Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally Some Truth

Well as we all know, one of the main Hot Topics during this campaign season is the war. Now up until a few years ago i was a die hard Republican. I also was also a die hard supporter of the war in Iraq.

However after stopping and thinking of our country i do not agree with the war. Not from the Democratic view of it being an illegitimate, illegal war, based on false statements. Now it could have been initiated based on faulty intel. But i feel that we should not have been there period for the simple fact that we need to deal with our own problems, not those of those half way around the world. We need to deal with problems in our own country and help the countries surrounding us. The Iraq situation should have been dealt with by the surrounding countries in Iraq's general vacinity.

Now don't get me wrong and think i am like some people, and blame our military for everything. I salute the men and women that serve this country. These men and women volunteered to put their life on the line for us and our freedoms. I stand behind and support these people. But i don't like the policy that has sent these men and women to this war.

Well there is a General in the military that says that the marines are really no longer needed in Iraq. He says that troop withdrawal could begin immediately due to the lack of violence in that country. He also said that the troops could go down to 2 infantry groups to help maintain backup for the Iraqi forces.

It is nice to finally see someone that will finally give a true picture on the situation in Iraq. Now only if the Higher Ups would listen, learn, and act on it.

Viva Liberty!

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