Friday, August 29, 2008

Practice What You Preach!

We have been bombarded with the self absorbed environmental ideas of the likes of Al Gore. they constantly tell us we have to do this and have to do that, we have to stop doing this or do more of that, or our planet will die. They always want to preach their greater than thou message. They want us to think that they are more intellegent and are more suited to push the environmental policy. A policy that has no basis or proof to it. But that doesn't stop them, they just turn the tables and say that those who do not believe in global warming are brainwashed and idiots.

But it is funny to me how they will force feed all of this global warming crap. They will try to dictate what we have to do. But they, for some reason, feel they are exempt to the same rules and laws they push.

Al Gore, the patron saint of the Global Warmongers, was proven to spend around $10,000 per month on his home just for electricity. This doesn't include the natural gas or water usage at his home. But he keeps quiet on that. He also keeps quiet, as do the other celebs like him, on his constant usage of private jets to take him where ever he wants to go.

But the Liberals are all The Do As I Say Not As I Do crowd. Their Elitest mentality forbids them to think they are held to the same laws and standards as the "Commoners" the rule over. Thats right they believe that they RULE over the citizens. As a side note, these people believe that the Constitution is no more than a piece of paper in which they can wipe their butts with, but i digress.

The Democratic Elitest National convention touted all along that there convention this year would be completely green. They would bring people in to separate trash, transportation would be done by bike not cars, wooden hotel keys would be used (instead of plastic), and low usage bulbs would be used.

Well lets see if they completed their goal.
Separated Trash - It was deemed that the volunteer "trash sorters" were needed in "More Important Area"
Transportation - Bikes were over ruled due to security issues, SUV's and Luxury class cars were used instead, and left running with the air conditioning running prior to people using them, so that the people using the cars would not have to deal with a hot vehicle.
Wooden Hotel Keys - Physicallt impossible to use, plastic was used.
Light Bulb - The normal buls were used, not energy saving bulbs.

Sounds like they want to preach one thing but do the opposite!

Very aptly put by a commentor on a website about the Democrats - "Long on slogans and bumper-stickers, very short on substance. "

Viva Liberty!

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