Friday, August 29, 2008

From The Don't Question The Messiah Files

There has been some stories going around about Obama and his dealings with a man Named Bill Ayers. Mr Ayers was a 60's era radical, hell bent on the destruction of our country. He was involved in numerous bombings that blew up statues, buildings in the Chicago area. not to mention taking part in riots in the Chicago. 3 of his associates were blown up and 2 wounded while in the process of making a nail bomb, a bomb that was meant to be used on a nearby Military Base. He has even professed his involvement in bombings in New York City, The Pentagon, and The Capitol Building. But later recanted his confession as fiction.

Mr Ayers went on to become a college professor. It is during this time that he met one Barack "Insane Hussien" Obama.

Now it has all come to light about the involvement between these 2 men.

Obama's campaign held fund raisers at the home of Mr Ayers. He has had Mr Ayers on the campaign trails with him at times. One of Obama's Senatorial runs in Illinois was launched from the home of William Ayers.

Now there has been some investigation on the relationship between these two men. And just when the truthful information comes out, the Obama camp tries to shut it down.

The Obama campaign has recently sent out an email to supporters to barrage any station that brings this topic. Their intent is to shut this story down. They are wanting supporters to call show host, producers, management, etc and demand that this story stop. Now these supporter have been faithfully following their Messiah. The have bombarded the airwaves with their phone calls. But in all of the instances i have heard, once questioned, they can not give a reason to what is wrong with the story.

Why would Americans actually vote for a man that has ties with the likes of a terrorist such as William Ayers?

Make your vote heard!

Viva Liberty!

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