Thursday, September 3, 2009
Spartanburg County Libertarian Party Committee
At this meeting we will be Electing Officers to fill remaining seats on the Committees, adopting our Bylaws and discuss recruitment and raising funds.
If you are interested in being part of The Spartanburg county Libertarian Party feel free to join us.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Spartanburg County Libertarian Party Website
So take the time to check out the new site. It is still a work in progress, but it is up and running.
The new site is
Viva Liberty!
My Letter to a Principal
Hey Mr Henson,
Thank you for your quick response.
I am glad to hear that you would like to hear the perspectives of the parents on matters. This is a key of how our democracy works, which i fear more people are getting complacent and not exerting that right. As a leader in a political party i have to look indepth into subjects that deal with our government and its entities, and there are times where something looks fine from the outside, but once you dig deeper you find some startling things. I feel this is one of those instances.
I have read over the Letter from the Secretary of the Department of Education (Arne Duncan), as well the PreK-6 Menu of Classroom Activities. And i must be honest, i feel something is awry with this. I wonder what the true purpose of the President having this address. If he wanted to have an address, he would have one over the main airwaves to the attention of the children and the parents. Having this piped into schools i feel is a way for him to be able to influence children without the input of the parents.
I really got concerned when i got to the question part of the PreK-6 document. Questions such as: What is the President telling me? What is the President asking me to do? What do you think the President wants us to do? Why is it important to listen to the President?
These questions seem like a tool of persuasion aimed at impressionable children in order to further a cause that these children are not yet old enough to understand or make adaquete judgement calls on themselves. It looks as if with the documents i have read, that the children are going to be used as some sort of pawn in a political game being played out in Washington.
As i have said, i feel that this is being pushed without Parental input or Knowledge from the highest levels of our government.
As the Chairman of the Spartanburg County Libertarian Party, I would like to ask Lyman Elementary as well as Spartanburg County School District 5 not take part of this event. And instead focus on the important thing at hand, the educating of our children.
Thank you for your time. And i look forward to hearing back on the response from Dr. Turner.
Jamie A Steele
County Chairman
Spartanburg County Libertarian Party
I would urge everyone their schools and school districts and get their thoughts out on the subject.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Birth Certificate

Viva Liberty!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
An Interesting Thing to Find
Most don't have any clue why anyone would want to fight in the realm of politics in this country. But what they don't realize is this, If it weren't for people willing to fight in the realm of Politics, this country would never exist. It is all fine and great to vote in this country. But when all that your activism consists of is voting, not much really changes in this country. If it does change, its generally for the worse. Which is part of the reason why this country is in the mess its in now. Most people are fearful to get out of the comfort of their homes to get in the trenches to fight for what they feel is right. To me there is nothing that feels better or fulfilling then to fight for something much bigger than myself. And every ones rights and freedoms are definitely worth fighting for. I would rather find myself as a casualty of war in the political war on rights and freedoms, then to sit in comfort complaining at how screwed up this country is. If you are complaining about it, THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Either getup and fight to change it, or shut the hell up.
Sorry, I have digressed a bit.
But like i said, i went to the courthouse to the Clerk of Courts, to get some paperwork stamped and placed into public record. You really get raised eyes when you mention to people that you went to the Clerk of Court's office and it was not to pay child support.
But while i was in there i noticed a framed picture on the wall. It was titled "Famous Flags from History". It was a pretty interesting picture. It had the Stars and Stripes, the Confederate flag, then allot of other flags. But one i found interestingly missing was the Gadsden Flag. Now most do not recall this flag, but it is one of the greatest to me and my fellow Libertarian Patriots.
I found this interesting.
Why would the government find it necessary to try to hide this famous flag? It might be because the meaning of this flag represented the fight against an empirical government. One that we fought against in the Revolutionary War, only to see the same thing 200 years later. So the government thinks that if squashes this emblem, that we won't have a symbol to fight under against them. Boy are they ever wrong.
Keep up the fight, and fly the Gadsden Flag at all times.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Big Thank You!
So i wanted to take the time to give my thanks to each of you. And i must say i was taken aback from where some of the traffic came from, like Germany (Danke vielmals!), and Belguim, not to mention hits from 19 states in this country. But the craziest one for me was Hollis, NY. It was crazy because the old Run DMC song Christmas In Hollis started playing in my head (a song i haven't heard in over 20 years).
But once again i just want say a big Thank You to each and every one of you. Keep reading.
Viva Liberty!
An Official Message!
I say lets all try to get them sign and see how much luck we have with it. Better yet, film the process of you trying to get them to sign and put it up on youtube. Lets get the word out about how these elected officials are truly not working for our best interest and frankly could care less about our interests.
Well here is the email.
Aug. 10, 2009
Your Monday Message from the Libertarian Party:
Dear friend,
Rep. Kathy Castor and Sen. Russ Carnahan called out union thugs to rough up citizens who showed up to speak out against government-run medicine.
Rep. David Scott began screaming at a doctor who disagreed with him.
Rep. John Dingell got into an argument with an elderly man who brought his special needs son.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed people who are revealing the details of HR 3200 are “carrying swastikas.”
Rep. Brian Baird refuses to even meet with his constituents to discuss the bill. He publicly referred to the senior citizens and families he’s supposed to represent as “Brown Shirts,” the infamous Nazi war criminals.
As the details of HR 3200 trickle out and public support for government-run medicine collapses, Democrats are doing everything they can to instigate chaos and bully the millions of Americans who don’t want government-run medicine.
Gee, you’d think there’s stuff in the Obama health care takeover Democrats don’t want people to hear about. Probably page 16 outlawing private health care, page 167 and others calling for new national taxes on people with “unacceptable” health care plans, or the sections calling for “end of life planning” for the elderly and sick. No wonder Democrats seem to be trying to turn town halls away from serious discussions of their bill and into WWE wrestling events.
Well, Libertarians think differently. Not only do we oppose initiating force to achieve social or political goals, elected Libertarians treat their constituents, especially those who disagree, with respect.
You can help the Libertarian Party hold advocates of government-run medicine accountable. I am sending you a link to the Libertarian Party’s Responsible Legislator Pledge at
Please print it out, take it with you to your congressman or senator’s town hall meeting and politely and respectfully ask them to sign it and agree to one simple promise. Don’t vote for any federal health care legislation you have not read in full, and understand.
They have two options. Refuse to sign it, and admit they don’t read major legislation before they vote. Or sign it, and be held personally accountable for everything in the bill. Unlike they did with the pork in the “stimulus” bill, they can’t claim to know about the outlawing of private insurance, the billions in new taxes, the waiting lists and the “end of life planning.”
Democrats are calling out the thugs because they want Americans to stop talking about their plan. Do your part to restore accountability to Congress. Click here to print out your own copy of the Libertarian Party Responsible Legislator Pledge. Or go to
Take it to your local town hall and politely ask your congressman or senator if they will actually read the bill and take personal responsibility if they plan to support government-run medicine.
With optimism,
Donny Ferguson
Director of Communications
Libertarian Party
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
It's Official!
So Spartanburg County Officially has a Libertarian Party! This is the third attempt at the County Party. I'm not really for sure what happened the first go round. However I knew the woman who got it organized the second time around, Jenni Messel. Unfortunately Jenni was afflected with a Heart Condition that took her life in 2007. My first post on this blog is actually dedicating this blog to her and her memory. she was a great woman, one that will truly be missed.
But the plan is to hit the ground running. So keep an eye out, coming soon will be many. There is hopes to have the website up and running in the next few weeks.
So keep tuned for all of the excited things to come. If any of you reading this wants to become an active part just let me know and we will get you involved.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, August 7, 2009
My Rants and Raves.... Well mainly Rants!
Bob Inglis
I was informed a few days ago about the Town Hall Meeting our Politician was having in Boiling Spring by a great young lady. Unfortunately i got the dates wrong, i was planning on attending, but i thought it was next week, so i missed the event.
But to digress for a moment from my thoughts, I would like to say thank you to Victoria Garrett for letting me knowing about it and filling me in on what transpired at the meeting. Now i hope i don't embarrass her in any way, since she doesn't know i am talking about her, but i wish we had more young people such as herself. Now a days you don't find very many Recent High School Graduates that are really concerned with the state of this country, the state of our citizens, and even the state of our rights. Victoria keep up the great work, i know it is frustrating, but worth it. Hopefully one of these days she will grace the Libertarian Party with her presence. Thanks for posting the video of the meeting - See it at
But back to my rant. Last night this Pompous Prick of a Politician had the nerve to tell the attendees that they needed to stop watching TV, stop watching Glenn Beck, because they are making this situation worse. Well for you Mr Inglis. When will you learn who you work for. I am personally sick of people such as yourself and some other politicians that spew this conservative speech when it is convenient, but spew the liberal mantra other times. Why don't you stand up for once. I am sick of Politicians like this jackass. I hope this pompous prick doesn't get elected the next time around.
Lindsey Graham
Wow, where do i start with this guy. First off, Is it a must to kiss up and brown nose to who ever is power? Face it, you were stuck up Bush's ass when he was in power, putting yourself on what ever news program you could get on to spew his "Conservative" programs. I used that term loosely seeing as how we had a lot of programs got into effect during that time that stripped our rights away from us (But to conservative politicians that is ok, because they don't agree with those rights anyway). Now with the current administration he is doing the exact same thing. Hey Lindsey, to be frank, grow up a set and actually stand up for something on your own. But my main reason for bringing up him is because to be such a conservative, he sure was quick to vote for Sotomayor, a person who thinks that its the judges who should be coming up with the laws, not the Legislature, which is a blatant smack in the face of the Constitution. Thanks Mr Graham for not standing up for the document that makes this country what it is. You are another one that should fear your next election.
Obama Care
I think this is the biggest fiasco that i have seen come out Washington. A plan to make health care affordable, by giving government control. When has anything become affordable by giving government control over it. This plan, from what i have read (and i must admit at 1000 pages i haven't had time to read much of it) will give the government the right to demand that you take their program if you don't have insurance (or fine you if you don't), the right to come into your house and talk with you about your parenting skills, the right to demand to see your child's immunization records. And due to higher taxes being placed on smaller businesses, it will force these businesses to not offer insurance to their employees, which will force them to take this government care. Now with that being said, it was funny about when during the last presidents terms that we heard tons about how the Medicare system would be going bankrupt if something was not done, why was this? It was because it is managed and run by the government. Why is it that now everyone believes with a new president that it will now miraculously be run adequately? And then on top of that where will the money come from? Middle class, regardless to what the lib's want you to believe. Majority of tax hikes are aimed at the middle class, but the politicians will beat their chest or do a dance to keep your eyes and mind away from seeing that.
I am glad to see all of the protests about this. It makes me feel good inside to see people getting off of their asses and fighting back. Unfortunately with the two main parties being of one accord, it will take politician reform before that changes (hint, hint election of other party's such as the Libertarians!)
Government over stepping its bounds
In California a little 8 yr old girl decided to set up a Lemonade Stand to help her family raise money for a vacation. But unfortunately the overbearing government is trying to prove a lesson that they are not to be toyed with. The local government forced this little girl to shut down her lemonade stand because, get this, she did not have a permit. This is utterly ridiculous. These politicians need to grow a brain.
For those freedom fighters out there, keep up the good work. I know it is frustrating at times, and you want to give up sometimes, but keep up the fight. It is only through our work that freedom will ever have a chance to flourish in this country again.
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Revenge of the Media Whores
Yesterday our former president had to come in and save the day for our nation, and our current president. Not one to let his name fall far from our ears, he had to come in and save the day for 2 Americans being held in North Korea.
I'm sure everyone knows of the story of these two women. They were 2 "reporters" that were arrested and punished in North Korea. And there has been a big push to free these two women.
But there is more then meets the eyes on this story. These women weren't simply "reporters" as our fearless media propagandist would have you believe it.
These women were working for the "Saviour" of the environment Al Gore, a media whore in his own right, especially on the Internet he created. I have not found an actual reason for why they went (the media will probably never let it out if it were nefarious). These women, contrary to popular belief, actually snuck across the border into North Korea. And not only did they knowingly sneak across the border into the country, they filmed the entire process. So these women were knowingly breaking laws in the process of whatever they were doing.
So these women, in my opinion, deserved the punishment they received, seeing as that is the punishment for such a crime. I wish once our politicians leave office that they would leave the public eye. But unfortunately our recent politicians will whore themselves out to whatever media outlet for whatever reason possible. Anything to keep themselves in the public eye.
If you go to another country and knowingly break their laws, you deserve whatever punishment you get. And our government should break its back trying to get you freed!
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Soon to be Official
So on Saturday we will be meeting at the Spartanburg County Courthouse at noon. We will be electing the County Committee, County Chairman, Representative to the State Committe, as well set dates, times, and location for monthly County Party meetings.
So if you are wanting to be part of this please feel free to join me on Saturday.
See you there.
Viva Liberty!
The Intentions were Admirable
When i first saw this is must saw i was excited. You mean there will actually be a movement starting to actually save taxpayers money, not to mention that there will be people to actually be part of society. These convicts will actually get a chance to be part of the American dream. And more than likely the many who have been convicted for being a casualty of war, will be the ones freed (A war on drugs that our government will never win, all while dropping trillions of dollars in the process. But their are those who protest the Gulf Wars because of it being an "illegitimate war", why aren't they protesting this war, but i digress).
But then i started to really digest all of the story. And some things started to turn my stomach on this issue. The biggest one is why the Federal Government is getting involved. This is a state issue and the Federal Government should never be involved in such things as these.
This one action, as well intented as it may be, is just another example of our federal government sticking their noses more and more into the affairs of the states, and into the affairs of our lives. It is getting to the critical point, the point of no return, per se, we must push back against the intrusion by the federal government.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
What...Expect them to do their jobs?
Now i said that to explain how it is supposed to work. But as we all know, once they get to Washington they all have to go through a series of brainwashing sessions to desensitize them to the fact that they work on behalf of us, or at least that is the way it seems. With the exception of the great, Honorable (which is a term i rarely use for politicians) Ron Paul. So when they get to Washington they work for the lobbyists, and themselves, not for the population.
But they should still know when they vote what it is they are voting for. But as most of us freedom fighters know, this is not what happens. And today the cat is out of the bag, by one of the politicians of all people.
John Conyers of Michigan (the news made sure to report him as a Democrat, but to me it doesn't matter, Republican or Democrat, whats the difference anymore) was asked about reading the bills and this was his response:
“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’”
“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
Hmmm. What good is reading a bill? Lets see, because if you don't read the bill you don't know what you are voting on. Not that it matters to you, since you politicians think you are above the law, but when you vote for a bill, you could be voting for something that will strip Freedom and Constitutional right away from the citizens of this country (Cough, Cough, Patriot Act).
I think that we should start demanding that our elected officials, those who work for us (We Do Pay Their Salaries) start reading each and every bill that comes before them. then we can truly force their hands on those bills. Because why would they listen to us about a bill that they themselves know nothing about.
There is a group called Downsize DC that has taken this issue on. They have been working on it for atleast a year now. They are trying to get a bill introduced that will require each and every bill to be read by the Congressional Politicians. I strongly urge you to put your support behind them on this matter.
You might think it is a big deal now. but what will happen when in the future they vote on a bill that strips all rights laid down by the Constitution (they are already doing it little by little), all because we are not forcing our elected ones to read the bills and vote accordingly on our behalf.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Official Kick Off!
At this launch we will be electing the committee for the county party. We will also be electing the county party Chairman, as well as electing a representative to the State Party Committee.
We thought this was to have taken place last week. However the State Committee ran in the press release that it would take place on August 8th. This actually is better as we hoping for a great turn out, the extra time will hopefully allow more people to etch the time into their schedules.
So if you want to be part of a party organization from the ground floor, make time to attend this event. We, as Libertarians, need to try our best to turn out for this event. I am hoping that this will only be the start of great political things to come for this county.
So i hope you all will be able to attend and help us elect some great people to some exciting roles within this county, as well help setup bylaws for our county party.
Hope to see all freedom loving Spartanians (i think i just made up a new word) come out and help start the process.
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Political Differences
The Republicans believe you should have the right to do however you please with your life and property only as long as it fits into their belief's of what you should do with that right.
The Democrats believe that you should have the right to do as you please with your life and property only as long as the government has the ultimate say in what you do.
The Libertarians believe that you should have the right to do as you please with your life and property as long as it does not harm or take away the rights of another person.
The great thing about this country is your right to choose which of these is best for you. But which one of these gives you the most potential?
Viva Liberty!
Friday, July 24, 2009
We meet again!
So if you are part of the Libertarian Party, or are wanting to switch your party affiliation to Party of Rights, come join us. We would love to have as an active part of the party. Not to mention you would actually be part of a party where you would have a say in the party.
We need everyone to come out and become an active vital part of this party.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Viva Liberty!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Political Economics 101
Joe "I need a muzzle" Biden was speaking to an AARP group about healthcare. And what he says just really highlites the lengths to which our Elected Officials have gone to get away from responsible decision making, not to mention their forgetfullness of Economics 101.
Joe was discussing the new Obama Deathcare System when he said the following:
"And folks look, AARP knows and the people with me here today know, the president knows, and I know, that the status quo is simply not acceptable. It’s totally unacceptable. And it’s completely unsustainable. Even if we wanted to keep it the way we have it now. It can’t do it financially. We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation”.
Well OK Joe, you got this one right. Because of you and the rest of the asinine politicians in Washington, our country is going bankrupt. It is a fact. I'm just glad someone is finally admitting it.
But not to be outdone, even by himself, he continues on.
“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation, now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt? The answer is yes, that's what I’m telling you."
Wow, how does that happen? How do you spend your way out of Bankruptcy? Let me check my copy of Economics for Dummies...... Just as i expected to find. When one is in a time of Financial Trouble, one needs to cut back on spending. Financial Trouble occurs when the finances you have going out exceed the finances coming in. So how in hell is it ever going to be possible to spend your way into prosperity? Spending historically has reduced prosperity.
But i just realized that the copy of the book that the politicians read from is Economics for Dummies (The Non Common Sense Edition).
So people, get ready. Our country is driving down the road to Bankruptcy, and our politicians are steering the bus. We better get off, take over the bus, or be ready for the Chinese to repossess the bus.
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Soon To Be Shrinking Social Class
Everytime i turn around i am hearing that the rich in this country need to pay more taxes. There is insinuation that the rich in this country are sitting back not paying a dime into the system all while living off of the fruits of the system. Which i believe to be untrue. If we were to look closely it would actually be the lower class that are doing exactly. But that is a discussion for another time.
I was looking through the news today and i found an article that is a little scary to me, especially in the tax system we have now.
With this tax and spend hungry government we have now, it is reported that the rich in New York State could be paying as much as 57% of thier income in taxes. This looks to be because of the new tax burden that the soon to pass Obama Deathcare system would cause as well as New York governments failure to cut spending.
The lower class (Middle and Lower Classes) tend to sit back and say "Well they have the money to be able to afford that". But just remember, never does a promised tax hike on the Upper Class remain exclusively on the Upper Class. This is partly because of our greedy politicians. Once they see that they can exploit one group, it is not long until they spread that to everyone.
But one thing the masses (and greedy government) forget to realize is that the majority of tax burden is felt by the Upper class. To the tune of the top 2 % of the earners in this country cover 98% over the tax burden of the populace. So when the Upper Class feel that they are being overly taxed, guess what they will do? Leave, as i would if i were in that situation. And when they leave, there goes the tax dollars. Thus putting the other classes of tax payers on the hook for more and more money.
So we the people need to fight back against the over extended hand of our tax and spend government. If we don't stand up for those that have succeeded in the field of wealth, then we will be eventually paying more and more to a out of control system.
And don't forget that with the Upper Class goes the paychecks the companies they own pay out. So your ability to earn is gone as well.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The United States of Entitlement... Part 1
What happened to the days of having to work hard to EARN what possessions you have. But those days are long gone. Now everyone thinks that they should be able to do as they feel and then when they fail miserably, there should always be a safety net to catch them. And politicians from both sides of our one major political party are hell bent on giving into the entitlement whim for no other reason then to buy votes. Even though they would never admit to it.
But now not it seems that not a day goes by without hearing some news from somewhere in this country of a new program that is being pushed.
Cellphones. It seems that in Colorado it will soon be at the point that those on welfare (one of the biggest programs that creates a plethora of people that wouldn't know how to get off of their ass and work if their lives depended on it) will be able to get cell phones for free. This is utterly ridiculous. These are people living in public housing, using public transportation, while buying food using public money (Wic, Food Stamps, etc), now they will get free phones on the public coffers.
Here's a novel idea. Make these people get off of their ass and get a job, even a minimum wage job. This will help to get people working and take the burden off of me and taxpayers like me. You know the ones that actually work for what they have! Not to mention, the less people on public assistance, the less people that the politicians will have in their back pockets.
It is about time that the ever shrinking working population in this country start demanding that these programs end. Against popular belief, entitlements are not a right. You ARE Entitled to Life, Liberty, Pursuing your own happiness, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to assemble, Freedom to Bear Arm. And non of these require government to hand them out.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Take
But this time its all ga-ga over Sonia Sotomayor's Confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. I am tired of hearing them proclaim her as the equavalent of Mother Theresa to the courts of this country. I sit back and watch our politicians in Washington and their reactions and there are a few things that irk me.
Why is it that a certain party in power now is acting like cops over these proceedings. They are demanding that the "others" be nice to nominee and not in any way demean this person. But it is funny that when they are not in power they are the total opposite. Need and example just look at any conservative nominee in the last 20 years and see what kind of treatment they received. I understand fighting for your beliefs and your own kind, but this is a little Do As I Say, Not As I Do isn't it.
Why is it that the party that is not in power is tip toeing around some major items that have come up with the nominee, that go against their core beliefs? On second thought i know, it is because they have turned their back on their core belief's and tend to rally behind only a couple of them (abortion and gays). But they seem to be a group of pansies when it comes to fighting back.
I personally believe that this nominee is not right for the supreme court. Not because she is a woman, or Latina, or a liberal. But because she believes that the courts are where policy happens, as she has mentioned on many occasions. It tells me that she believes that any court in this country has legislative powers, more so than the legislators. She believes that if she, as a judge, doesn't think that the Congress got a law right, that her (and judges like her) can simply change it from the bench. Which the last time i checked, the Constitution does not give that power. And frankly if any judge is for skirting the Constitution, then I am against them, even it if is one of my own parents. Our rights are our rights. And no one has the right to go against the rights given to us in the Constitution, not the courts, not the politicians, not the president, not even other citizens.
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Well Its Official....Sort Of.
So going into today i really wondered how the turn out would be. Normally these type of events don't pull a very big turnout. But i had thoughts of getting there and being no one there but then again i had thoughts of there being a huge turn out. It turned out better then my worst thought.
There were 3 of us total. Doug from Anderson and then myself and another gentleman were there. So as it stands now, there are 2 precinct representatives for the county party.
This party won't be official for a couple of weeks. Today we had to vote on the Precinct Representatives. In a couple of weeks we will meet again and vote on the County Chairman and the Representative to the State Committee. And that point the Spartanburg County Libertarian Party will be official.
So if you are interested in being a part of this, just let me know. We would love to have you at the next meeting (which i will post about when the date is set) and get you into a position in the county party. Then after that we will start having monthly the County Executive Meeting (information will come at a later time).
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Calling All Libertarians!
On Saturday July 11th at 12 noon the Libertarian Party in South Carolina will be organizing the Spartanburg County Party. There will be members of the State Party present to oversee the process. There will be a need for volunteers to be county officers for the party.
If you are a Libertarian and live in Spartanburg County please attend this event. Be part of moving forward the part in our county. Pushing for Libertarian values has to start at the local level. So come out and show your support.
If you are planning on attending, just leave me a comment on here and i will let the state officials the number that they can look forward to being there.
Look forward to see you there.
If you are tired of how this government is hell bent on taking your rights, taking your money, taking your guns, turning their eyes from the Constitution. No matter which party affliation you have (of the 2 major parties), there is room for you in the Libertarian Party. And if you are interested in joining the Libertarian Party, come on Saturday and be part of it.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Der Fuhrer Has Spoken!
Obama has called for Israel settlements in the West Bank to stop building their settlements. He is demanding that Israel halt these settlements from being built, because in his small mind he believes that this will halt the peace process. Not to mention he feels that this action goes against the "Road To Peace" process that was agreed to in 2003.
Well Mr. OBama, the last time i checked you were the President of the United States, not the President of Israel. As tempting as it is to think that you are supreme ruler over all countries, civilizations, and people. Which is actually not a new thought in Washington, as just about all politicians in the Brain dead capital have thought egotistically for years.
So as President of the United States, you only have a say in the United States. So Mr Obama, seeing as you are only the President of this country, get your nose out of everyone elses.
The last time i checked the West Bank was part of the country of Israel. So with that being said, regardless of outcome of a peace agreement, Israel has the right to built settlements for Israeli's on that land.
Oh ya, and lastly, Der Fuhrer, you might want to read a little into the whole Road to Peace intiative. Because when you do, you will see that there is no clause within it that states that Israel can not build settlements in the West Bank.
So to our Fuhrer, and all of our politicians, quit sticking our nose into other countries affairs. We have enough mess to clean up in this country because of you, why the need to create messes elsewhere.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Is the White House a den of idiots?
GW flubbed up everything imaginable. And the comedians were all over it. Not letting up if thier lives depended on it. And rightfully so.
But one thing that makes me wonder is where are those same comedians with the current administration? Oh ya, thats right, they could never do anything to anger the "savior".
But i have sat back and watched this current President and all i can say is this. If the last president was an idiot because he couldn't speak well and flubbed up what he said, then that must mean that "Herr Fuhrer" must be as much of an idiot. But never will you hear him become the fodder of comedians.
But today the self proclaimed "Savior from ourselves" made one of those gaffes that is reminiscent of GW's fool me once.
Today he was talking about a Cinco De Mayo Celebration, but it came out as Cinco De Cuattro.
So remember tomorrow you will celebrating the well known holiday of "5 of 4" according to our ultra intellegent leader.
Viva Liberty!
Loose Lips
And for the past 100 years our politicians have been tight lipped about their hell bent want to take us down the road to Socialism. Even during the days of blasting Adolf Hitler for his Socialist Regime in Germany, FDR was trying to steer us down that road.
But never has there been a politician that would ever utter the intent to take us down that road.
Until Now!
Earlier today a friend sent me this link about one Maxine Waters. And to much amazement, she has a Freudian slip during a televised event in Congress.
**Just as a warning, there is a humorous part that someone added to this video, but you will get the gist of it. This is from 2008.
The link for this video below is
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Panic, It does the Government Good!
But lets think for a minute. Why are we bombarded by this information? Its disproportional if you ask me. how many in the US alone each year come down with influenza? How many come down with Pneumonia? Well without a hard copy of actual figures in front of me, i would say the number is up there. But never is it mentioned by media, but why is that? It is because there are more important things for them to propagandize on. But not this time.
I have a thought as for why this is. You see 99.9% is in the bag to the Republicrat political establishment. Just think back to the last election and how they were in the bag for the candidate that was to save from everything and give us everything that we could ever want and need. Well the media isn't any different this many months later. So with them being in the bag, they will do everything possible to divert negative attention from the "saviour".
Not to mention that governments will play this up to panic the Idiot minions. They will portray this a humongous typhoon of epic proportions to get all of the economic heat away from them. Not to mention that this is a way to brainwash the people into thinking that government is the only thing that save the day on this topic.
I say brilliant, ye governments through out the world. You have been victorious in portraying (with the media's help) this small incident as a major worldwide catastrophe. You have been victorious in shifting the populations away from your screwing of our economic standing, your taking away of our freedoms, your Socialization of our goverment.
Why does the government need to instill this Panic of this illness? Because with our focus off of them, it makes their job of taking our rights a much easier endeavor.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
But at least for today, I am back.
The main reason i am back today is because of the Tea Party's happening across this country. Tea Party's, that from a Libertarian perspective, have been needed for a long time. But never have people been so polarized on the political front. And it is GREAT!
My title to this post is a play on many different things. But the play is on a old song. From an old 80's hair band, which i must admit that i listened to back in the day Twisted Sister.
Here are the lyrics to the song:
WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT. The song fits. Its not very often that you find a 20 year old song that speaks as much if not more than when it came out.
We're not gonna take it.
We're not gonna take idiot elected officials.
We're not gonna take overbearing government.
We're not gonna take higher taxes.
We're not gonna take a stripping of our rights.
We're not gonna take government oppression.
We're not gonna take wastefull spending.
We're not gonna take bailouts.
We're not gonna take expanding your socialist agenda.
We're not gonna take you trashing our constitution.
We're not gonna take you trying to take our guns.
We're not gonna take your efforts to shut us up.
We're not gonna take your fairness doctrine.
We're not gonna take your trashing our monetary system.
We're not gonna take your monopoly on money.
We're not gonna take this government anymore.
We're not gonna take politicians telling us what we need.
We're not gonna take the lie that we can not make it without them in power.
We're not gonna take the lame two party system (that are one in the same)!
So America, keep STANDING STRONG! Fight! Don't let this government continue the route they are taking.
As i have said before many times. Government works for us, we pay the bills. So we should demand that they do the job we hired them to do. IF THEY CAN'T WE MUST FIRE THEM!
Viva Ron Paul, Viva Glenn Beck, Viva Penn Jillette, and Viva anyone else fighting for our rights.
Viva Liberty!
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Official Libertarian Response
Libertarian Party <>
Jan. 12, 2009
Your Monday Message from the Libertarian Party:
As we move closer to Jan. 20 and the end of the Bush administration, the push to salvage the legacy of the Bush administration becomes stronger and stronger. However, even from an objective standpoint, there is little that Bush has done in the last eight years that has made America safer, stronger or freer. As a result, the clamoring to save-face have pushed Bush sycophants to unprecedented levels of absurdity.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the recent article <> published by The Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes about the "ten things the president got right."
The following are a handful of assertions made by Barnes as achievements of the Bush administration in the last eight years, and my responses to these statements:
Second, enhanced interrogation of terrorists. Along with use of secret prisons and wireless eavesdropping, this saved American lives. How many thousands of lives? We'll never know.
The idea that Bush has saved lives in the so-called "War on Terror" isn't exactly logical, and it isn't exactly true. Data compiled <> by the RAND Corporation actually shows dramatic increases in deaths caused by global terrorism following the election of George Bush to office.
But, that's the thing with things you don't know—you don't know them. Unfortunately, many neoconservatives struggling to find some redeeming value of the last eight years have taken the unknown to mean something they can posture as justifications for many of Bush's mistakes.
Not only do I have to question the moral fiber of those who champion torture, the denial of habeas corpus and spying on American citizens, I also question their intellectual integrity in saying that these anti-American practices have saved lives. Barnes says thousands of lives have been saved, but why not millions, or for that matter, billions? One might even say that although we don't know for sure if these practices have saved lives despite their obvious moral and legal failings, Bush probably saved mankind as we know it. After all, it follows the same "logic."
Bush's third achievement was the rebuilding of presidential authority, badly degraded in the era of Vietnam, Watergate, and Bill Clinton. He didn't hesitate to conduct wireless surveillance of terrorists without getting a federal judge's okay. He decided on his own how to treat terrorists and where they should be imprisoned. Those were legitimate decisions for which the president, as commander in chief, should feel no need to apologize.
This follows along the same lines Barnes' second "Bush Achievement." One can hardly consider the further undermining of the U.S. Constitution to be an achievement, unless that is one's goal all along. By the sounds of it, this may be Barnes' objective.
Ignoring the obvious (and aforementioned) moral hazards of such programs and initiatives headed by the Bush administration, which run contrary to the idea of freedom, Barnes takes no issue with apparent Constitutional violations of the presidential decisions of which he calls "achievements."
There are decisions the president has the authority to make, either by Constitutional or assumed duties. However, so long as there is a rule of law in the United States, the president should be held to that standard.
Presidential authority, federal authority and state authority are all powers of control that citizens of a free society need to both question and suspect, as that these are all potential agents of tyranny. Barnes' praise of Bush's power-grabs seems to indicate he'd be perfectly content in a society where those like Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy or Barack Obama could rule without worry of opposition. However, I suspect in the next few years we shall be hearing a different tune being sung by Barnes as the presidential authority of Bush is used by Obama to further his own agenda.
His fifth success was No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the education reform bill cosponsored by America's most prominent liberal Democratic senator Edward Kennedy. The teachers' unions, school boards, the education establishment, conservatives adamant about local control of schools--they all loathed the measure and still do. It requires two things they ardently oppose, mandatory testing and accountability.
I have not met a liberal, conservative or libertarian who is happy with No Child Left Behind. Not only is it a gross expansion of federal power over our schools, it has lowered the standards of education in schools across the country. Mandatory, standardized testing is a perfect "one-size-fits-all" solution fit for a Soviet society; however, it has had disastrous consequences for American schools.
Because schools are constantly required to meet and increase standards, schools instead lower standards in order to meet them without facing cuts in funding. Additionally, great schools are in danger of being labeled "failing schools" when they find it difficult to beat previous test scores.
This is accountability? Not only was No Child Left Behind not adequately funded for its purposes, it was a poorly crafted program that undermined its own intiatives while increasing federal control of schools.
This is why teachers, students, conservatives and liberals all hate it, and why statists love it.
Sixth, Bush declared in his second inaugural address in 2005 that American foreign policy (at least his) would henceforth focus on promoting democracy around the world.
There is nothing like democracy from the barrel of a gun. For conservatives so adamantly opposed to social welfare, they are quick to jump on the humanitarian train when it comes to global welfare. Unfortunately, this is much more expensive, both in dollars and American lives.
Not only is an interventionist foreign policy based on humanitarian motives expensive in life and blood, it is also largely ineffective when begun in nations not ready for democracy. Take a look at Palestine, who had free elections and voted-in Hamas, a terrorist organization.
Democracy is much better than any State authority (though Barnes largely argues for more State authority in his article); however, in order for democracy to work, it must be manifested domestically. It is not the responsibility of the American taxpayer to subsidize a World Task Force on Democracy.
The seventh achievement is the Medicare prescription drug benefit, enacted in 2003.
The Medicare prescription drug plan added trillions of dollars to an already struggling government program, further pushing these programs into financial ruin. Then-Comptroller General for the United States David Walker called the program "probably the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s."
How is this an achievement?
There are many different types of conservatives, but I don't think Fred Barnes is one of them. If so, he represents a disgusting mutation of conservatism that has, somewhere in its philosophical evolution, replaced federalism with a high-octane breed of statism. Instead of championing people like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Patrick Henry, Barnes and those of his ilk would feel comfortable in the company of those like Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Sadam Hussein.
There is no place for Barnes' politics in a free society, and his cheerleading of some of the most egregious offenses of the Bush administration clearly shows Barnes to be an enemy of the Constitution and freedom. His "big-government conservatism," or more accurately, "neostatism conservatism" is a plague on our society and truly represents the ultimate bastardization of the movement once lead by Barry Goldwater.
This type of moral and intellectual depravity is a cancer on the Republican Party, and is the reason John McCain was defeated in the last election.
Americans don't want a king. They want a leader that inspires hope, not fear. Americans want a leader who fights for more freedom, not for more laws. If Republicans and the conservative movement that drives that party wish to survive much longer, they will return to their libertarian roots and reject the creeping influence of fascism into their ideology.
How will history judge Bush? Nobody knows right now and as far as I'm concerned, this question is wholly irrelevant.
I'm an American who lived during the Bush administration and I can truly say my life has been negatively impacted as a result of his policies. Not only am I facing the responsibility to pay for trillions and trillions of dollars spent during his administration, the civil liberties that protected me from government surveillance and abuse have been undermined or altogether destroyed.
Bush has so far raised the ceiling of executive power that I fear I will never see the day when government is more restrained than when he first began office.
I don't know if I can blame the Bush administration for the philosophical poison spewed by Fred Barnes and others like him, or whether Bush simply fell into their philosophical trap; however, it is imperative that we reject this philosophy of State authority and big government if we expect to remain a nation of free people.
Liberty is a lamp that guides a nation to prosperity and happiness, and the day it goes out is the day that nation is lost. While the Bush administration, through malice or ignorance, sullied the glass that protects this light of liberty, there is still time to wipe it clean and begin anew.
However, that time is dwindling.
My only hope is that this article never becomes an obituary for freedom, and simply remains a remonstrance of the injuries suffered in the last eight years.
Live free,
Andrew Davis
Director of Communications
Libertarian Party
Viva La Libertarian
Viva Liberty!
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Constitution: Important Document or Government Toilet Paper?
This one really doesn't deal in depth with the title i have, but it does deal with it.
It seems that schools seem to have be a re-occuring topic for my posts. I guess because of the flippant attitude school employees and administration have toward the students, the parents, and the taxpayers, and even toward peoples rights.
There is a report out of Chicago of 3 girls being stripped searched by an off duty officer acting as a security guard. There was an incident of a small fire being set at the school. the officer thought that the 3 girls in question were hiding a lighter for the person suspected of setting the fire. The officer ( a woman officer) started feeling under the girls shirts to feel for the lighter. Then the officer ordered the 3 girls to drop their pants and underwear in order to search for the lighter in question.
Now this just wreaks of the stench of the attitude that government employees have these day. They believe that they can do as they please to the citizens of this country. What ever happened to unlawful search and seizure. These girls should not have been searched in such a manner as they were. Unless there was an actual On Duty Police Officer present, and a warrant was in hand. I might could see a pat down by the officer. But to have to endure an illegal strip search by an officer is something that these girls should have never been subjected to.
I feel that the school administrators, officer, and any other person involved in this should be fired immediately. The school should be punished for this type of action. There are way too many instances of School's over stepping their legal bounds these days. It is time that we DEMAND action against these invasions against peoples rights.
Government is like kudzu - Keep it trimmed or it will overtake everything.
Viva Liberty!