Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Rockstar Messiah Of Politics Has Spoken

As all of you know, the beloved Obama Bin Socialist is being looked at by the media (and supporters) as the Savior Messiah of this country. They tout him as being a demi-god of rock star proportions. They believe that he will lead us into the promised land of politics, unfortunately this is one where the streets are paved with Socialist ideals, and where everyone will everyone will live happily ever after dining at the table of Communist Gluttony (but the only gluttons allowed in a Communist ideal are the leaders, the others eat the left over scraps).

Well the messiah has spoken on immigration, more importantly the language of immigrants.

He said, a while back, that "Instead of Making Sure Immigrants in this country speak English, you need to make sure, as parents, that your kids can speak more than one language".

Why is this? Mr Messiah we speak English in this country. If you want to come live here, we welcome you, but learn to speak our language. If we come to your country can we expect you to learn our language. NO, thats not the way it works. The Democrats have become the biggest bunch of quacks and kooks i have ever seen. If it were up to the messiah we would have to learn the language of every dialect on this earth. Does the messiah know how to speak in every language, of course not, its his job to tell others what to do, not actually do what he says.

Do as i say, not as i do. Thats the Democrat way!

Viva Liberty!

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