Saturday, May 31, 2008
Here We Go Again!
I bring this up because of a report i read. There is a group that is going through the steps to put up a 30' x 50' Confederate Flag on a 129' flag pole in Florida by the Sons Of Confederate Veterans group.
So as you can guess this is causing a big ruckus in the town and the country. It is sure that there will be a lot of groups descending on this area to picket and demonstrate on behalf of this issue.
Now before i go any further, i do know that what i say will anger one of the sides of this issue. But let me give some background of my family on this issue. My branch of my family is from Ohio where it has been for years. Originally my ancestors migrated to the NC area and then my branch moved up from there. During the Pre - Civil War era my ancestors were actually active parts of the Underground Railroad. So my branch of my family, as you can imagine, are very anti-slavery and anti-racism.
So now my take on this issue, i feel that sometimes these pro flag groups do these things to raise the ire of their counterparts and to keep their names in the media. But i feel these things don't do anything but polarize the parties further. But i feel that it is a right to be able to put up a flag. I understand that they want to keep their heritage. But i also think that constantly pushing the issue on others doesn't help your cause.
I feel that the pro confederate side definitely has a right to place a flagpole up and place the confederate flag on it. It is also the dissenting side's right to protest the matter. But it all goes back to peoples rights. I have said numerous times that i have to speak up for everyones rights, not just rights i agree with. I personally don't agree with the Confederate Flag and what it stands for (slavery), but if it a right to fly the confederate flag, i will fight for that right.
Anyways, thats my take on the matter, agree with it or not.
Viva Liberty!
Your Kids Health Be Damned!
I, as most people, see some good in the vaccine program. There have been some diseases that have been hampered because of vaccines. I wouldn't go as far as some, saying that some diseases have been eradicated because of these programs, this is dangerous rhetoric that gives people a false hope. But they have helped give a healthier society from some aspects.
But i also, as most people, see that there are far too many major side-effects that come from these vaccines and the way that they are produced, which cause many problems, which in some cases out weigh the good. In a not to long past report, there is some link between the Autism epidemic and how vaccines are produced.
To me personally, it should be up to each individual family to weigh the benefits and risks and act accordingly. I remember, in my own case, taking one of my children to the doctor and getting the 3rd degree for being behind on the shots. It didn't matter to the doctor the reason the shots were behind or how we felt about the program, all that mattered was that we get them caught up at all costs.
So with all of this, NY lawmakers are trying to push a bill that would make it mandatory for all children to get all vaccines recommended by the CDC. This is a very reckless program if you ask me. It is up to the parents to decide to subject their children to the vaccines. And it also up to the parents to weigh out the benefits and dangers, they have to research these things out. Which takes time, due to the fact that the government and media only what to give one side of the matter. I know i will get the people that say that this is "A Public Good" program, so we need to have it (these are of the same regurgitative rhetoric that touts Welfare and Medicaid as being a public good), unfortunately a program can/should only be classified as such if it benefits all of the public, not just the recipients of the program while making the non-recipients pay for it. Roads can be classified as a Public Good, since we all use them and we all help pay for them (all goods and services are carried over roads, even citizens who don't drive use roads in some way. Even though i feel all roads should be privatized and out of governments hands).
So this law is not a public good, it is therefore something that the government needs to move away from. It is time for the power to be given back to the citizens of this country, for us to make our own decision on. I would implore the readers in NY and surrounding areas to fight this bill all costs, as i will do when this matter comes to my state. Demand your freedom back! Its the only way your going to get it.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Approaching 1000...
Thats how many hits we are away from 1000 hits (and it only took right around 3 months to hit). So i would like to do something special for this first momentous occasion for this blog. This first milestone would not be possible without you and all your fellow readers. I can not and will not take any credit for hitting this milestone. I am also in awe of this occasion, no advertising was done, so it just by happenstance that many of you have stumbled upon this little slice of the net.
So for this momentous occasion, i would like for each of you to write in and tell what you think of the site. Send it to the email link on the right and then i will put them together in a post within a week of hitting the 1000 mark. So send in your thoughts.
Again Thank You for your support and readership. I look forward to hitting 2000 very soon, but only with your help.
Viva Liberty!
I would also like to take a moment to say thanks to the new readers from Washington state, New Hampshire, France, and the UK. As always, you make this blog what it is. Also as always, please give me your feedback.
Well thanks again.
Viva Liberty!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day
So i implore you to take some time out of your busy lives to truly remember these fallen heroes and the price they paid for each of us. All our freedoms; religion, speech, press, to assemble, adn many many more are freedoms because of these brave souls.
So in honor of Memorial Day i want to say SALUTE! to all of them, and also all of the veterans still with us.
Viva Liberty!
Everyone Is A Victim!
If you are pulled over for speeding it is because the police officer is sexist, or profiling, or picking on drivers, or running a speed trap. When the whole problem is you broke the law and did something wrong, regardless of your color, sex, sexual preference. But it is easier to play the victim role and not have to be responsible or accountable for your actions.
It is pathetic the state of our society dealing with this subject. But up until this point it was just the citizens who were the "victims". However now, the victims, are starting to turn up in government. There is a California legislature that is a "victim" of foreclosure.
According to the report, "California Rep. Laura Richardson claimed Friday that her Sacramento home was sold into foreclosure without her knowledge and contrary to an agreement with her lender". This is pure bullsh** . How do you become a victim of foreclosure? It is because YOU DON'T PAY THE MORTGAGE. This woman spent all of her money on her campaign last year and defaulted on her mortgage of over $500,000.
This is a woman that made the choices she made, and suffered the consequences. But what is more disturbing is that this woman is a politician.
We must get back to the basics that you have to be responsible for what you do.
Viva Liberty!
Here It Goes Again!
How much more do we have to hear of these proclamations of victory, when all that follows is defeat of sorts.
It has been been proclaimed that we defeated the Taliban in Afghanistan, yet the Taliban still attack our troops on a regular basis.
We all remember the "Mission Accomplished" ceremony some years back by the president stating that the Mission in Iraq was done. Yet We are still entrenched in that country with no end in sight.
So when i hear comments such as this from the current administration, it angers me to think that the only reason these words are spoke is to dupe us into believing that the administration is actually accomplishing something. When all it is, is a fake facade to pull the wool over our eyes.
Well it is not working for me. It is time to end this bumbling mess. Its also time to make this mis-administration stand up and tell the truth about this war and the mess it has become.
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Just because you don't like it....
So there are groups that think that this new ruling that allows it as being wrong.
The problem is this. It doesn't matter if you pass a ban at the polls. It doesn't matter if the majority of the population disagrees with a topic. If this topic is deemed to be allowed by the Constitution, it can not be banned at the polls. If the constitution doesn't block a right, then no vote will change that.
I have said this before, and i will say it again. Just because you do not agree with something, doesn't mean you have the right to block their constitutional right to do the thing you don't like.
I'm glad that the Supreme Court in California has the balls to protect the constitution.
Viva Liberty!
The Unconstitution Safe Zone
Well it seems that to the government officials and lawyers, they feel differently.
A county in Florida has given teachers the right to read students text messages. Here is a quote from the school district's attorney:
"If we suspect kids are plotting together and we have that suspicion, we'll search that," Manatee County School Board Attorney John Bowen told the station. "The constitutional rights inside school are not the same as out in the street."
This, i have to say, is the most idiotic mindset i have ever seen. The constitution doesn't apply the same on government property as it does on the street. They most certainly do! The constitution applies equally throughout this country.
It is preposterous that the government thinks that the rules don't apply to them. The Constitution is there to protect us from them, it LIMITS them.
People, this should be a wake up call to all of us freedom loving citizens. We need to stand up and demand that the government get itself back in the Constitutional Box they are to be in.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Well At Least Someone Had The Guts
So i am glad to say I called this one right.
This whole case has been a debauchery since it began.
It all started by a phone call, a phone call that has been proven to be made under false pretenses. The children taken away, some were to be proven to be adults (one girl was 27), no one was arrested for any crime.
I know that most don't share my view on this subject. But its like i have said many times already, Rights are Rights, and just because you don't believe something is right, doesn't mean it is anyless protected under the law.
I am glad to finally see someone in government with a head on their shoulders, and actually use it.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Goose Stepping Over The Line
Ok on the surface this sounds admirable of the school officials to take up this cause.
But look below the surface and you will see some pretty unsatisfactory things going on here. Since when is it the schools jurisdiction to "police" the students. It is not, it is the job of the police to police the school. Any investigation should be done by law enforcement, not by bereaucrats. Plus if the kids are not sharing the photos on school property, what right does the school have to investigate and punish.
I know i will get the government lovers arguement that the schools need to protect the children. This is true, but this has nothing to do with the harm of a child, a kid going on a shooting rampage at school is the schools responsibility to protect.
There have been too many instances of the schools sticking thier oppresive nose into students off campus affairs. This needs to stop. The schools are only responsible for the children when the children are on campus, no other time.
Just another example of our growing government.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Watch the price rise
Well, obviously, very stupid. They are all over the news talking about gas prices. They constantly talk about what needs to be done about the prices. And all they can do is give out futile suggestions to the crisis. They constantly talk about letting loose of the federal taxes and cutting out the oil going to the reserves. This, to some, feels like the politicians are doing what they can to help us out. Well don't fall for this facade. These 2 items together will only bring the price down by about 30 cent per gallon, so it will still be over $3 a gallon. And this is only for the summer. So come Labor day, when they start putting the oil back in the reserves and the taxes go back, it will drive the price up higher then it is now. Don't fall for the false hope they are trying to offer.
Well now, as if they couldn't make anymore mistakes with this situation, they lose more brainpower. There is a report today that the Congress is going to pass a Veto proof bill that will make it ok for the Justice Department to sue OPEC member for price gouging and other things. This wrong on many fronts. 1) This will increase the Justice Departments numbers, thus take more taxpayer money to run it, and if you have read anything on this blog you know i don't agree with the humongousness of our government as it is, so i can't stand for a government that is growing. 2) This will put us at odds with the Opec nations. This will make us more of an enemy and they will start to cut back our supply, then guess what happens, our prices go up exponentially.
So this will only make our situation worse. Then the Congress will pass another useless set of laws that will make the situation even worse. This is the typical solution for our politicians. I don't think they have a single brain between all of them, with exception of Ron Paul.
It is time to hold our politicians accountable for stupid actions and laws such as this, that will make our situation get worse and worse.
Viva Liberty!
My Thoughts
I would also like to take this moment to say that i will not take this time, like the Democrats a few yeas ago, to condemn him, like was done to Reagan when he was diagnosed with his medical problem.
I will say that i abhor this mans policies and his political thinking. He has been one of the biggest politicians to push the socialist agenda since Roosevelt.
But i wish Mr Kennedy the best wishes on his recovery.
Viva Liberty!
More Government Discrimination
So on one hand it is illegal by Law that you can not discriminate against another person. However, as usual, the laws don't apply to the one who make the laws. In Sarasota County Florida, there is a law that allows the discrimination of smokers who apply for a government job. This is a direct violation of their own laws. They say it is because the smoker causes more expenses in insurance and a lower production rate. Now, really, they don't want to go there. Since when has a government entity ever been productive? So they make a moot point on that. Smokers cause no more insurance cost than obese people.
It is actually less on insurance for health care of a smoker than it is someone obese. Obese people account for $95 billion a year of the health care cost, while smokers cause $20 billion. And if you want to take it a step further, the elderly account for a massive amount (add these two together and see what you get). But you don't see discrimination against the obese or the elderly do you? Why is that? Because they are more socially "acceptable" than smokers. Non smokers have this hell-bent rage against smokers. Why? Well it turns out smokers can be more productive, the reason is stress, when a non smoker is stressed what do they do to relenquish that stress, work (which increases the stress). What do smokers do? They take a 5 minute smoke break and the majority of the time the stress is diminished and they are ready to go. Now i know that some of you are going to blast me for glorifying smoking. I am not. I used to smoke, but i do no longer. And i do not recommend it as a way to reduce stress. Find other ways. I do not even recommend doing. But do not try to push your Non Smoking Nazi agenda on me. It will not work. You have the RIGHT to smoke the same as you have the RIGHT not to smoke. If you do not like to go to restaurants that allow smoking, the don't go to restaurants that allow smoking.
I have had about enough of the government trying to push this. It is time to get the government out of this. Either allow discrimination or don't. Don't make discrimination illegal for some and allow it for others.
It is time that we as a people stand up for the rights of ALL not just the rights we agree with.
It might be all fine and dandy when you allow the government stepping on your enemies rights, because it doesn't effect you. But wait until all of your enemies rights are gone and see where the politicians look to next, my guess - it will be your rights.
When will we grow a set of balls and stand up for what is right!
Viva Liberty!
Monday, May 19, 2008
I'm Sorry, but thats not how it works
First off it is not only the GOP that is attacking his wife and her credibility, it is also the media, the same media that panders to him and Hitlary. Now while he is the candidate and attacks should be pointed at him, it also goes the same for anyone campaigning on his behalf. So if it is a celebrity, they are open to criticism. This is just the way it is.
So with that said, his wife HAS been campaigning for him, remember the "proud" statement she made, it was said while campaigning for her husband. So i am sorry, but if you have your wife campaigning for you, she is then open game when it comes to campaign and media attacks. It is the same for Hitlary. Bill campaigns for her, and guess what, he is open to attack and criticism. Mr McSocialist's wife is different since she has not been campaigning for him. She may have been along for the ride, but hasn't been on a separate campaigning spree for her husband, like the other spouses have. But if she starts, then ring the bell, because she just entered the fight.
In closing, if you do not want your wife to be under the thumb of the media and the opposition there are two things to do. 1) Do not put her campaigning for you. 2)Don't campaign yourself. Everyone knows that when you run for political office, especially on of this "stature" your whole family is brought under the magnifying glass, not just you.
It is almost hilarious how politicians think that they can just change the rules when they don't like the outcome. He can tell others to get off of his wife, while he and his backers attack the other spouses and candidates.
Just wait and see what it will be like if he wins the presidency!
Viva Liberty!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Letter From A True Candidate
This is a writing from Dr Mary Ruwart, Libertarian Presidential Primary Candidate.
This is a little lengthy, but very well written. Enjoy.
Number 468, May 18, 2008
"Terrorism is the price a nation pays for having an empire"
Do You Believe in
by Dr. Mary Ruwart
In just a few weeks, the Libertarian Party's national convention
delegates will choose our party's 2008 presidential nominee,
who will become our de facto leader and public face of the party
for the next four years. Will wechoose wisely? Will we choose
someone who believes in liberty?
When I first ran as a Libertarian candidate for public office in the early
1980s, many of our positions were very unpopular. For example, our call to
end the drug war was considered by many to be an endorsement of drug usage
and addiction. Because we didn't see the War on Drugs as a solution to the
drug problem, people automatically assumed that we condoned the problem
itself. They supported the War on Drugs because they thought that a ban on
them would keep drugs out of the schools.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. The black-market profits
created by drug prohibition virtually guaranteed that pushers would target
our children. Although alcohol and tobacco have been consistently illegal
for minors, students had a much harder time getting drinks and smokes than
purchasing crack cocaine or heroin. The best reason for doing away with the
War on Drugs was to protect our children, even though most Americans thought
just the opposite was true.
These days, even many law enforcement officials support an end to drug
prohibition (
overnight, but was largely brought about by courageous Libertarian
candidates who were willing to teach the American public about the benefits
of liberty, even as they were "slimed" by the media. I am proud to be
counted among those candidates, proud to be saving lives and protecting our
children. More recently, banning guns has become the cause du jour to "save
the children." Because libertarians don't see gun bans as a solution to
violent crime, some people automatically assumed that we were content to see
children die in gun accidents and school shootings. The American people
supported gun bans because of their mistaken impression that they were
saving the children.
Consequently, when courageous Libertarian candidates called for an end to
these bans, they were often scorned and ridiculed. Studies now show that
permitting peaceful citizens to carry concealed firearms lowers the homicide
rate. For every life saved by gun bans, 400 lives are lost to predators who
would have otherwise been stopped by their armed victims, usually without a
shot fired.
Women, people of color, and children make up a disproportionate number of
these 400 lives, since, once disarmed, they are much more vulnerable to
attack. The fabled Gun Free School Zones are, in reality, prime targets for
rampage shooters, because the teachers have been disarmed. The best reason
for doing away with bans on firearms is to save the lives of our children,
even though many Americans think that just the opposite is true.
For years, myself and other libertarian candidates have pointed out that
"when guns are banned, only criminals will have guns." The shift in popular
perception has come about primarily because courageous Libertarian
candidates are willing to teach the American public about the benefits of
liberty, even at the cost of being "slimed" by the media. I am proud to be
counted among those candidates, proud to be saving lives, especially the
lives of our children.
Today, other bans, such as the ones against child pornography, are touted as
panaceas to "save the children." Like drug prohibition and the ban on
firearms, these bans backfire, harming the very innocents they are intended
to help. Anyone who believes in liberty can see the pattern. Bans and
prohibitions drive vices underground, where participants have no legal
recourse when they experience exploitation.
Bans make criminals out of 17-year-olds having consensual sex with
15-year-olds, because the younger partner is presumed too immature to make
an informed decision. These draconian laws destroy the lives of our young
people by making them carry the label of "sex offender" for the rest of
their lives. Yet as late as the last century, it was not at all unusual for
American boys and girls to marry and start families in their early teens!
Bans based on arbitrary age limits aren't needed to protect those too young
to make informed decisions about sexual conduct. Pre-pubescent children, for
example, don't have the physical or emotional maturity to even understand
what sex is all about. When an adult engages in sexual conduct with a young
child, we don't need a law specifying an age limit in order to convict those
adults of rape. All we need to do is show a jury that the child wasn't
competent to consent.
These kinds of age-based bans put prosecutors and regulators in charge of a
weapon that can be used against those whose views aren't politically
correct. One of my fellow contenders for the LP presidential nomination,
Steve Kubby, has had devastating first-hand experience with this fallout.
Mr. Kubby's efforts were instrumental in passing Proposition 215, which
removed the ban against medical marijuana in
the story of Mr. Kubby's subsequent life-threatening incarceration for the
crime of passing a law disliked by the police, his move to
heroic return (www.kubby2008.
court action that would clear him, his wife, Michelle, was told that their
children would be taken away and placed into permanent foster care if Steve
lived with them and used medical marijuana.
It didn't matter that several doctors in two countries have confirmed that
Steve has a "life and death medical necessity" to use medical marijuana; the
courts, which are part of the same government apparatus that prosecuted
Steve, routinely favor purported evidence presented by "child protection"
officials over testimony from physicians and other real experts.
Michelle did the only thing she could reasonably be expected to do; she
began divorce proceedings against the love of her life while he languished
in prison. Although his girls still spend holidays with him, and while they
talk by phone twice a week, Steve Kubby's biggest heartbreak in life is that
he doesn't get to kiss his two children good night each evening. He isn't
there to hold them when they hurt. He isn't there to look into their eyes
and hear them whisper, "Papa, I love you."
Meanwhile, another fellow presidential contender, Wayne Allyn Root, reaps
all the rewards of parenthood. He talks about the joys his four children
bring to him in virtually every speech he gives. Mr. Root supports bans on
vices ([link])-at least the vices he doesn't engage in for a living. He
supports the very laws that empowered the state to take Mr. Kubby's children
from him to punish him for believing in liberty. In fact, when I told Steve
I wanted to discuss his situation, he agreed-provided I not name the agency
that threatened his family, under orders of his attorneys, who still are
concerned about reprisals against Steve for his role in legalizing the
medical use of marijuana.
Mr. Root is new to the LP; he doesn't understand how liberty works because
he hasn't done his homework. He doesn't understand the hidden dangers in
government's monopoly on force; he scorns the notion that justice is best
served when we have competition in everything, including courts, police, and
national defense. He calls such competition "anarchy;" I call it "freedom
from government oppression." Had Mr. Root walked in Steve Kubby's shoes and
had his children ripped from his arms, he might consider more carefully the
unintended consequences of bans and prohibitions.
Instead, as Mr. Root freely admits, he reacts emotionally to the
superstitious belief that passing a law "makes it so." He doesn't understand
how private courts work, and so assumes-wrongly-
couldn't easily press charges. In fact, the opposite is true. Prosecution by
government requires that a victim or the victim's advocate persuade the
prosecutor to take on their case; if that person refuses, there is no
recourse. In a system of private courts, no such bottlenecks exist. You may
win or lose, but you will have your day in court.
Mr. Root could have asked me for clarification of my positions and I would
have gladly given it to him. In spite of repeated efforts by phone and
e-mail to persuade me to drop my presidential bid and run in coordination
with him for VP, Mr. Root did not ask me to enlighten him on my views. I can
only assume that truth doesn't matter to him-or at least that it doesn't
matter as much as the prospect of getting rid of a competitor does.
Mr. Root concludes his latest press release with this question: "No matter
how one might attempt to present the position, do you believe we will grow
the Libertarian Party, or damage it, by promoting the removal of the
age-of-consent laws or any other laws that the vast majority of Americans
believe protect innocent children from adults who would sexually exploit
For the record, I have never "promoted" the removal of the age-of-consent
laws. I discussed the issue ten years ago in a book written to help
libertarians deal with some of the tough questions we get. It is Wayne Allyn
Root, not I, who has made these issues campaign centerpieces-
me in writing that he wanted the issue to go away and wasn't responsible for
earlier statements made by his campaign manager or the posting on his web
site asking me to withdraw from the presidential race.
Do we want a presidential candidate who highlights issues he himself says
are damaging to our party... if he thinks he can use those issues to drum an
opponent out of the race? Do we want a presidential nominee who won't take
responsibility for his own campaign's actions and statements?
We have always been able to grow the Party and get millions of votes. The
choice has always been ours; all we've ever needed to do was sell out. All
we've ever needed to do is denounce liberty so that we could avoid scorn and
ridicule. All that has ever been required of us is that we stop being the
Party of Principle and become the Party of Expediency. All we've ever needed
to do was stop telling the truth to the American people, stop trying to help
them understand the price they pay when they fall for statist propaganda.
All that was ever needed was to support bans that harm our children, but
give us the illusion of protecting them.
If I and other Libertarian candidates had taken this path years ago, the
Libertarian Party might be bigger and more popular than it is today. In all
likelihood, however, discussions about doing away with the War on Drugs or
getting rid of gun bans wouldn't be part of the agenda. If we hadn't talked
about liberty when it was unpopular to do so, Ron Paul wouldn't have been so
well received in his grassroots presidential campaign. Instead, we would be
talking about protecting and enriching ourselves, and sacrificing our
children on the altar of appearance to do so.
Is that the kind of future we want for the LP? If so, we have several
candidates ready and willing to take us down the path of least resistance.
Wayne Allyn Root isn't the only "establishment-
not the only one who wants to keep the truth from the American people, to
soft-sell our message, to denounce our most cherished values in order to
make ourselves look "mainstream.
sacrifice our children so that we can have the illusion of heroism without
the substance.
I'm not interested in that kind of future for our party. If we really care
about the children, then we'll tell the truth about liberty until the
American public hears us instead of selling out for fifteen minutes on Fox
News and the occasional mention in Jay Leno's monologue.
For decades, Libertarians like Steve Kubby and I have told the truth about
liberty. We've held our party's beliefs high instead of hiding like cowards
or ridicule. Mr. Kubby has put his life, his fortune, and his family on the
line for liberty-and because he did so, his fellow Californians and
Americans in several other states now have access to a healing plant that
relieves their suffering. If my fate is to take some slings and arrows from
my fellow presidential hopefuls, the price I pay for speaking the truth of
liberty is indeed small.
I'm not about to start lying to my fellow Americans now, not after all these
years of telling the truth, not after seeing Ron Paul inspire so many people
with an uncompromising message of freedom. 2008 is a year for us to strike
while the iron is hot-to stand on our record of speaking truth to power.
We were right on the war on drugs-and now that fact is almost universally
acknowledged. Around the country, states are legalizing medical marijuana,
cities are telling their police forces to go after real criminals instead of
drug users, and the masses are revolting against a "justice" system that now
imprisons more people than any other nation on earth, mostly for victimless
We were right to stand firm against victim disarmament-
correctness of our stand has been proven on
our courageous minority stand is quickly becoming the conventional wisdom.
We're right to stand up for a non-interventionist foreign policy and against
the war on
We're right to stand up for getting the market back into health care and the
government out of it. The American people were with us when "Hillary care"
was proposed in the 1990s-and will be once again.
And yes, when the issue is discussed, we are right to stand up against the
arbitrary and capricious age of consent laws that make our young men and
women into "criminals" while saving not a single child from rape or
molestation. I don't see that issue as a major presidential campaign theme,
but if Wayne Allyn Root or anyone else expects me to sacrifice liberty,
truth and our children to public relations considerations, think again. It's
not going to happen.
Do you believe in liberty enough to join me?
Our national convention in
the Party. Will we remain the Party of Principle or will we sell out for a
few more votes and a few more television shows? Will we stop telling the
American people about liberty in the vain hope of gaining a bit of fleeting
popularity for ourselves?
Do you believe in liberty? If so, now is the time to show it!
Two sites are devoted to Mary Ruwart's campaign for the LP nomination:
Viva Liberty!
May The Peasants Be Damned
That is the way that most politicians, royalty, rich, and celebrities feel about the normal common people of this world. They always look down on those they fell are beneath them.
It is just that way in England from a report out today. It seems that a caravan carrying prince harry (i refuse to use capital letters in acknowledging his name) have forgone the protection of the public, and actually put them in risk. In the process of transporting the royals, it come out that the caravan will travel at high rates of speed,tailgate other drivers until the vehicles get out of the way.
Since when is one person more important that the rest of the citizenry. People of better means have always thought of themselves "better" than the ones below them. This is ridiculous, especially when the only difference between the classes is the money in the bank. It is time to make these "have's" realize that they are no better than the "have-not's"
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Good Lip Service, GW
Well today the president spoke about what needed to happen to bring the prices down. It is truly remarkable that the administration could come up with a TRUE solution to the problem, but is it only lip service. The president stated that the only thing that would help bring prices down is to pump more of our own supply, and to boosting refining capacity. aka build more refineries. This is exactly what needs to happen.
Its about time that a politician thinks with the right mindset to actually help the problem. Unfortunately, implementing this plan will undoubtedly fail, because as you know, politicians are rarely part of the solution, just merely dangling a solution that is nothing but a mirage.
But maybe if we speak up loud enough, we can push through this REAL change.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Finally They Got One Right
The praise i have to give is this. The Congress passed a law today that lifts the ban on Media Companies restrictions. It has been in the past that a Federal Communications Commission rule denies media companies to own a newspaper and a television station in the same market. This has been repealed. This is the first step that will allow an actual free market in the media arena.
This a good sign. Now if the politicians will loosen up the control on alot of industries, and the free market will help fix a good bit of the problems we face today in business.
Viva Liberty!
Making Money Off Of The Inmates
There is a old law in Alabama dating back to the early 1920's that gives each sheriff $1.75 per inmate per day to feed the inmates. If they do not use this amount, they can use the remainder of the money that is left over to put into their own personal accounts.
This lets the sheriff treat the prisoners poorly so that they can profit. There are sources that say that the prisoners are fed old bread, sub standard vegetable.
This is a major violation of the public trust. Not only are the politicians selling away the health of the inmates, by giving substandard food, in meager amounts, they are also allowing the Sheriff's to pocket tax money that they don't use.
Now i know some people view inmates as substandard citizens. But the majority of the inmates in county jails are awaiting trial, so they are still innocent until proven guilty. And besides that, inmates are still protected under the same laws as "Non Convicts".
Being given the ability to pocket taxpayer money, that is preposterous!
Viva Liberty!
Freedom of Information Act - Only when the Mayor's not involved
So i'm sure you all have heard of the case of the Mayor of Detroit and the case surrounding him and the perjury charges against him and an aide that came from actions that involved him. Basically him and another city employee had relations during work hours, on government property, and involved government money.
Well part of his trial centered around cell phone records dealing with the text messages between the two culprits. There were, from the report, many steamy, descriptive text messages between the the two of them. Mainly during office hours.
Now the embattled mayor is looking to change the rule to keep all cell phone records private on his government employee's cell phones.
This is a blatant violation of the public trust. He can not keep public information private just because it pictures him in the wrong light.
I hope the citizens of Detroit will stand up against the tyrannical ideas of this public figure, and public figures like him.
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Another Idiot Idea From Our Politicians
Ok the SC Congress has passed a bill that has been sent to the Governor to be signed. The bill they passed will allow motorcycle, scooter, and bicyclists to actually run a red light if it has been red for more than two minutes and no traffic is coming.
This is the stupidest law i could ever think of. This will do nothing but put people lives in jeopardy. People think that drunk drivers are a threat to public safety, this is more of a danger than dui has been or ever will be. Picture it, a motorcycle driver will be stopped at a light, look both ways, see nothing coming, take off, and a car will fly through the light and hit the motorcycle driver and hurt, if not kill the motorcycle driver.
What will happen is this. The fatality rates of these drivers will skyrocket, then the "caring" politicians will have to pass more laws to rectify the situation they created, and end up squashing rights in the process.
Viva Liberty!
What Should We Waste Taxpayer Money On.....Oooo Shampoo!
The awards they have are "The biggest waste of taxpayer money" and "The stupidest law ever conceived in humanity", and it all comes from the runner up award they won for "The Dumbest Thing that Politicians Have Ever Stuck Their Nose Into". What they have won is a trophy of the Statue Of Liberty shoving her torch up the ass of a Jackass.
This all was a fun thing to think up, but it actually does make me think of doing something like this when this blog hits the big time and some revenue starts coming from it.
Well the reason i said all of that is this. The SC Legislature of Perpetual Stupidity has passed a law that lifted the ban on Salons that stated that anyone who shampooed hair in a salon had to complete 1500 hours of training for a cosmetology license.
Now first, why was this a law ever a law to start with. This was the dumbest law i have ever heard. Why would someone need to go through 1500 hours of training to wash hair. Was there a rogue hair washerer that went around washing peoples hair with nitroglicerin and the peoples head exploded because of this.
Second, how could the politicians ever think of a more wasteful way to uselessly spend our tax money. This was the most blatant waste of spending in political history.
So if you would like to see me start these awards, with a ceremony and all, just get everyone you know to check this blog out on a regular basis and click the links on the right of the screen. Clicking on these will generate money over time for this site and will be used for starting up awards and helping with political campaigns, ect.
Viva Liberty!
Open The Flood Gates
California's Supreme Court had just passed down a ruling on Same Sex Marriages. They have struck the ban on same sex marriages unconstitutional. Therefore, coming soon in California, these will be legal.
Now for saying what will definitely piss some people off. Now i am going to start off by saying, i do not agree with homosexuality. I personally do not think it is right. But it a choice that we have the ability to make (i won't get into the whole discussion about whether you are born gay or straight). As a Christian i beleive we are given the right by G-d to make our own choices, right or wrong. With it being said that G-d gives us free choice. Why should government be any different.
So i agree with this ruling by the California Supreme Court. The constitution mentions nothing about excluding people due to their sexual preference from the marriage claim. So i hail the Supreme Court for upholding the Constitution for the rights of all.
Now i know i have pissed some off with my statement about my feelings on homosexuality, and i have also pissed some off for my take on the court's ruling. But like i have said numerous times, I must as a Libertarian stand up for ALL peoples rights, not just those whom i agree with. We Must not Stomp on the constitution when we don't agree with the topic, but hold up from the Mountaintops when it is something we do agree with. That is one of the main problems with the people of this country, no one wants to stand up for people unlike themselves.
The Constitution is something that we must adhere to and stand up for at all times, regardless of what we feel about other people or their differing view.
Viva Liberty!
The Gestapo Part VII - The Lie, The Death, The Coverup
Well, jump ahead to the present, and one of the officers, Arthur Tesler, is on the stand at a grand jury hearing about the incident and it comes out that many things here were not as they seemed. After the shooting two of the officers envolved pressured the other officers into lying that they had witnessed an informant buying drugs at the house. Tesler also told the jury that Officer Jason Smith had lied to the judge to get the warrant to search the house, planted drugs in Ms Johnsons house before the raid.
Now Mr Tesler is charged withlying in an official investigation, violating his oath as an officer, and false imprisonment. Mr Tesler was one of the officers outside during the raid. He didn't actually take part in the murder of this citizen, but he lied to help the other officers.
I personally hope that all of the officers involved never see the light of day. They deserve the harshest punishment that we as a society can come up with.
It seems more and more these days, that officers are increasingly committing the same crimes they are sworn to protect against, all while hidden the cloak of their badge.
We need to demand accountability from all public servants to their employer, that would be US!
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dude Is that blood money!
Well the bill was set to limit the amounts the lenders could lend, and the number of times they can get a loan. In my mind the interest charges should have been lowered. But this would have been a start.
However the Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee Chairman Harry Cato (a legislator) has determined that the bill would not see the light of day, basically selling out the citizens of this state. "The Unhonorable" says it is because there is not enough legislative time for this bill. However it has been uncovered that this Legislator has taken over $16,000 from the payday lending for his campaign. So it is no wonder he pushed to kill the bill.
It is politicians like this that make me sick. They are voted in office by the citizens, and they can't even stand up and help the citizens because their strings are pulled by a abusive industry.
That is blood money in his pocket.
Viva Liberty!
Illegal Immigration, Illegal Solution
Now, in this country, the government has deemed it illegal for you to drug yourself, correct? They have made it illegal for you to take any kind of drug. Then there are some drugs that are legal but only available if you are deemed alright to receive. So basically you can only relieve your pain, or take to "escape" only if the government thinks it is ok.
However if you come into this country illegally and you are caught, when they ship you back to your original country, they can illegally drug you to make their job easier with the shipment of you.
This is a policy that is no where near being right. Why is it not ok for a citizen to take a product recreationally (like they can Tobacco and Alcohol), but it is ok for the government to administer drugs at their will, without the persons say.
Coming to this country illegally, is definitely an illegal act. But our government drugging these persons is also illegal. Both need to be stopped.
Viva Liberty!
Go Green, As Long as the gov'ment allows
Well as with anything the government pushes as fact, they want you to act on their belief but only a certain way.
In Canada, a man was doing the respectable "Green" thing. He stopped driving a car, and started riding a skateboard everywhere. He even took his lawn care service totally green, and uses lawn equipment that does not use gas (I'm curious to see how this is possible, but what the hey).
So this man does takes heed to what the government requests if not demands, and guess what, he gets a ticket for skateboarding on the sidewalk.
So i guess when the government mandates something, you do not have the right to make up your mind as for what the best option, you have to let the government dictate the proper way to meet their demand.
Viva Liberty!
Politicians Backward Thinking
Before i explain, if you are short of money, what do you do? You have a multitude of options to get you out of the financial crunch. They include get another full time job (i do know a few people that do this), get a part time job, your spouse gets a job (if your spouse doesn't work), you sell some of your belongings, and the most important - you cut back on your spending.
Well it looks like Californians are facing a $20 billion budget shortfall for the state. And for the politicians, like most politicians, it only makes sense to find or borrow the money, instead of cutting back on spending to cover the deficit.
Well in a fit of brilliance on the part of "The Arnold", he has an idea of borrowing money from future lottery sales. He wants to sell bonds, backed by future lotterysales, to fill in the deficit money and put some in a "reserve Fund". Now the reserve fund idea, i feel, is a great idea. I mean what do we as Americans do, we save for a "rainy day". Government should be doing the same, because in a recessionary time there would be additional funds to help out.
So instead of cutting back useless programs they will borrow money that will enevitably result in a deficit within the next few years, that will cause them to borrow more money or cause them to raise taxes.
Unbelievable! Is lack of common sense a requirement to be a politicians? And why aren't we as citizens holding their feet to the fire to do what we require them to do.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The New Candidate I Support
His website is
Here is his platform (from his site):
The solutions to our nation’s problems and the message of my campaign are to promote freedom. Every year the government takes more and more of our freedoms from us.The Sabrin Solution has three principles and goals:1. secure our country from both foreign terror and illegal immigrationThe Sabrin Solution accomplishes these goals by promoting freedom and unleashing the independent spirit of the American people from the shackles of its government. The first principle and goal must be to secure our country and that starts with building a fence along our borders, both North and South; we must use the limited financial resources of our government to protect our sovereignty at home. When you have a porous border you can’t control who or what is coming and going. I have always said, “Fences make good neighbors.” This insanity will stop when I am elected to the U.S. Senate. If we secure our border we can take back the freedoms and liberties we have had to sacrifice. If we are being forced to choose between freedom and security because the government has failed – we need to choose new government! The Sabrin Solution is to promote freedom. The second principle and goal is securing our economic future. Very simply, the government takes too much of our money and regulates too much of our lives and our businesses. We need to have a balanced budget and less spending in Washington to force the government to tighten its belt and live within its means. We all know if you give a politician an opportunity to spend tax money or send it back to the tax-payers, they will find an excuse to spend the money. A balanced budget and less spending will go a long way towards strengthening the Dollar as will exposing sunshine into the activities of the Federal Reserve. The combination of the Government spending beyond its means and the Federal Reserve printing more money has caused the financial crisis we find ourselves in today. It is against the law for you or I to print funny money, then why isn’t against the law for the Federal Reserve to do it? I will be the greatest champion of the tax-payer the United States Senate has ever seen. The Sabrin Solution is to promote freedom. The third principle and goal is to secure the future of our country's children. Parents are forced to send their children to failing schools and tax-payers are forced to continue to pay for failure. History has shown us when you reward failure – you get more failure. We need to give parents federal tax credits to give them the freedom to enroll their children in a successful school or to home school. If we don’t fix our educational system we will continue down a slippery slope. The Sabrin Solution is to promote freedom. |
For those of you in New Jersey, get out and support this great man as best you can.
Viva Liberty!
The New York Reichstag
Well there is a trial coming up in New York City involving a Gun Store. It is believed that this Gun Store is involved in straw sales (for those of you who might not be in know, this is when a person buys a gun at the store for someone else, normally it is for a person who is not allowed a gun "allegedly"). Even though undercover tapes show nothing wrong.
However Mr Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his local SS lawyers are taking an issue to the judge of the case. They have went before the judge with a motion that would ban all mention of the 1st or 2nd Amendment by the defense. Also the are pushing for any mention in the state constitution that deal with guns to be inadmissible in court also.
Now to me the most admissible item in court has to be Constitution of this great nation that all things are built upon. So why would a judge even remotely think this is ok? Just when i thought we couldn't be surprised by the Socialist lengths that politicians would go to, this happens.
I mean it when i say that we need to stand up for our rights, because as you can see, politicans damn sure don't care about it.
Just make sure you don't get arrested in New York, because obviously the Constitution doesn't apply there.
Viva Liberty!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Gestapo Part 6
A man visits the beach at Bonita Beach, Fl that he has been visiting for a long time, wearing a bathing suit he has worn on the beach for a long time. A bathing suit that over all this time no one had complained about.
His bathing suit of choice was a Speedo.
Now, this would definitely would not be my choice of bathing suit, but to each his own.
However on this one fateful day, he went to the beach and was confronted by "Florida's Finest" on the beach, given a ticket for trespassing, and told never to return to the beach.
I did not know that you could be charged with trespassing on a public beach.
However, the man's ticket was thrown out by the judge. At least someone in a political office in this county had common sense to do what was right.
So remember the next time you go this beach, call and get the local Gestapo's consent before you hit the public beach.
Viva Liberty!
The Toilet Calling The Chamberpot Pissy
Venezuela's resident redneck is at it again. "Hurricane" Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's "President"(although Dictatorial Douche bag has a better ring) has continued his name calling campaign against those not like his "Socialistic" self.
He continued his campaign against Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel. He officially called her a political descendant of Adolf Hitler and German fascism.
Now this is coming from a man that has done nothing but surround himself with the most grotesque Communist elites from throughout the world (Castro, Michael Moore, Kim Jong Il, Vladimir Putin, Saddam Hussien, just to name a few). He has championed the essential takeover of all things in his country by the military regime he created and maintains control with. He keeps the somewhat illusional form of Democracy by keeping phony elections that mean nothing in the political state of his country. He has even tried to make himself "Primere" for life.
After you look at it, Hurricane Hugo sounds eerily just like the Socialist Caesar of the old days - Hitler.
Its the ultimate in the pot calling the kettle black. Who is more Socialist, the oppressive regime of Hugo, or the democratic regime of Merkel.
Hurricane Hugo is just a Media Whore.
Viva Liberty!
The Legal Elite...Or So They Believe
This one is a bizarre story that just blew my mind of the elitist mentality that some in political life have (the majority of politicians have the attitude, but this one takes the cake). The story is just a complete tangled web of drama. But here goes:
There is a judge in Las Vegas that expects her staffers to treat her like a queen. Now don't get confused with a woman that might be a little high maintenance thinking people should treat her better than most. This woman, who is obese, rides a motorized scooter, and wears an oxygen tank made one of her bailiffs to put on her shoes for her, massage her back, cover her up with blankets while she napped at work, and make sure her oxygen tank was full. She even asked him if he would worship her from near or afar.
This judge hired her own guards that she let bypass security points in the courthouse, because she didn't trust the security force at the courthouse (even though everyone else at the courthouse trusted their security to this force). She even had her husband sworn in to question him, under oath, if he had completed tasks and chores at home.
She has since been locked out of her own courtroom, brought up on judicial misconduct charges for her actions, and suspended from the bench. Some of the actions, other than the ones above, that prompted this action against her include using her staff as personal valets, and also taunting juries in cases, falling asleep on the bench, calling 911 on officials that tried to enter her chambers, hiring a computer technician to hack into courthouse computers, and improperly meeting with juries (that resulted in mistrials for 2 sexual assault cases).
Now while she is suspended, she is still receiving her $130,000 a year salary.
This is a post in Las Vegas that is an elected position. So while she is going through this case against her, she is going through the process of re-election. But she is suing to stop the election due the election commission changing the rules since the last election.
This is a grave signal of how elitist our officials have become. Officials need to know that we are their employers, and they are accountable to us and only us. I hope this woman gets thrown in jail for her actions. I also hope that the tax payers in Las Vegas demand that her salary be stopped immediately, thus keeping them from paying money that is not needed to be spent.
Elitism at its best (or worst if you think like i do)!
Viva Liberty!
Stung by your own law
Well this man was arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated in Texas. If he is convicted he will face 180 days in jail and a $4000 fine ($1000 of which is because of the extra fine due to the "Driver Responsibility Program").
I think this is hilarious. A man pushes through legilation for extra punishment for a crime that even he can abide by.
Viva Liberty!
Lets Punish Him, but why?
She missed too many days and i guess her dad was charged with her truancy. Well the judge told the man that he had to ensure that his daughter get an education (whether it be in regular school or GED) or he would held responsible by the state.
Now skip ahead to now. the young woman is now 18 and took her GED test. She failed the math portion of the test. Her dad is now going to have to spend the next 180 days behind bars for her not recieving the education that the state mandated.
There are two things that irrate me here. One, why is her dad being punished for what she does when she is an adult? Two, why is the state pursueing this?
Well the father should not be punished for what his daughter did, it is shown that the young woman was in her mother's care during the times of truancy. Why wasn't the mother held responsible 2 years ago when the young woman was a minor? Instead of the father.
Now let give a disclaimer here before i continue. I feel that education is important to the advancement of a society. I feel that the better education you have the more oportunities you will have in life.
With that said, there are some people that don' care to go through the school system. These same people are just wasting space in the classroom if they do not want to be there. So in my response to the second question above. i feel the state should not have the right to decide whether a person has an education or not. It is the person's right ( and their parent if they are under the "legal" age). If the person knows the risks of not having an education and still decides that it is not something they want, then that is their right. It is a right that has consequences, but it is nonetheless a right.
Look back in the history of this country and you will see that the "truancy" card wasn't pushed by government until the last 100 years when government education grabbed control in this country. And prior to that this country did just fine with the education of children by churches and parents.
The government wants to control the schools so that they have the control to endoctrinate your child into believing what the government is telling them. If you are told over and over that someone is doing something good for you, you will not be able to see that they are slowing poisoning you, and controlling you. Why do think that officials in this country want to do away with home schooling? Because they want the control of what your kids are taught. How many times in school were you bombarded with the teaching that FDR was one of, if not the, greatest president in this countries history? But yet they fail to tell you the Socialist mentality and agenda he brought into government, one that still plagues us today.
Its time to stand up and demand that this man be given back his freedom, demand that this young woman have the right to decide whether she wants the education or not, demand that we have the right to teach our children as we see fit, and finally demand that the government get rid of the indoctrinational brainwashing of our children.
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
It Is Their Right
Now as much as i believe this not to be a good idea. Most people would look at this a unpatriotic. However it is the right of these students to not pledge. It is not something i would do, but it is their right to make the decision they made.
It is one of those freedoms that most people would want to do something about, but it is freedom we have to uphold at all cost. We have to stand up for the freedoms of all regardless of whether we agree with them or not.
Viva Liberty!
My Take On Gas Prices
I believe that government refuses to act on the fuel price crisis because when the fuel prices are this high, people will start to reduce the travel. They will reduce travel because their finances will begin to suffer. So while they reduce their travel they will in fact still have to travel to work. So in order to maintain their lifestyle they will start to cut back on their driving to work, and start using mass transit more. Now who controls the mass transit systems through out this country? If you guessed the government you would be correct. So you will start to take advantage of another government program, thus making you dependent on the government even more than you have been. Thus taking more of your money (you will pay taxes that runs the service and then you will pay toll fees for using the service).
So if you do not have a mass transit system in your town, I'm sure the government will be enacting one shortly.
Lets demand for a true solution to this situation. Not the governments idiotic solution that will be another abysmal failure that will do nothing but take more of your money.
Viva Liberty!
The Gestapo is Spreading
The gestapo has taken over the police force in Hartford, Connecticut.
The Police were doing a raid on two men that were alleged child pornographers. Well they went out to do the search and started searching some apartments. One of which was the apartment of Andrew Glover. Now Mr Glover was at the hospital, after having intestinal surgery, and came home to the police ransacking his house. This was the second time they searched his house. However when he came home from the hospital he found them searching his apartment once again. This is when the problems occurred. According to the report, the police didn't have a warrant, thus an illegal search. When he confronted the police about the search, he was pushed down, they pulled out his catheter, and then left his apartment. The police didn't offer to call for medical attention.
Now hes not been charged with any crime, but his 2 neighbors are the ones charged. This man has never been charged with a crime, never been convicted. So why would the police (Gestapo) treat him this way? Because they feel (like most government employees) that they are superior to everyone else and can treat the lower class (citizens of this country) however they want with no regard to anyone but themselves.
I say it is time to stand up and demand our rights back. Its pretty bad when employees harass their employers. Our tax money pays their salaries, so that makes us the employers and them the employees.
Now i am not one for lawsuits, but i say hooray for this man. He is planning on suing the police force for illegal search and civil rights violations.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, May 9, 2008
What happened to the Speedy Trial?
Well back in the news now is the trial of R&B star R. Kelly. For those of you who don't know, he is charged with child pornography. He has been awaiting trial for 6 years now.
It is time to get back on track with our court system. It's time for the government to adhere to what the constitution says.
Viva Liberty!
For those who don't give back
We also give tons of money to entities owned in other countries. These things are commodities, oil, vehicles, etc.
So you would think that others would be generous with their money also.
Apparently not. It seems that the UN Taskforce for Global Food Crisis is calling out the OPEC countries for not helping out. It seems that the US is leading the pack on giving, which is not surprising. We have given around $250 million so far this year and will be over our pledge for the year. This is one of those things that i have to give praise to our government on. So even though i don't care for most of what our government (or the UN for that matter) does, i do think this is a good cause.
However all of the OPEC nations combined have given only $1.5 million so far this year. This is ridiculous, the billions they make just from us alone, and they can't help anymore than this.
I think it is time to stick it to them. Lets make our government reduce the red tape here and allow pumping from our own supply, and supply our own country ourselves. At that point we can say Screw You to the Opec nations. This would help on more than one front. It would give us cheaper gas, thus giving us more money, thus allowing us to be more charitable, thus helping more people. And it would also hurt the OPEC nations income and bring their attitudes down a few notches.
Lets lead the way on this!
Viva Liberty!
Always Remember - Government comes before the people
Believe it or not, this post has nothing to do with our government here in the US. I know it is surprising, i will give you a minute to gain your composure after finding out this startling fact. It is few and far between that i have a post that doesn't emphatically point the finger of injustice at our own government.
However it is very disturbing about this report out about the tragic circumstances and plight of the people in Myanmar. As most of you know, they were hit with a natural disaster there over the last week that has killed untold thousands (50,000 by some reports) and left more than million people homeless. Now with this kind of catastrophe there is virtually no food, shelter, or necessities for these citizens. On top of that, the government is a military regime hell-bent on the power they have.
Well as you can imagine help is needed in this country beyond what is fathomable here. The UN, US, and numerous other countries and charitable organizations from around the world are trying to send supplies, but the regime wouldn't allow them in at first.
Yesterday the junta regime finally did let the UN supplies in but not any people. Mainly because the regime didn't these foreigners ideas to come into the peoples mind.
Well today the UN has stopped its rescue supply deliveries because all of the supplies were commandeered by the regimes forces for its own uses and not getting it to the people that need it. These are basic supplies that every human need to live. It is ridiculous that a government would stoop to this level and deny its people even the most basic of human rights.
I pray that this incident will cause these people in Myanmar to stand up and take back what is rightfully theirs, and the process i pray that they demand their REPRESENTATIVE government afford them the rights they deserve.
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Foreign Gestapo Fails
Now don't get me wrong. If it is private property such as Walmart and they have security cameras up, this is legal. Why you may ask? It is private property, and private property owners have the right to use cameras to help insure that their property is not stolen or damaged.
However when you are on public property, it is different. I mean it is illegal to peer into your house (via hidden camera, wiretap, etc.) without a warrant right? Well if you are in your car ata stop light you are in private property, right. So it should be illegal to watch you in a car at a stoplight.
Well i have digressed some, so, i will get back on point. A study of the UK CCTV camera systems they have spent millions of tax payer money has failed to stop crime. Which is one of the big points made for this system at point of squandering taxpayer money on it. It has not made any significant drop in crime. Actually according to the report some crime had actually increased.
Just another sign of another failed security plan by government.
Viva Liberty!
Forget The Doctor
The government is peddling their advice to doctors in this country. The government is essentially telling the doctors to give a prescription drug to help smokers quit smoking.
Ok, i have to stop the ride for a moment. There are many different programs out today to help someone quit smoking. There is the proven cold turkey method (which i successfully used almost 4 years ago to quit smoking), the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, and numerous different drugs that are out on the market to help aid the person stop smoking, not to mention other ingenious ways people have come up with to stop.
Why are there numerous different programs and items available?
Because being addicted to nicotine, there is not a one size fits all approach to quitting that works. So with so many different programs out, why is the government endorsing one? Since when did it become the governments right or responsibility to tell you how to quit. I mean they have already stepped over the line with trying to do everything they can (short of outlawing tobacco) to get people to stop smoking, even to the point of stomping on individuals rights.
So just from the point above is enough to show that government is not entitled to be in the business of telling people how to quit.
Now, the program that the government is advising the doctors to use is Chantix. A prescription drug. No it makes me wonder why the government is pushing so hard to get this product to be the norm for this problem. It all goes back the point i make numerous times on this blog. That is, the government wants to control you and your life more than anything else, and telling you what drugs to take is just the next layer of this Socialist Onion.
Now let me back track a little to make my last point. Why do some people not use drugs to stop smoking? Because of side effects. One of the drugs used is a form of Anti Depressant that they found helped stop smoking. When i went to quit i couldn't take it because i have a family trait that would have caused extreme depression. So i couldn't take it. Well guess what the major side effect of Chantix is, it is depression and suicidal tendencies.
So this is a drug that has been proven to cause problem and the government is backing it.
Makes no sense. It is time to push back this government to where it should, read the Constitution and you will see exactly what the government should be and shouldn't be.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Brace Yourself for Another Bailout
The reason i laid the groundwork i did is because of this. The US Postal Service is saying that they are running a $700 million deficit so far this year. Now they are saying this is happening because of less postal fare due to emails, shrinking package shipments, and fuel costs. Now are they looking for alternative business ventures to get into, are they looking at ways to cut the fuel costs, are they looking at cutting the number of employees to cut costs. NO is the emphatic answer to all of those questions.
Because government doesn't run itself like a business. When you are controlled by an empire you don't need to worry about going out of business, because they will still pump money into you without any accountability, without concern of whether the product or service is out of date.
So more money will be pumped by the truckload into this failing out of date system. No one will be laid off. Only prices will be raised.
Its now time to demand that we have the power of accountability back where it belongs (i'm sorry Politicians, I am not talking to you)....US.
Viva Liberty!
Pretty Bad
"Feds arrest illegal immigrants who are trying to leave USA"
It is truly bad when this is the only way for our Border Patrol to catch them. This is also how government gets everyone off of its back about the immigration issue. Arrest them on the way out and make it sound like they were caught on their way in.
Viva Liberty!
New Gestapo Post?
This post is prompted by the video all over the news this morning about the beating of 3 suspects by police in Philadelphia.
Police pulled over a car with 3 men in it. No one knows, at this point, what they were pulled over for, but by the TV helicopter started recording, there were 12 officers beating away at these three men. The men on the video were not struggling with the officers, just laying on the ground.
The police give the lousy excuse that the officers have been on edge since Saturday when one of their fellow officers were gunned down in the line of duty.
I will say i am sorry that this officer was shot. but how does this justify the severe beating of citizens. Since when does it take 12 men to bring 3 men under control (3 men who were not fighting the officers or resisting)? This is almost a Deja Vu moment of the Rodney King Incident of the '90's. And it will end the same way. The officers will not be punished for their actions.
Situations such as this are going to be happening more frequent as time goes on. It will, because as this country heads down the Socialist Highway the purveyors of peace will become the perpetrators of violence and force against its own populace.
It is time to stand up to those trying to do this to our country.
Viva Liberty!
Another Gov'ment Crutch Destined To Fail
They want to throw $300 Billion at the problem.
First, the most obvious, is when we are running you are running a deficit, the last thing you need to do is spend more money. Majority of us have a checking account. What happens when you write more checks than you have money? You bounce the checks. Then you get hit with fee's and you end up in worse shape than you were in. You end up running a deficit, and every penny you put into your account goes toward that deficit. If you do it enough, you will wind up in jail for it, by who - The Government. Now this is the same government that wastes the taxpayer money on many useless programs and projects. They do not care what they spend the money on , or how much they spend. And what do they do when they spend all of the money they take by taxes? They keep spending money. Its almost like they spend more money when they are out of money then they do when they have money. Anyways why do we let our elected officials continue the line of Waste they are notoriously proficient at? Its time we start charging them with a well known crime - Breach Of Trust. They are Breaching the public trust each and everyday, many times it is numerous times per day.
Second, the bill is mainly for giving the money to the FHA to insure more homes that would run the risk of forecloser. I can see what they are trying to do here easier than i can see through a glass wall. Why is the government needing to insure home loans? I elude to this in my previous post, they are trying to put in place a plan that would allow them more control over us Americans. They secretly plan to do this by a) insuring the loans b)when you can't pay the bill who gets the house, the government c)the government will then have more control, because they will then have the houses. If they continue to do this, then they will own the majority of homes in this country, especially if we hit another depression. then the government will have one more hand on us. They will then push a bill that would make housing free, but we would pay for it by our freedom. Ask a person in Cuba or any other Socialist or Communist Country and see how their housing is run, and then say welcome to our new coming society.
Third, this plan would insure more affordable fixed-rate loans for borrowers currently too financially strapped to qualify. I guess the most obvious comment i have is, If the borrowers are currently too financially strapped to qualify for the loan, how is throwing money at it going to help? This plan pushes houses on to people that CAN NOT afford the house, thus causing more foreclosures. Only a government can think a plan like this will work. They are wanting to help a situation out by making said situtation worse.
This is a ridiculous plan. Only politicians think this plan will work. And it will work from one aspect. It will give the government more control. They will allow more people to get houses they can not afford, they will default, government will take control of the homes and let the people live there free (expanding section 8 housing that they don't have to build), making more people more Dependant on the government, then another crisis will happen and the loop will continue. It will continue this until the government has complete control of the housing market. It will also work, at the same time, to take similar control over other aspects of our life, UNTIL you open your eyes in amazement when you find yourself living in the new Nazi Germany.
Stand Up People before it is too late.
Viva Liberty!
The Socialist States Of America?
The House of Representative's are pushing a plan that would fund $15 Billion to a plan that would allow the government to "buy up" abandoned homes, and help up out those in foreclosure.
This plan will A)increase our national debt, which pushes us closer to foreclosure as a country, B) allow the government to "Own" more of our country thus strengthening their heavy hand against us, and C) allow the government to have more control in the housing market, a market that should not have government involvement.
Let me explain. In a free market (arguably on the worst curse words to be uttered to the Socialist Politicians of today) you have peaks and valleys. Majority of the time you will be at the peak of prosperity, but there will inevitably be times that are not as profitable. This could be caused by many different things. In this case, these companies loaned money to people who normally would not be able to get a loan (you can thank your government for their involvement in this). Now what do you think happened when these people got in over their head? They didn't make the payments and the industry suffered. But the industry will resolve itself. It doesn't need government intervention. Government Intervention is the reason the housing loan market is in the shape it is currently in, What do you think will happen with more involvement by the government? More foreclosed houses for them to buy up, giving them more control. This is just going to keep growing the government's hand in our lives.
We need to stand up and demand the government to get their nose out of yet another part of American's Lives.
Viva Liberty!