Has Spoken

As all of you know, the beloved Obama Bin Socialist is being looked at by the media (and supporters) as the Savior Messiah of this country. They tout him as being a demi-god of rock star proportions. They believe that he will lead us into the promised land of politics, unfortunately this is one where the streets are paved with Socialist ideals, and where everyone will everyone will live happily ever after dining at the table of Communist Gluttony (but the only gluttons allowed in a Communist ideal are the leaders, the others eat the left over scraps).

Well the messiah has spoken on immigration, more importantly the language of immigrants.

He said, a while back, that "Instead of Making Sure Immigrants in this country speak English, you need to make sure, as parents, that your kids can speak more than one language".

Why is this? Mr Messiah we speak English in this country. If you want to come live here, we welcome you, but learn to speak our language. If we come to your country can we expect you to learn our language. NO, thats not the way it works. The Democrats have become the biggest bunch of quacks and kooks i have ever seen. If it were up to the messiah we would have to learn the language of every dialect on this earth. Does the messiah know how to speak in every language, of course not, its his job to tell others what to do, not actually do what he says.

Do as i say, not as i do. Thats the Democrat way!

Viva Liberty!

An Idiotic Democrat

Ok so i have a quote from an Idiotic Democrat Leader, which in both parties (Republicans and Democrats) there are plenty of them, but this one takes the cake.

As most of you know that the Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to keep from drilling, mainly because the have been hijacked by the environmentalists, but thats besides the point.

Well Nancy Pelosi, the greater than thou Majority leader who has been blocking any legislation to allow drilling that will at least help with the gas prices.

But not only the drilling, they also want to get us off of our usage of fossil fuels due to the fact that the Global Warming crowd has also been hijacking their party.

Well Nancy Pelosi to the press said that we need to get everything set to use Natural Gas in our cars so that we can stop our use of fossil fuels.

Now i am sorry, but it sounds like the public school system that she funds failed her, because Natural Gas IS a fossil duel.

Just another reason why we need to get these idiots out of office and get rid of government run education, this idiotic woman is an example of both of these.

Viva Liberty!

Biden - Open Mouth Insert Foot - Part 2

Well here's another of what i am sure to be a long line of these things during this election season.
Joe Biden when asked about what experience he has that would help him as vice president. His priceless response is this.

"I feel i am suited to be president more than any other candidate."

Wow, you mean to tell me the Communist King knows more about how to be a president than any other candidate out there, even the one that picked him to be vice president.

I am sure these are going to get more frequent and more humorous.

Viva Liberty!

Biden - Open Mouth Insert Foot - Part 1

For those of you not in the know, Joe Biden (The Messiah's Vice President) has a very big problem with having diarrhea of the mouth more than any other politicians. To me it is humorous. So i will be posting on these as they come along, which i would bet will be quite often.

The other day, Joe Biden, was asked a question on the failure of Washington DC schools to educate the students.

His response for the reason of the failure of DC schools to properly educate students is because of the mass amount of minorities that go to these schools.

To me it looks like he is saying that the minorities are not capable of doing well in school.

His staff then came out saying, that his comment was not what he meant. He meant that since minorities in these areas do not make the pay that other groups do, the schools do not get the support that they need.

Good try staff, but your boss said exactly what he meant, and to think that people will actually vote for him.

Viva Liberty!

From the convent-ion

Now as some of you may already know. I have not watched the media circus known as the biggest meeting of liberty strippers, also known as the Democratic National Convention. I am refusing to watch this media circus, the same as i refuse to watch the upcoming media circus from the other party next week.

The reason i refuse to watch is because i see through the words into the underlying meanings that the speakers have in mind. This is usually Americans are Stupid, they can't think for themselves, they NEED us to make decisions for them. So i get really pissed off listening to this verbal diarrhea. So what i do is wait and read the synopsis of what happened, read available transcripts, etc. This keeps my mind clear to effectively respond to what is said and what goes on.

So i have one the just gets me. It gets me as to how, people that have nothing to do with a situation will try to take credit for it.

Hitlery had her speech last night and something she said took me back a little.

She mentioned that Obama is the man that will bring our troops home.

I'm sorry Adolfina Hitlery, this is going to happen regardless of who is in office. A deal has already been struck to have us out by 2011. and no one in our government had anything to do with it. It was all pushed through by the Iraqi government for the soveriegnty of their own nation.

Why can't politicians give the credit to where it is due? And it is not us.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where Is The Tansparency?

Time for a Change, that the Obama Mantra during this political season. There is also another Mantra that keeps getting pushed around, Unity.

So the Democrats are pushing for both Change and Unity. But it is amazing how that all changes when they get together. They only WANT TO CHANGE America, not WANT CHANGE FOR America. And they are hell bent to show unity in their own party. When that is all but impossible.

So the Democrats are the one pushing change through the Convention. There is a major push to change how they cast their delegate votes at the convention. Obamas camp is putting a push through to have the votes cast at the Hotel Breakfast, instead of on the convention floor. Then on the Convention Floor they will show the winner. That way they do not have to show the votes that went to Hillary or any other candidates.

But this wreaks of conspiratory ideals. It seems that they want to hide what is happening at the Convention from all of the outsiders.

Why would the party that touts so much for the American, which any one with half a brain knows that nothing good comes to fruition from that party, try to hide its actions from the American people?

If they can't be upfront at a gathering of their own, how can we trust them to be upfront with the masses if in office?

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Hypocratic Democrat

We all know that one of the main topics or fighting points of the Democrats is the one on healthcare. They believe that the evil insurance companies, evil pharmaceutical companies, and evil employers are keeping people from getting healthcare (basically democrits look at any entity that makes money,and is not one of them is evil ). The democrits think that pushing a socialistic agenda of supplying healthcare at taxpayer expense will cure this ill.

They believe that by taking away our rights, taking away the free market society, and "giving" the people that they need, then all the ills of this country will be cured. But they seems to forget their own ineptitude to run anything efficiently and cost effectively.

But i have digressed a little bit. It has been said by Obama, as it is by Hitlery, that this country needs a universal healthcare system so that those without insurance would then have it, and government would save the day.

However, i have came across a report on the Hospital System that Michelle Obama is vice president of. This report shows the hypocrit that the normal democrit has become.

You would think if you are going to have a talking point of something, you would act on that.

But it seems that the hospital system that she works for has started a policy of turning away patients that do not have insurance to other healthcare facilities, so that they do not have worry about these people not being able to pay for it.

Just like a typical democrat to not practice what they preach.

Viva Liberty!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The New Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy

We all remember the big snafu during the Clintonian Era of Government Shadery, Don't Ask Don't Tell. Well now it seems this is coming back in a more sinester way, and this one doesn't have anything to do with the military or the gays.

There is a former military pilot that has found himself on the government's notorius Terrorist Watch List. This man spent 13 years as a pilot in the military, and was honorably discharged. He then went on to become a commercial pilot. He converted to Islam and married a US Citizen born in Pakistan of Pakistani descent.

So there is nothing about this person that stands out as a Terrorist, Right? I mean you can be muslim and not be a terrorist, Right? So why is this man on the terrorist watch list? The Homeland Security and TSA will not tell him, even after his lawyers got involved.

What makes this matter worse is the fact that he has limited time to clear his name or be fired from his job as a pilot because of this.

So the government has implemented a Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of sorts when it comes to the Terrorist Watch List. They will put you on the list, then not give you information as for why you are on it.

This is typical of our government, they want to be able to do as they please and take the right away from you to fight it. This government has continually used the 9/11 tragedy to take away the rights of the citizens of this country.

It is supposed to be Innocent until Proven Guilty. However now, with this government, they can punish you without charge and forbid you to know why they are punishing you.

We need to fight against these Socialistic Ideals and Tendancies, or we will live in a tyranny like millions have before us.

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Instead Of Cake...Let Them Have Haircuts

OK, you would think that with the state of politics in this country, that the politicians would want to focus on the issues. And for the Liberals, the issues are always the same. Pro Abortion, Healthcare (By giving us the most expensive Free healthcare that our taxes can buy), Tax the Rich (and everyone else while your at it), Take care of the homeless.

Well, with the topic of homelessness, you would think they would devise some mega-billion dollar plan to make homelessness just go away.

But what amazes me in the fact that when there is going to be a National Convention for Democrats (Don't think i'm getting soft, the Republicans are just as bad), that they will take every opportunity to hide the state of the destitute from the people of the party. Like the delegates of the party are too good to see how people really live, even though they proclaim from the mountaintops how sensitive they are to the needs of those less fortunate (especially if those in question are not part of the welfare state).

You would think that they would want the hosting city to look like it would normally. But No. They would like to hide from the delegates and candidates what the plight of the locals really is.

Normally they ship off the homeless in the area, because instead of finding ways to help these people, the patrons of the convention would rather sit in their fancy limos, while sleeping in fancy hotels, and while dining at the nicest of restaurants.

Heaven forbid these socialites really see how most americans live.

Well this years convention is no different. They are offering free haircuts to the homeless in the are around the convention center housing the Democratic Convention. Why would that be? It is because the Democrats do not wish to see these homeless people look like they are homeless. They would rather water down the homeless issue than to give a true reflection of the situation.

Viva Liberty!

Police the Gestapo...Go To Jail

Well this one doesn't deal with our Gestapo here in the states, although i would bet that this happens much more than we would like to admit, it deals the British Gestapo.

A British man, Andrew Carter, saw a police van backing up and going the wrong way on a one way street. This, as it does for us here in the States to see a cop running a red light or speeding for no reason, rather infuriated Mr Carter. So he jumped out of his car and took a picture of the event.

As he was photographing the incident, the van came past him. The policeman in the van cursed out Mr Carter as the van passed by, saying "F... Off, This is Police Business". The van then came to a stop, the cursing policeman got out of the van and confronted Mr Carter. The police smacked the camera out of his hands and proceeded to arrest him. They arrested him for being drunk, resisting arrest, and assualting the officer with the camera.

He was forced to spend 4 hours in the local detention facility.

However no charges were filed in the incident. The officer in question has apologized for the incident, but no punishment was given to the officer for his actions.

It is amazing how those that police and keep the peace feel like they are not under the same laws as everyone else.

Viva Liberty!

No Rights For The Citizens

Well it seems, as most of you know, that this current administration and congress of ours will take every opportunity to strip us of our rights, all under the guise of Security.

The rights stripping, i can say, has not gotten any better. In fact they will use any excuse to expand it.

Now we already have the government tracking our phone conversations, our email conversations, out internet activity, our banking transactions, all without having to have a search warrant. Even though the Constitution forbids the government from illegal searches and seizures. This all goes back to when England and the other major powers of the day would bust into a persons house, take whatever they saw fit, take land from them, and then put them in jail. Now if the person was found not guilty (which was rare in that society due to the way that courts viewed people charged with a crime, you were guilty even if you were innocent) nothing taken from the person was given back.

Well the new news is that the government is now tracking all of our citizens leaving or returning from Canada and Mexico. So now there is a database that will track when you leave the country, how long you are gone. This is done for ALL citizens.

My question is what is the need to track a citizens travels. The gov'ment proclaims that they need to do this to combat possible terrorism against us on our homeland.

This is the biggest line of Bull i have ever heard. This idea pisses me off. What pisses me off just as much is the most americans will go right along with it, because they believe the hype of Bullsh** spewed by this administration, and they aren't smart enough to see what is really happening.

From what i can remember, the perpetrators of the World Trade Center Bombing in '93 and 9/11 were not US Citizens. They were foriegners here on student visa's. They didn't try to sneak across the border in a truck filled with explosives. They came here legally.

So why is there a need to track our citizens going across the border, when it has been proven numerous time that our citizens were not to blame for this.

Like a founding father once said. "If you give up your rights for security, you will gain neither".

We need to take heed to this statement and fight against the tyranny that this government is pushing.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not The Email......

There is a report that thousands of Federal Prisoners have recently been given the ability to use email from prison.

Now i know that there are those of you who believe that prisoners have to many amenities while in prison, i agree things in prison are too easy for most people. Some live better than some of the law abiding citizens in this country.

But i also agree with the email privilege for prisoners. I agree with it because it would be a privilege that the prisoners would gain. The prisoners would also pay for the ability to email. The prisoners would only be able to email those that are only on the approved list, and would only be able to receive email from those on the approved list. also it would provide more security to staff within the prison, especially dealing with violence. It would be much easier to see what is being talked about via email, then paying for some one to listen to phone calls and read regular mail coming through the postal service.

This is a way to cut costs to the prison by cutting the staff needed to oversee all of the information flowing through the phone and postal services.

Viva Liberty!

Another Tough Topic

As a Libertarian, most topics are easily to decide on. Most topics have a perfect answer as to how it should be when one looks at what the constitution would say about it.

However there are a few that the Constitution contradicts itself. Not because the Constitution is faulty. Because that is not the truth. The Constitution is not faulty. It is an amazing document that gives a direct answer for just about everything.

But i have one such topic that fits this rare scenario in my formally nicotine stained hands (ok, i'm not Rush Limbaugh, but his line fits in this instance).

There is a report that Doctors are with holding Healthcare (artificial insemination) from Lesbians. These doctor's, as it seems, are refusing to give artificial inseminations to Lebians, due mainly to how the doctors feel about Gays & Lesbians.

Well this has been taken to court. The court has rules that it is illegal for doctors to refuse artificial inseminations from people with alternative lifestyles because it is infringing on their rights.

I have to say that i agree with the courts. I have stated before that i, personally, do not agree with these lifestyles. However the Constitution applies to all equally. It doesn't apply differently for straight people than gays, Christians than Athiests, Men than Women. It's rights and freedoms apply to all citizens. So if it is a right of heterosexual couples to have the ability to have artificial inseminations for the purpose of procreating, it is a right that must also be pplied to those of homosexual couples.

To me the Constitution applies perfectly to this topic.

However, like i said, this is one that has contradictions about it. It has contradictions since everyone under the Constitution proclaims the right for a person to basically do as they see fit as long as it doesn't harm or oppress the rights of others.

Well a doctor has a right, as does any private business, to refuse service to others. This is the way that the free market society works. Simply because the owner gains or loses based on the decision it makes. If a business refuses service to someone, the business could stand to lose its business by lose of service depending on how other patrons feel. But they could alos gain because of it. But it is the private owners right to refuse. As long as the private business is not on public property. If this was a doctor whose office was located in a public hospital, which are bankrolled by the government, then it would be different. Since that would be deemed public instead of private property.

But which way would the Constitution apply on this topic?

My take is that the courts ruled correctly. Mainly because, in a situtation such as this, the rights of a people (straight, single, or alternative lifestyled people) would be a right of all of the people and would outweigh those of a few doctors.

Thats my take a least.

Viva Liberty!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

More Unneeded Involvement

I am sure that everyone is up to date on the current situation in Georgia, with Russia invading them.

As you can imagine there is alot of talk from alot of different countries about this situation .

Well our administration is not any different.

Today GW spoke on the matter at a press conference. He talked about what needed to happen. As you would expect, it was that Russia needed to get out of Georgia and that an end be brought to this incident immediately.

Now as this might be noble, i see something more sinister laying underneath. It is something that has happened many times before and gotten us into alot of things that we shouldn't have been involved in.

I believe that we should deal more with our own problems and let everyone deal with their own problems. This problem in Georgia should be dealt with by NATO or the UN. Our country should not be getting involved in other peoples issues. We live in a country that is daily taking freedoms away from its own citizens, all while trying to be a government super hero to save others.

We need to get our own issues handled before the thought of getting involved in someone elses problems.

Viva Liberty!

The Flip Floppery of Current Politicians

Well i would like to say that the current winner of the Flip Floppery award goes to Nancy Pelosi. I am definitely for sure that with the current state of American Politics, this could change within the next few minutes.

It is amazing to me that during an election year, politicians will do things that they would normally not think of doing. They will sell their souls for a vote.

It is no difference with the Democrats in Congress. Here lately all they can do about the gas price situation is complain about Oil companies. They will talk about how evil these companies are. They fail to realize that mess that is going on with the gas situation was created by rules and regulation they themselves put in place. Which means that the evils of an indifferent Congress great over shadows any "evils" that the Democrats blame on the oil companies.

Well Nancy Pelosi has been very adamant about how off shore drilling ban will never be lifted as long as she is in charge. she has even went so far as to say that she would block any bill that would seek to lift the ban. But once she saw the hype on the news about drilling off shore, and the positive news that the Republicans were getting due to their stance on the subject, she said that there might be a possibility to lift the ban. Then when she found that public sentiment toward drilling was building, she changed again stating that she would back the lifting of the ban. But now she has flipped once again stating that she would back a partial lifting of the ban.

It is one thing to listen and act on what the people want. But it is another thing to change your tune depending on the wind. One thing i wish the politicians would do for once, whether they are right or wrong, stand up for something and stand firm on that ideal.

Sell Outs!

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Fairness Doctrine

Doesn't the constitution give us the freedom of speech? Does the constitution say that in order to have the freedom of speech, you must have another person ther to give an opposing viewpoint.

If we have the Freedom of Speech, then we have the right to speak on anything we see fit, no matter how others may feel. Am i correct? I believe i am. This means that you have the rights to speak on anything you want to, no matter if you are at home, in a business, at school, at court, no matter where you are in this country.

So why would it be Constitutional to squash peoples freedom of speech. Well our government is trying to do it again. Back some years back, one of our political parties didn't like it that their political enemies were getting more airtime to say what they wanted, while the other party didn't get to run their mouth as much as they wanted. So a policy was put into place called "The Fairness Doctrine". This policy made it to where if you had a Republican on TV then you had to give the same amount of airtime to the Democrats.

This is a stupid policy that was put into place because the situation wasn't FAIR. Well life is not fair, never has been, never will be. But the constitution is fair, because it gives the same rights to all people. Everyone has the right to speak on what they feel necessary, at all times.

Well the FCC chairman is now saying that the Fairness Doctrine could be extended to the internet. This could force websites, blogs, etc to make sure that opposing viewpoints are also put on. This would mean that i would have to a Republican and Democrat person give their point of view on this blog on ever post.

It is my opinion that government involvement and regulation will do nothing but take more of our rights away.

We as citizens under this great constitution have to fight against the political policies such as the fairness doctrine that will take away our rights!

Viva Liberty!

No College Student Left Behind

There is a story today that really makes me think about how the control of doctrination of students has gotten out of control.

We are forced to send to a school that is government run. We have no say in what is being taught to our children. We are beginning to have less role in our childrens life as the government schools try to exert more control. So we have a government hell bent on control in education so that they can indoctrinate our children in worthless, unproven policies such as global warming, evolution, etc.

It is our rights as parents and citizens to teach our children as we see fit, which is in tune to our own beliefs and convictions.

We have the right to send our children to a private school, only as long as we pay the fees to do so. And we also still have to pay taxes for the schools that our children aren't attending. We also have the right to home school our children (but this is a right in and of itself that is being slowly taken away from us)

Well now it seems that the government is infringing even more on our rights in education.

Now if you are a student that have been taught from a book that teaches anything other than global warming is a proven fact and that we will all die if drastic measures aren't taken, and that we all can from monkeys due to evolution, you can have high school credits not count in college.

A judge has ruled that children that have been taught from "Christian" textbooks can have a college not count their credits. This means that if you are not indoctrinated by government run schools, then government run colleges (which is just about all of them) can just ignore the hardwork of high school students, because of the teachings they recieve.

This policy of indoctrinating has got to stop. Parents should have the right to put their child in any school that they want without having to fear of paying for thier beliefs later.

Would this even be humanly possible to tke the credits from Muslim students that were not taught evolution at Muslim schools? No, it wouldn't happen. The government i this country are hell bent on making Christians pay in this country, while allowing others free reign.

I thought Government endorsed religion in this country is Unconstitutional!

Viva Liberty!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Slippery Slope Of Government Banking

As you all know, the government is hell bent on stepping in and bailing out the banks that are going under. These are banks that didn't deal under the smartest of terms, and suffered humongous losses accordingly.

I mentioned back when this first came out about how i felt that this is was going to be used as a bad situation in which they can take over the banks. And i also said that this would not stop, until the government has full control of the banking system. This government of ours wants nothing less than absolute control of this country and everything in it. So they will use every opportunity to take control of a part of the market. And with each part of the market that is under their control, it is one more piece of this country that they have ownership of it.

Well on Bloombergs website today there is a story. One that opened my eyes to a possibility of how the government control will expand.

"The failure of IndyMac Bancorp Inc. and seven other banks this year may erase as much as 17 percent of a government insurance fund and raise premiums for all banks, from Franklin National of Minneapolis to Bank of America Corp."

So since the government "had" to bailout the banks, it is using up a good percentage of its insurance funds to pay for these endeavors, and increasing the insurance rates on the rest of the banks. Now raising the rates, especially in these economic times, will put the banks in more of a financial crunch. This increased financial crunch will in turn push more banks to the brink of failure. Now will the government let this new round of bank failures happen. No, they will bail them out. Which will cause more insurance money to be spent. Which will mean that insurance rates will raise for banks. As you can see this will happen over and over until there are no independent banks left, all government owned. This will also put us into more debt, which means they will raise our taxes, and each round will take more money from us. To the end of us not having much money left.

Some might call this a conspiracy theory. But it is a definite possibility.

Viva Liberty!

The New Russian State

Well, as most of you have heard, Russia has invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia. Georgia received its independance after the USSR fell. During this time there have been a few provinces in Georgia that are pro Russian, and would like to be part of the Russian state.

Initially Russia said that they were going in to free these provinces, however the tanks failed to stop there. They are currently heading for the capital of Georgia (I wonder how long it will take for our GW to realize that the Russian troops are not in Atlanta).

To me this sounds eerily familiar. Has anyone in that area took a strong stance on this blatant invasion? No. Just like the in the '30's when Germany invaded its neighbors.

I am predicting that within the next 10 years, Russia will have taken back over all of its neighbors, returning it back to the communist USSR that we have dealt with before. It will take the European countries to stand up to this onslaught to keep this from happening. And this, i feel, is something that the US does not need to get involved in.

Viva Liberty!

More Money Wasted At War

It seems like this administration, and this congress of ours are well versed in wasteful spending. If there were to be a University of Wastefull Spending, our politicians would make up the staff and student body, and it would be funded by our tax money. Well it seems that the leaders of our military have followed suit and are on their way to being master wasters.

I have here a report on some of the projects that the Military has spent money on in Irag to help the Iraqi people. Heres the report:

" WASHINGTON — A U.S. Army program in which soldiers pay cash to Iraqis to help with expenses, large and small, has spent $2.8 billion in five years, The Washington Post reported Monday.
The Post reviewed records of the Commander's Emergency Response Program, which was intended for short-term humanitarian relief and reconstruction. The field manual laying out the guidelines for the program is called "Money as a Weapon System," pointing up the effectiveness of cold hard cash in winning over the hearts and minds of Iraqi civilians.
The largest sum of CERP money, $596.8 million, was spent on water and sanitation projects, the Post reported. Three other categories each received more than $300 million: electricity, protective measures (such as fencing and guards), and transportation and roads.
But the Army also spent lesser sums on smaller acts of largesse, including $48,000 for children's shoes; $50,000 for 625 sheep; $100,000 for dolls; and $500,000 for action figures designed to look like Iraqi security forces, the Post reported.

So there are some very interesting things here. 1)We are bribing the Iraqi people to like us. We can't go in and liberate them and them like us that way, we have to pay them off. Sounds like the old mob days when they paid off politicians to look the other way while the committed the crimes against the people and businesses of the city. 2) We are spending money on roads and transportation that the insurgents are using to blow up our military personell fighting for their lives. 3)They are buying shoes for the children. This is a country that will be posting a $69 billion surplus this year, they can't shoes for their own people. When is Operation "Buy My Kids Some Shoes" coming to a city near me. Oh yes, it only for the countries occupied by us, not our country. 4) Why are we buying sheep? Are our soldiers that bad off that they will no longer get tanks and hum-vee's, and have to resort to riding sheep into battle. 5)We are spending money on dolls and action figures. No this one i can kind of see. If you see a child in need you help them. A doll or action figure will brighten a childs day. But why are we adding to our deficit to fund this, shouldn't the Iraqi's be doing that. Plus why are we giving them action figures that look like the Iraqi's. We should be giving them GI Joes so that they will remember that it was Americans that freed them, not a camel riding muslim.

Any way i think that every penny that this war cost from this point on should be fully funded by the Iraqi's. Then once the war is over we should demand full payment, plus interest for the remainder of the cost of the war.

Viva Liberty!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

1/2 Right is better than nothing

I heard something today on the local talk radio station that made me think. It was actually just a sound bite of something, but it got me thinking. The sound bite was of John McSocialist (McCain) saying this:

"When you raise taxes in a bad economy you will lose jobs"

Bravo half right.

You see, the Republicans get the fact that raising taxes will equate into a lose of jobs for Americans. But the current Republicans lose it after that, they don't have the smarts to take the argument and facts further. However, the Libertarians do get it.

You see, when taxes are raised, especially on businesses, then it cuts into their profitability. What happens when you cut into their profitability, the business suffers and the business will downsize to account for it. If you want examples look no further than New York City in the 70's when taxes were very high (and crime no the less), well businesses started looking elsewhere for better places to conduct their business. Where did they move, to areas with lower taxes. It wasn't until New York City started lowering taxes did businesses start coming back in to conduct their business.

So taxes do effect jobs. But i say that John "The Senile" only gets the answer 1/2 right (which in school would mean you get it wrong). The reason i say he only gets it half right is because it needs to go a step further. The lower the taxes the more jobs would come about it. I, as a Libertarian believe in that taxes are way to high. Now, as a side note, there is some discussion in the Libertarian circle about what taxes should be. Some believe in lowering taxes some, other believe in the low tax system (which there is a book out about), i believe in the no tax system ( one where the total tax person, business, entity would be less than 1%. Some say this is not possible, i simply say shrink government to just the necessities, get rid of all government programs, and viola it would happen. Let private entities run the education, parks, roads, healthcare, and welfare systems and tax payer money would not be needed. Not to mention those programs would be more efficient).

So think how many more jobs there would be with the bare minimum taxation on people and businesses.

Viva Liberty!

New To America From China

Well, yesterday i posted on the whole thing Bush said about the Chinese and what they needed to about rights in that country.

With the state of our government being what it is, I read a story from Foxnews just now that i am predicting will become commonplace here as soon as the government can find a way to do it without it coming under the Constitution (just like the Homeland Security Surveillance Program). And with the governments track record of raping and pillaging our rights, i can guarantee it won't take long.

The report talks about how the Chinese government has placed microphones in the taxi cabs in Beijing, just in time for the Olympics. These microphones are controlled from a remote location. so they can be turned on without any acknowledgemnet to the passengers of the cab. Couple that with the GPS devices that were also installed, the Chinese government call listen to every cab riders coversations and also know their exact location.

So how long do you think it will take for our government to start using this tactics against us. They already listen to our phone conversations, log our internet activity, log our banking activity and read our emails. This is the next logical step in their sinister plan.

Viva Liberty!

Thanks Again

It been a while since i have thanked the readers here. So i want to give a sincere Thank You to each and everyone of the readers here. This blog has grown to be more than i ever thought possible. Back in February i created this blog just to get my thoughts and ideas out. My main idea was to bring up local items and bring in local readers. But i soon found out that, the federal level is where the main problems occur in our government, so it grew from there.

This blog is currently being read regularly in 9 different countries (it has been read in over 35 countries overall). Which is totally surprising me. This is not something i envisioned or even intended. It is just amazing how much freedom is one of the core values of people not just in the US but in the world as a whole. So to the international readers, Thank You (or whatever it would be in your native language).

From the domestic side, like i said, i envisioned this to be a local type blog dealing with local issues, and extending to the state level on occasion. But what i envisioned was a small goal obviously. The current readership of this blog is running about 26 states on a regular basis, with the total number of state at around 39.

I am nothing but ecstatic over this. I feel with readership such as we have here, coupled with the ideas that are dealt with, we are laying the groundwork for great things to come in this country.

But with every success comes more challenges. Challenges such as fighting for the Constitution, fighting for the Rights of our Citizens, fighting against the Socialist tendencies of this government. I know that we are up to the task. but we have to keep fighting in our own way to further this cause of Liberty.

So thanks again for your support in reading this blog. I challenge you to pass this site on to others around you, so that the numbers will increase.

Thanks Again!

Viva Liberty!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Deeply Concerned.......

Well, as most of you know, the Olympics are about to begin. So there are millions of people heading to China to partake in the events. Politicians are no different. But the difference is that politicians use this time to make speeches.

So GW is incorporating this trip to the Olympics into meeting with foreign dignitaries, such as China. It is all over the news right now about his meeting with the South Koreans. And some of his comments have got me thinking. Here's the report:

" SEOUL, South Korea — The same day of his arrival in Beijing for the Olympics, U.S. President George W. Bush plans to pointedly express "deep concerns" about the state of human rights in China and urge the communist nation to allow political freedom for its citizens.
"America stands in firm opposition to
China's detention of political dissidents, human rights advocates and religious activists," Bush is to say in the marquee speech of his three-nation Asia trip. "We speak out for a free press, freedom of assembly and labor rights — not to antagonize China's leaders, but because trusting its people with greater freedom is the only way for China to develop its full potential."

This is rather comical to me. Our president is Deeply Concerned about China and human rights. He is concerned about the the right to free press in China, but our government does everything it can under the constitution to censor dissendents in this country (both sides of the political spectrum are in cahoots on this one). He is concerned about freedom of assembly in China, while the government here will try to do everything in its power to squash that right by creating permits and other items to keep those things from happening. He is concerned with Civil Rights in China, yet his administration is continuing to take our rights (rights afforded us by the constitution) away under the disguise of Security. His administration has given the federal government the right to spy on our conversations over the telephone, over the email, our surfing activity over the internet, and our banking records.

It is a little hipocritical to tell one country that their government needs to work on things that you government does the same. Why would you want to pull another government toward democracy when your own is moving away from it?

Viva Liberty!

The House to Act On Gun Control

Well the house has plans to take a stand on the Gun Control Issue in the nations capital. As you can remember, the Supreme Court ruled that the ban on guns that DC had in effect was unconstitutional. And after that judicial smackdown, the local government has been trying to find a way to outlaw guns without outlawing guns, basically making too many hoops to jump through to where people wouldn't want to get a gun.

Well, finally for once, the House of Representatives in Washington is looking at passing a law that would take away the ability for DC to outlaw guns, which is their motive. I praise the house for taking this step of standing up for the Constitution of this great land.

However this decision scares me. It scares me because of the way this bill works. It would tie the hands of the local DC government, and allow anyone to own a gun, without having to register it with the local police. I know what your thinking, hooray for them, the same as me. But these citizens would have pass the Federal requirements for gun ownership. So they would go from jumping through local hoops to jumping through federal hoops.

I have mixed emotions about this. My thoughts are 1)I am proud that there are politicians willing to stand up for the 2nd Amendment. 2)I fear that this will give the federal government more power over the states and local governments, which doesn't need to happen (the main power of government should be at the local level, and decrease as it ascends to the county, state, and federal level). 3)The federal government shouldn't be meddling in the affairs of the local governments, the local citizenry should stand up for the constitution in their area. How long until the federal government starts to dictate how things should be handled at the local levels.

Viva Liberty!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

3 Strikes

Well i have had a good bit of conversations here lately dealing with the 3 strikes rule that some of the states use in this country. And then whole idea comes into the conversation about the practice of increasing the sentence for each offense.

Now when i tell my side, people look at me like i am some sort of Kook. I don't care, let people think what they will.

I believe that the 3 strikes law is Unconstitutional. I also believe that having an increased punishment system for each offense committed is also Unconstitutional. I know some of you are getting ready to start cursing me out on that statement alone. But i will explain.

Picture this for me. You are caught speeding, 50mph in a 45mph zone. You are given a ticket for $50 and 2 points on your license. So you pay the fine and the points come off of your license. So 2 months later you are caught speeding again, once again doing 50mph in a 45mph zone. So what is the punishment? If i am not mistaken it is the exact same as the first offense, am i right? Yes you are given the same exact punishment as the first offense. But what happens if this happens again?

Now this is a very minor example to most people. Most people think that speeding isn't a crime, but it is. It is a crime against society just the same as murder and rape. Now you will say that these don't even fit in the same category, true, but every law in this country is "on the books" for society, therefore any breaking of those laws constitutes committing a crime against society. Some of you will disagree, but this is the way it is. Now most people think that the lower the class of a crime, the less important it is. You have Felonies, Misdemeanors, and Traffic Offenses. But every crime is a crime, and just because most people think that speeding is not a crime, doesn't mean that society is any less at risk because of this behavior. If you speed and say you take your eyes off of the road for a second (which 2 crimes are committed here Speeding and Reckless Driving, but very minor crimes in most peoples eye) and you hit another car and kill or Mame a passenger in that car. You committing minor crimes just escalated into another more serious crime. So every crime is the same in the laws eyes.

But back to my original point. If you are caught speeding a third time, would you agree with the legal system taking your driving privilege away for the rest of your life? Now i know that most of the readers here would say no, but why? It is because you have been punished previously for each of the offenses and have paid for those offenses. And since you have paid for those offenses you should not be punished again for the crime. Correct?

But these are the same people that look at a rapist and say that if he is punished for the first crime and gets out of jail then commits the crime again feel that he should get a bigger punishment for the second crime (say he gets 10 years for the first offense, but they believe he should get 15 years for the second). Then if he get out after the second offense's punishment and commits the same crime again, these people believe that he should remain in jail for the rest of his life.

Now don't get me wrong and think that i support people that commit these types of crimes, because i don't. I believe that everyone that commits a crime should be punished for that crime. But increasing punishment based on the number of previous crimes, is punishing the person for a crime that has already been punished, so if the crime has been punished and the person has completed all of the punishment handed to them, how can they be punished for that crime again? It sounds like Double Jeopardy, to me, which it strictly outlawed by the Constitution.

It is only a matter of time before these type of increasing punishment is used on all crimes, no matter how serious.

Viva Liberty!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hooray! More taxpayer money wasted!

Ok here is a story from Foxnews that just makes me say Ah What! Before i say anything else i will let you read the article.

" Actress Mary-Kate Olsen has refused to answer questions from federal authorities investigating the accidental overdose that killed actor Heath Ledger until she receives immunity from prosecution, The New York Post reported.
The former child-star, famous for playing Michelle Tanner on "Full House," was a close friend of Ledger's and the first person called after her masseuse discovered Ledger's body in his Soho apartment in January, The Post said.
But federal officials could force the actress to tell them details on the "Dark Knight" star's drug use and events leading up to his death if they obtain a grand-jury subpoena.
One source told The Post that "everyone has been very eager to help, saying what a great guy Heath was, everyone except Mary-Kate, who has refused to speak."
When Olsen got the call that Ledger — whose performance as the Joker in "The Dark Knight" has earned rave reviews — was dead, she reportedly failed to call authorities, and instead telephoned her body guards. According to The Post, they arrived just as paramedics got to the scene.
Ledger's death was ruled an accidental drug overdose by medical examiners, caused by a combination of prescription drugs and the pain reliever OxyContin. According to The Post, the latter was likely received illegally.

So the question i have is this. Why is taxpayer money being wasted on this? I'm sorry that Mr Ledger took his own life by overdosing at the height of his career. I'm sorry, but no matter how tragic this situation is, it is not something that the government should be investigating. This man, as it has been deemed, killed himself using a mixture of medications. I know some people will argue me on this one, but that is the official ruling. So i am going with it.

Why is it that the government will see fit to waste the money we give them to investigate a situation that is closed? What other information are they going to find out, or needing to find out? There is none there. This case is closed, and no grand jury investigation is going to change the outcome of this. There is plenty of other things that go on in this country that taxpayer money needs to be spent on (and plenty that is spent on things that it doesn't need to spent on - like just about every government program in existance), but instead it is wasted on actions such as this.

Besides, What business is it of the governments as to the extent of this mans drug use and history? NONE, but our over oppresive government feels it needs to be in control to save us from ourselves.

Viva Liberty!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bob Barr On Glenn Beck

This is a video from Glenn Beck's Show on CNN from June that has Bob Barr from The Libertarian Party. He IS the only Candidate that knows what this country needs.

Viva Liberty!

Customs Flushes More Rights

Well our government is at it again. This time it is the Customs Agents, under the great stripper of Rights, The Homeland Security (or the Government Insecurity) Act.

It seems that since the great disaster of 9/11, that this administration uses the incident to do whatever they like under the guise of keeping us safe. But like i have read from one of the founding father " If you let your freedoms be taken for the sake of security, you will receive neither freedom or security" (this is paraphrased, but the meaning is the same).

But this latest one deals with a report that i read today.

It seems that the Border Agents can seize your electronic personal items for an indeterminate period of time. During this seizure, they will copy the memory of these devices, and analyze it. The items that they can take are Computer, Cell Phones, MP3 Players, PDA's, etc. Now the go further to say that if nothing is found that the information will be destroyed, but are we stupid enough to believe this. You might, but I'm not. I know that they will keep this information, to use the information as they see fit, usually against us. But the disturbing part is that the Border Agents can and will do this without having a search warrant or probable cause.

Just another example of our freedoms under the constitution being taken away bit by bit. Thats why it is more important than ever for all of us to stand up during this election, and actually show at the voting booth that we mean business. Lets stand together this November to make our voices heard. Its now or never!

Viva Liberty!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Punish The Prosperous

We have learned in school about this being a free market society. And with that comes competition. This is called Capitalism. With Capitalism, a person has the right to pursue their own interests and start a business in the chance to earn a living. Before this idea came about, you were bound to the position you held. The job you had, the business you were in, was dependent on who your family was. If your father was a blacksmith, then you were to be a blacksmith. It was a class system, that bound you to the class you were born into. With no chance of moving up.

So with capitalism, you had the chance to move out of the class you were born into and move up, if you had the brains, inventiveness, business skills to make it happen. This is one of the biggest reasons why this is the greatest nations in the world and in history. And if you had the business skill and made money hand over fists. Then that was your reward for your hard work. Many people have prospered in this system. Some of the ultra rich in this country are rich because of this. Only in America can the likes of John D Rockefeller, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, The Vanderbilts, JP Morgan, etc. come from their beginnings (some very modest) to become very rich and successful.

Well one thing that just frankly pisses me off is listening to the Democrats spew their vomitile Anti-Business rhetoric. If a person or a business makes money due to success, they are labelled as evil conglomerates that do nothing but steal from the customers and the public (this is only IF these Democrats are not part of the business or company, then it is ok). These politicians want to hold people back, and hold businesses back so that they (the politicians) will eventually be the only ones in charge).

Well it is no different for the campaign of the Obama-bin Socialist. He is wanting to put into efffect a set of rebates, if you want to call it that. He wants to spend $50 billion on a "stimulus package". Now he wants most of the money to go to state governments that are having a shortfall (this is stupid, since these are the same governments are spending like there is no tomorrow, even though they no that the money coming in from taxes is falling. Sounds to me like the states need toi cut spending), and to help repair roads (isn't that where part of our taxes are already supposed to go anyway). but he wants to send another round out to the citizens, $500 for individuals and $1000 for couples. This will be funded by the Oil companies.

Oh yes, the whole windfall tax system. This is where the Democrats will punish a market for making money. Now they use the whole propaganda that the big oil companies are gouging us, and that they need to be punished. This is so far from the truth. But the Democrats wants to get votes, not give truths. The truth is, Yes the Oil companies are making alot of money. Yes gas prices are high. But they are just making money off of a system that was setup for them. It was the government, due to regulations, that made it possible for the Oil market as a whole to be put on the speculation market. So anytime there is anything in the world that could be looked at as disrupting supply (thus potentially not having enough oil in the market to meet supply), then prices will go up. Are the oil companies to blame? NO. It is OPEC, Whack jobs like the leaders in Iran and Venezuela, Wars, Civil Unrest, Etc.

So, Mr Obama-don't -have-a -clue, start telling the truth in this matter. And do what needs to be done to make the prices go down. Just like the analysts said over the past two weeks in front of Congress (which you would have heard, had you actually attended like your job requires). You would know that if the market was taken off of the Speculative Market, Start Drilling more Domestic Oil, Build Refineries, then gas would come down to about $2 a gallon in about 1 month.

But waiting on a Politician to be part of the solution is as useless as buying gloves for a man with no arms.

Viva Liberty!