Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where Is The Tansparency?

Time for a Change, that the Obama Mantra during this political season. There is also another Mantra that keeps getting pushed around, Unity.

So the Democrats are pushing for both Change and Unity. But it is amazing how that all changes when they get together. They only WANT TO CHANGE America, not WANT CHANGE FOR America. And they are hell bent to show unity in their own party. When that is all but impossible.

So the Democrats are the one pushing change through the Convention. There is a major push to change how they cast their delegate votes at the convention. Obamas camp is putting a push through to have the votes cast at the Hotel Breakfast, instead of on the convention floor. Then on the Convention Floor they will show the winner. That way they do not have to show the votes that went to Hillary or any other candidates.

But this wreaks of conspiratory ideals. It seems that they want to hide what is happening at the Convention from all of the outsiders.

Why would the party that touts so much for the American, which any one with half a brain knows that nothing good comes to fruition from that party, try to hide its actions from the American people?

If they can't be upfront at a gathering of their own, how can we trust them to be upfront with the masses if in office?

Viva Liberty!

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