I would like to say a word of caution to some of the more liberal people out there.
With all this mess going on with the financial market, there has been some talk by The Messiah as of late about dealing with the CEO's of the companies being bailed out. There has been talk that the government needs to take steps to ensure that these "evil" CEO's do not get windfalls when the company is getting bailed out.
The problem with this logic is this. Most of these CEO's have these windfalls signed in contract, when they start the job. So it makes me scratch my head as to how some people want to disregard a legal binding contract because they believe that someone doesn't deserve it. Who are we to say who deserves what? Plus it is none of our right or our business as to how much these guys make. These CEO's are running publicly traded companies for the most part. So the stock holders are the ones that should say yes or no as to how much a CEO makes in that company. If you own stock, then you are an owner and you have a say where as non-owners do not.
So just think about how you would feel if others started publicly complaining about your salary, or your bonus because they didn't think you deserved it.
Viva Liberty!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Get Ready
Well with the news i just heard, Get Ready to ride the Roller Coaster from Hell.
Just a few minutes ago it came across that The House Of Mis-Representatives failed to pass the massive, wasteful $700 billion bail out.
As most of you know, i have been against this since it was first talked about. I am dead set against any involvement from the government on this. Even though the government (Congress being the main culprit) was the main player in the downfall of the financial market, it doesn't need to be involved. The government bailout would only prolong the inevitable and bring about a worse financial mess 10 - 15 years down the road.
Let me reiterate why i feel this way. In 1993 under the Clintonian Institute of Lies & Bullshittery, laws were pushed through (by Democrats) to allow for low income families more access to home ownership (A noble idea on paper, especially for the Neo-Socialists in the Democratic party). Then in 1998 the law was expanded to allow for even more low income families to own homes. Then it culminated in 2000 with even more laws. Now what these laws basically did was force mortgage lenders to give money to people who did not make enough for the home they were buying, who were getting a mortgage over what they could afford, or had no capability to pay the debt back as promised. So the mortgage lenders were giving money to people that under normal circumstances would not have qualified for a mortgages. The life of these mortgage companies were put on the line all because some Politicians with a Socialism agenda wanted to buy the peoples vote, and make it look like they really cared about the "little people". Now this doesn't mean that i think that the mortgage lenders are Scott-free on this issue. There is the issue of them cooking the books to make it look good for investors and regulators all while going deeper and deeper in the hole of lending disparity. So they do have a role to play in this. But it would not have taken place if not for the laws forcing them to do it.
Now why would we trust a government that caused the problem to be capable of being the solution.
So get ready, the market will go heywire. The stock market will do a short term downward spiral. The economic status of this country will be in limbo. But this will only be short term. The market will rebound and be stronger than before. But only if it can be left to handle itself. The more the government dabbles with it, the worse a situation you will have.
I have said many times that our current state of government is hell bent on more and more control. And what better way to gain more control from the people without the people fighting back. Create a situation that will turn bad and then come in and acquire it under the guise of fixing it, and once government has its foot in the door it will not stop until it has complete domination.
As I have heard it said " There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program".
We must continue to fight to stop this unbridled raping of this country by our government.
Viva Liberty!
Just a few minutes ago it came across that The House Of Mis-Representatives failed to pass the massive, wasteful $700 billion bail out.
As most of you know, i have been against this since it was first talked about. I am dead set against any involvement from the government on this. Even though the government (Congress being the main culprit) was the main player in the downfall of the financial market, it doesn't need to be involved. The government bailout would only prolong the inevitable and bring about a worse financial mess 10 - 15 years down the road.
Let me reiterate why i feel this way. In 1993 under the Clintonian Institute of Lies & Bullshittery, laws were pushed through (by Democrats) to allow for low income families more access to home ownership (A noble idea on paper, especially for the Neo-Socialists in the Democratic party). Then in 1998 the law was expanded to allow for even more low income families to own homes. Then it culminated in 2000 with even more laws. Now what these laws basically did was force mortgage lenders to give money to people who did not make enough for the home they were buying, who were getting a mortgage over what they could afford, or had no capability to pay the debt back as promised. So the mortgage lenders were giving money to people that under normal circumstances would not have qualified for a mortgages. The life of these mortgage companies were put on the line all because some Politicians with a Socialism agenda wanted to buy the peoples vote, and make it look like they really cared about the "little people". Now this doesn't mean that i think that the mortgage lenders are Scott-free on this issue. There is the issue of them cooking the books to make it look good for investors and regulators all while going deeper and deeper in the hole of lending disparity. So they do have a role to play in this. But it would not have taken place if not for the laws forcing them to do it.
Now why would we trust a government that caused the problem to be capable of being the solution.
So get ready, the market will go heywire. The stock market will do a short term downward spiral. The economic status of this country will be in limbo. But this will only be short term. The market will rebound and be stronger than before. But only if it can be left to handle itself. The more the government dabbles with it, the worse a situation you will have.
I have said many times that our current state of government is hell bent on more and more control. And what better way to gain more control from the people without the people fighting back. Create a situation that will turn bad and then come in and acquire it under the guise of fixing it, and once government has its foot in the door it will not stop until it has complete domination.
As I have heard it said " There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program".
We must continue to fight to stop this unbridled raping of this country by our government.
Viva Liberty!
Press Release
This was emailed to me earlier from another Libertarian here in the state. This is a release from the State Chairman of the Libertarian Party.
SCLP Press Release for immediate release
Date: September 27, 2008
Press Release: Stop the Bailout.
I have just finished reading the Constitution of the United States. I
have read it so many times in the last 2 decades I almost have it
memorized. Again I can find nowhere it allows the U.S. Congress to use
tax dollars for "Bailouts." I did read again in Article 1 section 8
that Congress is responsible "To coin Money and regulate the value
thereof, " not to use the "Federal Reserve" to do this. Then there is
the 10th Amendment that is supposed to restrict the powers of
Government. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people."
Citizens and voters wake up, if your Representative and Senators vote to
support this UNCONSTITUTIONAL action, REMOVE them from office. If we are
to keep this Constitutional Republic, it is not a DEMOCRACY; we had
better stop endorsing the actions taken by Congress by voting them back
into office. Actor Robin Williams in a movie about politicians had a
great line.
"Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often and for the
same reason." Our congress Stinks and needs changed.
Michael Carmany
South Carolina Libertarian Party
SCLP Press Release for immediate release
Date: September 27, 2008
Press Release: Stop the Bailout.
I have just finished reading the Constitution of the United States. I
have read it so many times in the last 2 decades I almost have it
memorized. Again I can find nowhere it allows the U.S. Congress to use
tax dollars for "Bailouts." I did read again in Article 1 section 8
that Congress is responsible "To coin Money and regulate the value
thereof, " not to use the "Federal Reserve" to do this. Then there is
the 10th Amendment that is supposed to restrict the powers of
Government. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people."
Citizens and voters wake up, if your Representative and Senators vote to
support this UNCONSTITUTIONAL action, REMOVE them from office. If we are
to keep this Constitutional Republic, it is not a DEMOCRACY; we had
better stop endorsing the actions taken by Congress by voting them back
into office. Actor Robin Williams in a movie about politicians had a
great line.
"Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often and for the
same reason." Our congress Stinks and needs changed.
Michael Carmany
South Carolina Libertarian Party
Viva Liberty!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Message To the "Hurricane" Hugo Chavez!
Well there has been something today that has just pissed me off.
I have said before that this situation in the financial market is not a good one. And one that our current politicians, except for one Ron Paul, have no idea what the economy is or how to fix.
But Hurricane Hugo Chavez has proven that he has no understanding either. He was reported as saying that the problem with the US Market is the Free market. And that we need to get rid of the free market, and change the Constitution.
Well, Mr Chavez ( i would like to call you something else, but i will take the high ground), i will say that you are truly wrong. You see, your Socialist mind can not wrap around something such as freedom to average citizens, but the Constitution is what makes this country great. Our constitution give the people the rights, and the control, not the government. You can not fathom this idea since you are the only ones who control the people. But Mr Chavez, the is nothing more powerful than a citizenry with the rights and the power.
This country of ours is in this financial situation because of the government. The government pushed the Mortgage Companys to grant mortgages to low income families. Then in 1998 the program was expanded. Then again 2000 they expanded it more. Now take in mind that this was all pushed through by a Democratic president and the Democrats in Congress who are all hell bent on Socialist agendas such as Free Healthcare ( which do nothing but take control away from the people and put it into the corrupt hands of a government, Hmmm such as your own).
Our country is in the predicament due to the government. I pray that we, as Americans, will force the government back to its boundaries made by the Constitution.
So Mr Chavez, i pray that you citizens will gain the freedom that they deserve. If it means overthrowing you and your corrupt Socialist/Communist apparatus, I say G-dspeed. May you and Socialists in this world be laid waste, so that true freedom. But as an Semi-Isolationist Libertarian, i urge this to happen without the US getting involved. So that true freedom can sprout from the Seeds of Patriotism.
I pray, Mr Chavez, that yourself, Mahmoud I'm-a-nut-job, Putin, Castro, and any other dictatorial regime be quickly sent to hell with the likes of Hitler and Lenin.
Viva Liberty!
I have said before that this situation in the financial market is not a good one. And one that our current politicians, except for one Ron Paul, have no idea what the economy is or how to fix.
But Hurricane Hugo Chavez has proven that he has no understanding either. He was reported as saying that the problem with the US Market is the Free market. And that we need to get rid of the free market, and change the Constitution.
Well, Mr Chavez ( i would like to call you something else, but i will take the high ground), i will say that you are truly wrong. You see, your Socialist mind can not wrap around something such as freedom to average citizens, but the Constitution is what makes this country great. Our constitution give the people the rights, and the control, not the government. You can not fathom this idea since you are the only ones who control the people. But Mr Chavez, the is nothing more powerful than a citizenry with the rights and the power.
This country of ours is in this financial situation because of the government. The government pushed the Mortgage Companys to grant mortgages to low income families. Then in 1998 the program was expanded. Then again 2000 they expanded it more. Now take in mind that this was all pushed through by a Democratic president and the Democrats in Congress who are all hell bent on Socialist agendas such as Free Healthcare ( which do nothing but take control away from the people and put it into the corrupt hands of a government, Hmmm such as your own).
Our country is in the predicament due to the government. I pray that we, as Americans, will force the government back to its boundaries made by the Constitution.
So Mr Chavez, i pray that you citizens will gain the freedom that they deserve. If it means overthrowing you and your corrupt Socialist/Communist apparatus, I say G-dspeed. May you and Socialists in this world be laid waste, so that true freedom. But as an Semi-Isolationist Libertarian, i urge this to happen without the US getting involved. So that true freedom can sprout from the Seeds of Patriotism.
I pray, Mr Chavez, that yourself, Mahmoud I'm-a-nut-job, Putin, Castro, and any other dictatorial regime be quickly sent to hell with the likes of Hitler and Lenin.
Viva Liberty!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mindless Idiots
Well with the economy in shambles. All politicians are wanting to get their name in lights as being part of the solution. When any reasonable thinking person knows that solutions by politicians are few, and the problems created by them are many.
Well in a new boute of vote buying, two of the whackiest senile senators in Washington are trying to show that they care about the Americans. Harry Reid and Robert Byrd have come together and wrote some legislation to help stimulate the economy.
The $56 Billion Economic Stimulus Package is being pressed as being a help in this trouble times. But these Political Quacks are so far off the mark it makes no sense. In fact, my 2 dogs and 2 cats could come up with a much better system to stimulate the economy than these 2 donkeys.
Ok so here are the details of this "Stimulus" package that is supposed to help create more jobs. This package would allot $6 billion to extend unemployment benefits by 7 weeks for all and 13 weeks for states with high unemployment rates. This package contains close to $20 billion to increase payments to states for Medicaid. This package includes $55 million to upgrade radios for the US Capitol Police. This package also has $905 million to combat bioterrorism and prepare for possible flu epidemic. There is even talk of it including $25 billion for infrastructure items such as roads and bridges.
Now the question i must ask, as would any smart citizens is this. How does this create jobs? It doesn't, it throws money away in an attempt to fool the public into thinking that these incompetent fools we send to Washington are actually accomplishing something.
I have said it many times and i believe it now, the only true fix is to get the government out of the market and the economy. The market will correct itself, the economy will correct itself. It has been proven many, many times that when taxes are cut, the economy grows and the job rate increases. So just think about how much the economy will grow and you and i will prosper if there were no taxes (or very small taxes). The more money we have, the more that will be put nito our economy. The more that is taken from us by government, the more money that is wasted in a system with no checks and balances, no over sight, etc.
So where is the money going to come from for these idiotic stimulus packages. US, just like always. It is time we take a stand and refuse to allow this raping of our money, our economy, our free market society.
Remember that The Boston Tea Party was acted on because of a 1/2 of 1% tax increase. And our fore fathers started their own country from thier, due to the over taxation. Currently our government has expanded and expanded the taxes to the point where it takes 15% from the average American in just Federal Tax, that doesn't include the Local, State, Property, Sales, Death, Capitol Gains Taxes ( All should be considered Theft Taxes).
If you go up to someone and forcably make them give you a percentage of their money would that not be a crime, punishable by jail time. YES, so we need to punish those politicians that steal from us daily.
So what is it going to take to make us stand and fight?
Viva Liberty!
Well in a new boute of vote buying, two of the whackiest senile senators in Washington are trying to show that they care about the Americans. Harry Reid and Robert Byrd have come together and wrote some legislation to help stimulate the economy.
The $56 Billion Economic Stimulus Package is being pressed as being a help in this trouble times. But these Political Quacks are so far off the mark it makes no sense. In fact, my 2 dogs and 2 cats could come up with a much better system to stimulate the economy than these 2 donkeys.
Ok so here are the details of this "Stimulus" package that is supposed to help create more jobs. This package would allot $6 billion to extend unemployment benefits by 7 weeks for all and 13 weeks for states with high unemployment rates. This package contains close to $20 billion to increase payments to states for Medicaid. This package includes $55 million to upgrade radios for the US Capitol Police. This package also has $905 million to combat bioterrorism and prepare for possible flu epidemic. There is even talk of it including $25 billion for infrastructure items such as roads and bridges.
Now the question i must ask, as would any smart citizens is this. How does this create jobs? It doesn't, it throws money away in an attempt to fool the public into thinking that these incompetent fools we send to Washington are actually accomplishing something.
I have said it many times and i believe it now, the only true fix is to get the government out of the market and the economy. The market will correct itself, the economy will correct itself. It has been proven many, many times that when taxes are cut, the economy grows and the job rate increases. So just think about how much the economy will grow and you and i will prosper if there were no taxes (or very small taxes). The more money we have, the more that will be put nito our economy. The more that is taken from us by government, the more money that is wasted in a system with no checks and balances, no over sight, etc.
So where is the money going to come from for these idiotic stimulus packages. US, just like always. It is time we take a stand and refuse to allow this raping of our money, our economy, our free market society.
Remember that The Boston Tea Party was acted on because of a 1/2 of 1% tax increase. And our fore fathers started their own country from thier, due to the over taxation. Currently our government has expanded and expanded the taxes to the point where it takes 15% from the average American in just Federal Tax, that doesn't include the Local, State, Property, Sales, Death, Capitol Gains Taxes ( All should be considered Theft Taxes).
If you go up to someone and forcably make them give you a percentage of their money would that not be a crime, punishable by jail time. YES, so we need to punish those politicians that steal from us daily.
So what is it going to take to make us stand and fight?
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Open up the flood gates
I am going go into something on this one that i never really go into. Race. I know what i am going to say is going to just down right piss someone off. But if what i say pisses a person, that person needs to look deep and see if it is actually true. Because nothing pisses some people off more than the truth.
Let me start by saying this. I am a Caucasian. I have more friends that are minorities than your average person. Black, White, Blue, Brown, Yellow to me it doesn't matter what the outward color of a persons skin may be. I am friends with people not for the color of their skin, but more important who they are as a person. In fact my ancestors in the Ohio valley were part of the underground railroad prior to and during the Civil War.
But what gets to me is all the talk of race in this country. You constantly hear about race in politics, and people will pull the race card at a moments notice. You constantly hear on TV, radio, news print, and internet about how we are a free society and that a persons color of skin should not be used to discriminate against them, which i FULLY agree with. But when people talk about the need for Race to not be a factor, and then bring race up at every turn, they go against what they said.
One of the biggest questions i have is this. Why is that one group can say a word or phrase and it be ok? However when another group says that word it is a racist comment? If it ok for one it should ok for all. If it is not ok for some it should not be ok for all.
But it seems that with this election season that the race card has been played and played and played. This is a ridiculous ploy. In this season it is no more than a ploy to get people off othe topics and onto race. It is a way to bully one group of people into thinking that if they do not vote for someone that they will be called a racist.
It is time to truly put Race to rest. It is time to look at people for who they are not what they look like, or what their skin color.
We have went from deliberate racism in this country, which was truly uncalled for. However reversing the racism is just as uncalled for.
We should fighting for the rights and liberty of all. Not petty fighting over skin color. Skin color will never fix any of the problems that we are in, but standing up for our rights and liberty will!
Utterly Ridiculous!
Viva Liberty!
One of the biggest questions i have is this. Why is that one group can say a word or phrase and it be ok? However when another group says that word it is a racist comment? If it ok for one it should ok for all. If it is not ok for some it should not be ok for all.
But it seems that with this election season that the race card has been played and played and played. This is a ridiculous ploy. In this season it is no more than a ploy to get people off othe topics and onto race. It is a way to bully one group of people into thinking that if they do not vote for someone that they will be called a racist.
It is time to truly put Race to rest. It is time to look at people for who they are not what they look like, or what their skin color.
We have went from deliberate racism in this country, which was truly uncalled for. However reversing the racism is just as uncalled for.
We should fighting for the rights and liberty of all. Not petty fighting over skin color. Skin color will never fix any of the problems that we are in, but standing up for our rights and liberty will!
Utterly Ridiculous!
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
From the Libertarian Party
Here is an email i received from The Libertarian Party. If you feel the way i do click the link at the bottom and send a message to you congressman.
Sept. 24, 2008
Dear Concerned Taxpayer,
The White House is trying to ram through an unsound bailout for the fat cats on Wall Street that could cost at least $1 trillion of your money.
That’s right, thousands of your hard earned dollars will go to make sure that private businesses stay liquid, and can continue making risky, irresponsible loans.
Meanwhile, who is being held accountable?
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bailed-out, and were allowed to continue with the taxpayer-funded safety net that encourages irresponsible lending. Barack Obama and John McCain refused to stand up against the bailouts while Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bob Barr said that this is a “Bailout from Hell!”
It’s time to stop this madness!
The White House has given up on the free market, so it’s up to us, the citizens, to try and defend it.
Call your congressman immediately to oppose the bailout. Don’t let the greedy business interests privatize the profits and socialize the risks. Do it, before it’s too late!
"A vote for this bailout package, in whatever form it comes in, is a vote against the American taxpayer, and a vote against the free market," Barr says.
Congressional Contact Info: http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/
Calling etiquette tips: http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/communicating.htm
In Liberty,
Austin Petersen
PS – If you are receiving this email, and have not yet become a member of the Party and wish to do so, please click here to sign up to become a member of the only political party dedicated completely to cutting taxes and maximizing liberty. If you need to renew, please do so by clicking here.
Sept. 24, 2008
Dear Concerned Taxpayer,
The White House is trying to ram through an unsound bailout for the fat cats on Wall Street that could cost at least $1 trillion of your money.
That’s right, thousands of your hard earned dollars will go to make sure that private businesses stay liquid, and can continue making risky, irresponsible loans.
Meanwhile, who is being held accountable?
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bailed-out, and were allowed to continue with the taxpayer-funded safety net that encourages irresponsible lending. Barack Obama and John McCain refused to stand up against the bailouts while Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bob Barr said that this is a “Bailout from Hell!”
It’s time to stop this madness!
The White House has given up on the free market, so it’s up to us, the citizens, to try and defend it.
Call your congressman immediately to oppose the bailout. Don’t let the greedy business interests privatize the profits and socialize the risks. Do it, before it’s too late!
"A vote for this bailout package, in whatever form it comes in, is a vote against the American taxpayer, and a vote against the free market," Barr says.
Congressional Contact Info: http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/
Calling etiquette tips: http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/communicating.htm
In Liberty,
Austin Petersen
PS – If you are receiving this email, and have not yet become a member of the Party and wish to do so, please click here to sign up to become a member of the only political party dedicated completely to cutting taxes and maximizing liberty. If you need to renew, please do so by clicking here.
I applaud them, slightly!
I want to applaud the politicians in Washington. Now my applause is not the loud thundering applause that the politicians feel they should receive, its more on the level you would hear on the PGA tour.
The moratorium on offshore drilling is soon to be gone. Democrats have conceded defeat and not brought it back up for vote. The way the moratorium goes, every year it has to be voted to continue another year. Well this year with little to no public support for it, and with it being election year, the Democrats have decided to not force it through.
This moratorium is a good start, but only a start. The politicians are spoon feeding this crap that this will fix the problem with gas prices. And the lemmings of this population believe it.
But there is more that will have to be done in order to see long lasting price reduction.
The first thing to put in place is the pumping of our own supply. Now this will only work IF the extra supply being pumped stays within this country. If the oil being pumped is being sent outside of this country. Then we will see no relief at all. the only thing that would be gained if it is sold outside this country would be tax revenue, and with the way politicians are with money, it would be frivolously spent before it was ever made. Also if we kept everything we pumped, it would cause a surplus on the market due what we were not buying from Opec, thus making the worldwide oil price go down. Not to mention that Opec would not cut production rates seeing as to how their current ally would no longer be helping them prop up the rates. That ally is our government.
The second thing to do is to get it off of the speculative futures market. This will probably bring about the biggest drop in fuel prices, just by itself. Market analysts predict the gas prices would drop to $2 a gallon on average in 30 days or less just from taking oil off of the futures market.
Thirdly, we must build more refineries. Not just more refineries in the gulf cost areas, but nationwide. Currently the refineries in this country are running around 95-97% capacity. Not much room for error if you ask me. So when a hurricane comes through and damages 10 refineries the other can not bump up production to meet the loss. We need to have refineries running at most 75% capacity. We also need the refineries spread out more, to where if a hurricane hits the gulf of mexico it will not put a large number of refineries at risk. Think about it. If you had numerous refineries along the east and west coasts and a large hurricane hit the texas area and wiped out 1/2 of the refineries (which majority of refineries are located in texas). What would happen? We would be out of gas in an instance with supply not regulating itself for months, even upwards of a year. What would you spend on gas then? Look at the gas rationing era in the 70's, that would be a walk in the park compared to this scenario. So if they are spread out around the country, then a disaster in one area would have minimal effect to the nationwide market.
So this is our next fighting point. We need to fight for more refineries. We need to fight to have the red tape removed from companies building new refineries. We need to fight for the futures market be shut down for oil.
We have to fight now, especially since this was just a election year ploy by the politicians to buy the publics votes, by making it look like they cared for the situation.
Viva Liberty!
The moratorium on offshore drilling is soon to be gone. Democrats have conceded defeat and not brought it back up for vote. The way the moratorium goes, every year it has to be voted to continue another year. Well this year with little to no public support for it, and with it being election year, the Democrats have decided to not force it through.
This moratorium is a good start, but only a start. The politicians are spoon feeding this crap that this will fix the problem with gas prices. And the lemmings of this population believe it.
But there is more that will have to be done in order to see long lasting price reduction.
The first thing to put in place is the pumping of our own supply. Now this will only work IF the extra supply being pumped stays within this country. If the oil being pumped is being sent outside of this country. Then we will see no relief at all. the only thing that would be gained if it is sold outside this country would be tax revenue, and with the way politicians are with money, it would be frivolously spent before it was ever made. Also if we kept everything we pumped, it would cause a surplus on the market due what we were not buying from Opec, thus making the worldwide oil price go down. Not to mention that Opec would not cut production rates seeing as to how their current ally would no longer be helping them prop up the rates. That ally is our government.
The second thing to do is to get it off of the speculative futures market. This will probably bring about the biggest drop in fuel prices, just by itself. Market analysts predict the gas prices would drop to $2 a gallon on average in 30 days or less just from taking oil off of the futures market.
Thirdly, we must build more refineries. Not just more refineries in the gulf cost areas, but nationwide. Currently the refineries in this country are running around 95-97% capacity. Not much room for error if you ask me. So when a hurricane comes through and damages 10 refineries the other can not bump up production to meet the loss. We need to have refineries running at most 75% capacity. We also need the refineries spread out more, to where if a hurricane hits the gulf of mexico it will not put a large number of refineries at risk. Think about it. If you had numerous refineries along the east and west coasts and a large hurricane hit the texas area and wiped out 1/2 of the refineries (which majority of refineries are located in texas). What would happen? We would be out of gas in an instance with supply not regulating itself for months, even upwards of a year. What would you spend on gas then? Look at the gas rationing era in the 70's, that would be a walk in the park compared to this scenario. So if they are spread out around the country, then a disaster in one area would have minimal effect to the nationwide market.
So this is our next fighting point. We need to fight for more refineries. We need to fight to have the red tape removed from companies building new refineries. We need to fight for the futures market be shut down for oil.
We have to fight now, especially since this was just a election year ploy by the politicians to buy the publics votes, by making it look like they cared for the situation.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What Are We Teaching. Our Students?
Well it should come to no suprise to any of us that our public education is failing us miserably. It is also of no surprise that they fail to teach adequetely what the Constitution really means. Why? Because why would they want to appropriately teach on a document that limits them. so they water down the meaning of the Constitution to dumb-down future generations, that way the government will gain more power through the stupidity it helped create. This is by no menas a new concept. This has been happening in one way or another since the induction of the socialist system into our country in the early part of the last century
Well there is a kid that i take my hat off to. In Aurora, CO there is a 5th grader to commended. At his school, they had a Patriotic Day. One where every student was asked to where red, white, and blue shirts to show their Patriotism. Well Daxx (the 5th grader in question) wore a white shirt that he used red and blue marker to write on it. He wrote " Obama is a terrorists best firend" on his shirt. Now he followed the rules the wore a red, white, and blue shirt. So what is the problem you may ask. He was called into the principal's and was told he had 3 options. He could change shirts, turn it inside out, or be suspended. Well seeing as how Daxx is from a very coservative family, one that believes heavily in the Constution, told the principal he would take suspension.
Now think about that. A fifth grade standing up and taking punishment for something he know he has the RIGHT to. Freedom of Speech. Daxx understands this better than most adults.
Here is what this wise young man had to say about it.
"They're taking away my right of freedom of speech. If i have the right to wear this shirt, I'm going to use it. And if the only way to use it is to get suspended, then i'm going to get suspended".
So i ask What are we teaching our students?
We need to be teaching them in school about the utmost importance of the Constitution. We need to teach what each right means. We need to press on them the importance of these rights. We also need to teach them to stand for their rights. We need to teach them to stand up for the rights of others. We need to teach them that we need to fight to the death for the right of all in this country to have that right.
We need more like Daxx in this country!
Viva Liberty!
Well there is a kid that i take my hat off to. In Aurora, CO there is a 5th grader to commended. At his school, they had a Patriotic Day. One where every student was asked to where red, white, and blue shirts to show their Patriotism. Well Daxx (the 5th grader in question) wore a white shirt that he used red and blue marker to write on it. He wrote " Obama is a terrorists best firend" on his shirt. Now he followed the rules the wore a red, white, and blue shirt. So what is the problem you may ask. He was called into the principal's and was told he had 3 options. He could change shirts, turn it inside out, or be suspended. Well seeing as how Daxx is from a very coservative family, one that believes heavily in the Constution, told the principal he would take suspension.
Now think about that. A fifth grade standing up and taking punishment for something he know he has the RIGHT to. Freedom of Speech. Daxx understands this better than most adults.
Here is what this wise young man had to say about it.
"They're taking away my right of freedom of speech. If i have the right to wear this shirt, I'm going to use it. And if the only way to use it is to get suspended, then i'm going to get suspended".
So i ask What are we teaching our students?
We need to be teaching them in school about the utmost importance of the Constitution. We need to teach what each right means. We need to press on them the importance of these rights. We also need to teach them to stand for their rights. We need to teach them to stand up for the rights of others. We need to teach them that we need to fight to the death for the right of all in this country to have that right.
We need more like Daxx in this country!
Viva Liberty!
Monday, September 22, 2008
And it begins
I posted a week or so ago on this escalation in tension between the US and Pakistan.
For those not in the know, our administration has given the green light to our special forces to cross into Pakistan to hunt down Al Qeada operatives hiding in the remote mountains. And Pakistan has pushed back stating that any US military personel illegally entering Pakistan will be fired upon by the Pakistani military.
I stated then and i stand by it now, that we do not have the right to enter and run military operatives in a country we are not at war. We MUST have that countries blessing to run raid on their soil.
Well the US military has pushed the Pakistani's on this. There are reports that the Pakistani military fired upon US military aircraft inside Pakistans air space. Once they were fired upon, the aircraft turn and headed back to Afghanistan.
Now i place complete blame on our administration for this. I don't blame any of our military for this, they are following the orders given to them by, guess who, the administration.
It is blatant actions like this that have given the reputation of elite imperialists hell bent on expanding our borders at all cost. This is not the truth, but this is the impression that other countries get of us.
It is time to stop acting like the world is our playground, and that we can all that we want regardless of others soveriegnty.
We must stand up against this before we find ourselves paying for another unneeded war.
Viva Liberty!
For those not in the know, our administration has given the green light to our special forces to cross into Pakistan to hunt down Al Qeada operatives hiding in the remote mountains. And Pakistan has pushed back stating that any US military personel illegally entering Pakistan will be fired upon by the Pakistani military.
I stated then and i stand by it now, that we do not have the right to enter and run military operatives in a country we are not at war. We MUST have that countries blessing to run raid on their soil.
Well the US military has pushed the Pakistani's on this. There are reports that the Pakistani military fired upon US military aircraft inside Pakistans air space. Once they were fired upon, the aircraft turn and headed back to Afghanistan.
Now i place complete blame on our administration for this. I don't blame any of our military for this, they are following the orders given to them by, guess who, the administration.
It is blatant actions like this that have given the reputation of elite imperialists hell bent on expanding our borders at all cost. This is not the truth, but this is the impression that other countries get of us.
It is time to stop acting like the world is our playground, and that we can all that we want regardless of others soveriegnty.
We must stand up against this before we find ourselves paying for another unneeded war.
Viva Liberty!
Proof of Political Ineptitude
Why is today that it seems like the only ones protected in our society are the criminals. I place this blame on the short sighted politicians that we vote into office and then fail to hold accountable. Too many times politicians will jump onto an issue without looking at spin-off issues that will come from that actions.
The reason i say is this is because of a news report i just read from FoxNews. A man in Connecticut hired a builder to construct a building for his business. This building was to cost $80,000 to construct. The business owner paid the Builder $39,500 up front, to pay the remainder upon completion of the structure. However the builder never showed up to start, much less complete, the construction project.
So the Business owner filed a criminal complaint against the builder. The builder was arrested and charged with Larceny. The builder worked out an agreement to pay the business owner $25,000 and pay restitution on the remaining balance.
This is were it gets the blood boiling.
It seems that shortly before the business owner filed the charges against the builder. The builder filed for bankruptcy, and the stolen amount was included. Paperwork was sent to the business owner informing him of this. However the paperwork was sent to the wrong address and the business owner never recieved the paperwork.
So the Builder's lawyers went before the Bankruptcy judge to bring forth that thier client had been arrested, and charged for something that he filed on his bankruptcy. Well since the charges were filed after the bankruptcy, it is not legal.
So the business owner was ordered to pay the builder back the $25,000 and pay legal fees for the builder. The victim had to pay back the thief.
I think it should be a law that anything acquired through illegal means should not be permitted on a bankruptcy case.
Only in America do politicians pass laws that allow a victim of a crime be cast as the perpetrator in court.
Viva Liberty!
The reason i say is this is because of a news report i just read from FoxNews. A man in Connecticut hired a builder to construct a building for his business. This building was to cost $80,000 to construct. The business owner paid the Builder $39,500 up front, to pay the remainder upon completion of the structure. However the builder never showed up to start, much less complete, the construction project.
So the Business owner filed a criminal complaint against the builder. The builder was arrested and charged with Larceny. The builder worked out an agreement to pay the business owner $25,000 and pay restitution on the remaining balance.
This is were it gets the blood boiling.
It seems that shortly before the business owner filed the charges against the builder. The builder filed for bankruptcy, and the stolen amount was included. Paperwork was sent to the business owner informing him of this. However the paperwork was sent to the wrong address and the business owner never recieved the paperwork.
So the Builder's lawyers went before the Bankruptcy judge to bring forth that thier client had been arrested, and charged for something that he filed on his bankruptcy. Well since the charges were filed after the bankruptcy, it is not legal.
So the business owner was ordered to pay the builder back the $25,000 and pay legal fees for the builder. The victim had to pay back the thief.
I think it should be a law that anything acquired through illegal means should not be permitted on a bankruptcy case.
Only in America do politicians pass laws that allow a victim of a crime be cast as the perpetrator in court.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lesser Of 2 Evils
This seems to the mantra of the disenfranchised citizens of America here lately. Every election there is a multitude of people that will utter this phrase "I don't like the ones running, but i will vote this person because they are the lesser of two evils".
I think this is one of the greatest injustices to this country that a person can do. It is of the utmost importance to have your voice heard. If you vote for the "Lesser of Two Evils", your vote will not be heard. Because the party you vote for will take your vote as an approval for the road they take.
Now in the day we live in, it is more important to make your voice heard. These days, the few that speak up get their voice mowed over by the preferential treatment that the biased media of today give to the two party apparatus that plagues us.
So i implore to get out this November and vote for the RIGHT person, not the Lesser of the evils ones. Because when you vote for the Lesser Of Two Evils, guess what you get, EVIL. Now i am not calling the two major candidates evil people. I am just saying that their policies (both of the major candidates) are evil. Both parties platforms have become one and the same. They both believe in spending like there is no tomorrow, even when there is no money there. They both believe that the more they spend, the more they can take from us. They believe that our rights are expendable. They believe that a horrible attack on this country warrants spying on the law abiding majority of this country. They believe that they have the right to go into other countries soveriegn land to "hunt down" other people and groups. They believe that they have the right to dictate to other nations how they should act and behave. They believe that they have the right to waste our money on bailing out companies that have gotten themselves financially in hot water, which will come back to haunt us in unimaginable ways in about 10-15 years.
Like i said, vote for who is right. Vote for who you believe is the right person for the job. This election is not a popularity contest. It is not about who is a bigger than life rock star persona. It is about the security, life, liberty, and rights.
So please, PLEASE, i press you to do your homework. Don't look at the Republicans and Democrats to be the end all in politics. Look at Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party, Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party, Ralph Nader, Alan Keyes and The American Indepent Party, or any other candidate, which there are many. Find out who is the best and VOTE for that person. Your candidate might not win. But with enough people voting this way, the citizens voice will be heard.
So don't vote the lesser theory. If the two candidates running were Satan and Adolf Hitler, would you vote for Hitler because he is the lesser of the two evils?
Viva Liberty!
I think this is one of the greatest injustices to this country that a person can do. It is of the utmost importance to have your voice heard. If you vote for the "Lesser of Two Evils", your vote will not be heard. Because the party you vote for will take your vote as an approval for the road they take.
Now in the day we live in, it is more important to make your voice heard. These days, the few that speak up get their voice mowed over by the preferential treatment that the biased media of today give to the two party apparatus that plagues us.
So i implore to get out this November and vote for the RIGHT person, not the Lesser of the evils ones. Because when you vote for the Lesser Of Two Evils, guess what you get, EVIL. Now i am not calling the two major candidates evil people. I am just saying that their policies (both of the major candidates) are evil. Both parties platforms have become one and the same. They both believe in spending like there is no tomorrow, even when there is no money there. They both believe that the more they spend, the more they can take from us. They believe that our rights are expendable. They believe that a horrible attack on this country warrants spying on the law abiding majority of this country. They believe that they have the right to go into other countries soveriegn land to "hunt down" other people and groups. They believe that they have the right to dictate to other nations how they should act and behave. They believe that they have the right to waste our money on bailing out companies that have gotten themselves financially in hot water, which will come back to haunt us in unimaginable ways in about 10-15 years.
Like i said, vote for who is right. Vote for who you believe is the right person for the job. This election is not a popularity contest. It is not about who is a bigger than life rock star persona. It is about the security, life, liberty, and rights.
So please, PLEASE, i press you to do your homework. Don't look at the Republicans and Democrats to be the end all in politics. Look at Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party, Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party, Ralph Nader, Alan Keyes and The American Indepent Party, or any other candidate, which there are many. Find out who is the best and VOTE for that person. Your candidate might not win. But with enough people voting this way, the citizens voice will be heard.
So don't vote the lesser theory. If the two candidates running were Satan and Adolf Hitler, would you vote for Hitler because he is the lesser of the two evils?
Viva Liberty!
Happy Constitution Day!
Well today marks the 221st birthday of the signing of the Constitution. By far the greatest governmental document in history.
It is the great idea of the founding fathers to guarantee our rights and liberty, by making an order by which our government is to adhere to.
So on this great day, take time to remember what we are because of this Great Document, and where we would be without it.
In 2005 it was signed into law that Constitution Day be an official day of observence in this country. All government funded education facilities are to spend the day discussing and teaching on the Constitution.
So i can not wait until i get home today to see what my kids actually learned from this. My outlook is rather bleak on this though. I mean can i really trust a government that hates this document (and tries to diminish it at every turn) to actually truthfully teach on it. Why would a entity teach truthfully on something that is suppose to bind their power.
I pray that everyone would take this time to really think about this document, and its great importance both history and present. I hope that we can use this day to spring board ourself into fighting for this document and everything it stands for. Only the citizens of this country can do that. The politicians and government employees will not do it, it takes the power they envy away from them.
It is time to stand up and demand that the Constitutional Rights already taken from us will given back, and that we will strictly enforce the governments adherance.
If we do not do, then who will.
Viva Liberty!
It is the great idea of the founding fathers to guarantee our rights and liberty, by making an order by which our government is to adhere to.
So on this great day, take time to remember what we are because of this Great Document, and where we would be without it.
In 2005 it was signed into law that Constitution Day be an official day of observence in this country. All government funded education facilities are to spend the day discussing and teaching on the Constitution.
So i can not wait until i get home today to see what my kids actually learned from this. My outlook is rather bleak on this though. I mean can i really trust a government that hates this document (and tries to diminish it at every turn) to actually truthfully teach on it. Why would a entity teach truthfully on something that is suppose to bind their power.
I pray that everyone would take this time to really think about this document, and its great importance both history and present. I hope that we can use this day to spring board ourself into fighting for this document and everything it stands for. Only the citizens of this country can do that. The politicians and government employees will not do it, it takes the power they envy away from them.
It is time to stand up and demand that the Constitutional Rights already taken from us will given back, and that we will strictly enforce the governments adherance.
If we do not do, then who will.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Fashion Police
Many towns and county's in this country have been toying with the idea of passing laws about baggy pants. And there are alot that have actually passed laws about.
As annoying as this fashion is, i don't think it is something that laws need to be paased about. I personally don't care for people wearing their clothes like that. But i don't feel like there is anything indecent about it. Sure people walking around with their pants sagging to the point to where you can see their boxers, is not something that you really want to see. But it is still their right to wear clothing the way they want. You don't see people trying to pass laws to stop old men from wearing their pants up to their chest. I personally do not like seeing someone wearing their pants up so high that they run the risk of getting their chest hair caught in their zipper, but it is their right to do so.
I think we need to get back to the basics here on laws. Just because you do not like something, doesn't mean that it should be outlawed. We all like things that others do not.
Well a judge in Riviera Beach, Fl has ruled the law unconstitution. So hopefully we will see these laws finally go away.
Viva Liberty!
As annoying as this fashion is, i don't think it is something that laws need to be paased about. I personally don't care for people wearing their clothes like that. But i don't feel like there is anything indecent about it. Sure people walking around with their pants sagging to the point to where you can see their boxers, is not something that you really want to see. But it is still their right to wear clothing the way they want. You don't see people trying to pass laws to stop old men from wearing their pants up to their chest. I personally do not like seeing someone wearing their pants up so high that they run the risk of getting their chest hair caught in their zipper, but it is their right to do so.
I think we need to get back to the basics here on laws. Just because you do not like something, doesn't mean that it should be outlawed. We all like things that others do not.
Well a judge in Riviera Beach, Fl has ruled the law unconstitution. So hopefully we will see these laws finally go away.
Viva Liberty!
Brace Yourself
Well, there is more proof that our current administration is hell bent on creating more wars that involve us. I posted a week or so ago about how the administration has given the green light to special forces to cross into Pakistan to apprehend Al Qeada operative using the Pakistani Mountains as safe haven, without the Pakistani government approval.
I have stated before that we need to recognize the soveriegnty of other nations and only act inside their country when we have their approval to be there. I mean that is how we would demand it to be. We wouldn't allow the Mexicans or Canadians militaries to come across our border to complete military missions. Would We? No! Even though there is proof that the Mexican Military has been doing that lately to capture illegal immigrants in our country. But i digress.
Well it seems that Pakistan has had enough. The Pakistan government has given the order to shoot on site any member of the US Military operating missions on their soil.
I agree with Pakistan. I do not like the fact that our military personell could be killed. And No i am not Anti-Military. I am just the opposite actually. But i feel that our military should not be given the orders to go into another country, without that countries permission.
So if this administration keeps it up, we will find ourselves in another aggresive war. Something we definitely do not need.
It's about time we get out of other countries business and work on our own problems.
Viva Liberty!
I have stated before that we need to recognize the soveriegnty of other nations and only act inside their country when we have their approval to be there. I mean that is how we would demand it to be. We wouldn't allow the Mexicans or Canadians militaries to come across our border to complete military missions. Would We? No! Even though there is proof that the Mexican Military has been doing that lately to capture illegal immigrants in our country. But i digress.
Well it seems that Pakistan has had enough. The Pakistan government has given the order to shoot on site any member of the US Military operating missions on their soil.
I agree with Pakistan. I do not like the fact that our military personell could be killed. And No i am not Anti-Military. I am just the opposite actually. But i feel that our military should not be given the orders to go into another country, without that countries permission.
So if this administration keeps it up, we will find ourselves in another aggresive war. Something we definitely do not need.
It's about time we get out of other countries business and work on our own problems.
Viva Liberty!
Sorry For The Hiatus
I just wanted to take a moment to say sorry to the readers here, that i am sorry for the lack of posts so far this month. I try to keep myself to a very stringent rule of posting at least once a day on the topics at hand.
But it has been a very hectic month so far. But have no fear more items are to come.
So enjoy!
Viva Liberty!
But it has been a very hectic month so far. But have no fear more items are to come.
So enjoy!
Viva Liberty!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Here We Go Again
It seems like our current administration is hell bent on getting us involved more and more into problem in other countries. It also seems like this current administration is hell bent on taking peoples rights away, just look at the surveillance initiatives the administration and the Congress has taken in the name of "safety".
But now the administration is taking it one step further. Well it took it one step further a long time ago when the invasion of Iraq began. But this administration is getting more and more hell bent on violating other sovereign nations rights, for the gain of what this administration wants.
As anyone who listens to any sort of news in this country knows, there is a big problem with the Taliban and Al Qeada believed to be regrouping in Pakistan. The belief is that it is happening in the dense mountainous regions on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. Now we fought a legitimate war in Afghanistan against the Taliban and Al Qeada after 9/11 since Al Qeada was behind the attacks, and the Taliban gave them harborage and anonymity to plot and attack us.
Well our Special Forces have been under going covert operations along the Pakistani border. The Pakistanis have been forbidding us to cross into their country to under go raids, which is their right. However the US military has been using unmaned drone aircraft to spy on hot spots and to bomb such spots. This has resulted in some civilian casualties from these missions.
I will go on records stating that i believe that these unmanned missions are wrong, if you do not have that countries permission to come into thier land, you shouldn't go, regardless of whether it is by land or air.
Well there is a report out that our Mis-administration secretly gave the Special Forces the ok to conduct missions in the Pakistan mountains to find these strong holds.
I predict that if this type of disregard for other nation's soveriegn land, we will see more retaliatory attacks on us in return, not to mention a possible war with Pakistan over these actions.
We want others to respect us, our rights, our soveriegnty. We MUST do the same. This governmental mentality of Do As I Say Not As I Do, does not work and must be stopped immediately.
Viva Liberty!
But now the administration is taking it one step further. Well it took it one step further a long time ago when the invasion of Iraq began. But this administration is getting more and more hell bent on violating other sovereign nations rights, for the gain of what this administration wants.
As anyone who listens to any sort of news in this country knows, there is a big problem with the Taliban and Al Qeada believed to be regrouping in Pakistan. The belief is that it is happening in the dense mountainous regions on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. Now we fought a legitimate war in Afghanistan against the Taliban and Al Qeada after 9/11 since Al Qeada was behind the attacks, and the Taliban gave them harborage and anonymity to plot and attack us.
Well our Special Forces have been under going covert operations along the Pakistani border. The Pakistanis have been forbidding us to cross into their country to under go raids, which is their right. However the US military has been using unmaned drone aircraft to spy on hot spots and to bomb such spots. This has resulted in some civilian casualties from these missions.
I will go on records stating that i believe that these unmanned missions are wrong, if you do not have that countries permission to come into thier land, you shouldn't go, regardless of whether it is by land or air.
Well there is a report out that our Mis-administration secretly gave the Special Forces the ok to conduct missions in the Pakistan mountains to find these strong holds.
I predict that if this type of disregard for other nation's soveriegn land, we will see more retaliatory attacks on us in return, not to mention a possible war with Pakistan over these actions.
We want others to respect us, our rights, our soveriegnty. We MUST do the same. This governmental mentality of Do As I Say Not As I Do, does not work and must be stopped immediately.
Viva Liberty!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Foriegners Want Obama
Well there is a report today of a study done. This study talked to around 35,000 from around the world on who they would like more as president McCain or Obama. More people wanted Obama.
Well here is my take on this. For those of you polled. You are in the country you are in. You are not citizens in this country. Therefore you have no say in this matter. I'm not trying to sound like an elitest or and egotistic American, but you opinion does not matter in this election. The same as our American voice does not matter in an election in your country.
This is just simply the way it is, like it or not. This is our country, our Constitution, our elections. Not anyone elses.
Now what we as Americans need to demand is that the attitutda i have be portrayed from our leaders. For too long we, as a people and a government, have been meddling in other countries affairs. Don't think we do? Then answer why we have our troops stationed in over 130 countries through this earth. We have been brainwashed to the point of thinking that we have to have our hands on the pulse of everyone else.
But what that eventually does is turn peoples ideas about us to be negative.
Its time to demand that we handle our own problems and let other countries deal with thier own. Then, and only then, will we start to get back to a point that we need to be in.
Oh, and for those polled, if you want Obama, you can have him. Free of Charge. And we will also throw in some others in the deal.
Viva Liberty!
Well here is my take on this. For those of you polled. You are in the country you are in. You are not citizens in this country. Therefore you have no say in this matter. I'm not trying to sound like an elitest or and egotistic American, but you opinion does not matter in this election. The same as our American voice does not matter in an election in your country.
This is just simply the way it is, like it or not. This is our country, our Constitution, our elections. Not anyone elses.
Now what we as Americans need to demand is that the attitutda i have be portrayed from our leaders. For too long we, as a people and a government, have been meddling in other countries affairs. Don't think we do? Then answer why we have our troops stationed in over 130 countries through this earth. We have been brainwashed to the point of thinking that we have to have our hands on the pulse of everyone else.
But what that eventually does is turn peoples ideas about us to be negative.
Its time to demand that we handle our own problems and let other countries deal with thier own. Then, and only then, will we start to get back to a point that we need to be in.
Oh, and for those polled, if you want Obama, you can have him. Free of Charge. And we will also throw in some others in the deal.
Viva Liberty!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
But What About The Fairness Doctrine
The Liberals in this country, when they see that their adversaries are getting too much say, try to either shut them up or pass laws to try to squash their freedom of speech to push their own voice.
When a liberal radio talk show in this country has a major following, the liberals will be quiet. Not only that, but when the conservatives complain, if they were to, the liberals would give this ego laced listen of how the conservatives need to be more tolerant. But let a conservative show have a following, and the liberals are anything but tolerant. They pass laws to squash any speech that they do not want to hear. The force the Fairness Doctrine.
Well it looks like the Oh Great Oprah Winfrey is just one of those liberals. She has come out a long time ago, backing the liberal touted Messiah. She has campaigned for him, gave speeches for him, put her name on the line for him. She has done the typical liberal politician thing to do, she prostituted herself to him and his campaign.
Well, you would think with her show being for women, that she would use her show to support women. But that is not the case. She has basically refused to have Sarah Palin on her show. Sarah Palin the candidate for Vice President during this campaign. She is using her show as nothing more than a bully pulpit for the "chosen one".
If she was backing a conservative candidate, and refused to have a liberal candidate on her show, you can bet that hell would freeze over before the liberals let it go.
Now don't get me wrong. Her show is a private show by a private company, so she has the right to have or not have who ever she wants on her show.
But if you want to fight for other people to be "fair" so your voice will be heard, shouldn't you follow the same rule.
Viva Liberty!
When a liberal radio talk show in this country has a major following, the liberals will be quiet. Not only that, but when the conservatives complain, if they were to, the liberals would give this ego laced listen of how the conservatives need to be more tolerant. But let a conservative show have a following, and the liberals are anything but tolerant. They pass laws to squash any speech that they do not want to hear. The force the Fairness Doctrine.
Well it looks like the Oh Great Oprah Winfrey is just one of those liberals. She has come out a long time ago, backing the liberal touted Messiah. She has campaigned for him, gave speeches for him, put her name on the line for him. She has done the typical liberal politician thing to do, she prostituted herself to him and his campaign.
Well, you would think with her show being for women, that she would use her show to support women. But that is not the case. She has basically refused to have Sarah Palin on her show. Sarah Palin the candidate for Vice President during this campaign. She is using her show as nothing more than a bully pulpit for the "chosen one".
If she was backing a conservative candidate, and refused to have a liberal candidate on her show, you can bet that hell would freeze over before the liberals let it go.
Now don't get me wrong. Her show is a private show by a private company, so she has the right to have or not have who ever she wants on her show.
But if you want to fight for other people to be "fair" so your voice will be heard, shouldn't you follow the same rule.
Viva Liberty!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Oh What The Elections Will Bring
Well it seems that the election season has brought about the normal flip-floppery out of the politicians. This is the time when politicians will cast their morality, policy, and their stance just to sell themselves to gain whatever vote that they can get. They become the biggest prostitutes in history during this time.
The democrats have been yelling this whole time about how pumping more oil will not fix the gas price situation. They have even went so far, under The Pelosi Brigade, to block any type of legislation that would allow pumping.
Well the Democrats, seeing as how the feeling of the American people is, have changed their mind.
There are some Democrats that have been trying to get a bi-partisan bill that would allow off-shore drilling passed.
Why is it that the politicians will only listen to the American people when, We yell loud enough, When it benefits them, or It is a election year.
But these are the same politicians that will bring up other politicians flip flopping on issues.
Viva Liberty!
The democrats have been yelling this whole time about how pumping more oil will not fix the gas price situation. They have even went so far, under The Pelosi Brigade, to block any type of legislation that would allow pumping.
Well the Democrats, seeing as how the feeling of the American people is, have changed their mind.
There are some Democrats that have been trying to get a bi-partisan bill that would allow off-shore drilling passed.
Why is it that the politicians will only listen to the American people when, We yell loud enough, When it benefits them, or It is a election year.
But these are the same politicians that will bring up other politicians flip flopping on issues.
Viva Liberty!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Who Is More Qualified?
Isn't it just amazing the lengths that politicians will go to show that they are better suited to handle this situation or that situation. And they will say some of the dumbest things to try to prove themselves.
Well today it happened again. Obama has come out saying how he is better suited to handle a catastrophe, such as Katrina, than Palin (McCains running mate). Here is what he said from CNN's website.
“My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees. We've got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month,” Obama responded.
Our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the past couple of years and certainly in terms of the legislation I’ve passed in the past couple of years, post-Katrina.”
Ok first off, how do these two things even compare. Obama has been a state senator, then a federal senator. He has no experience in any capacity when it comes to handling a catastrophic event. He was not in office during 9/11. He was not in office when the war started. He played no role of any kind during the Hurricane Katrina debacle besides touring the area. Did he father one piece of legislation dealing with Katrina (Or any piece of legislation period during his 173 day tenure before campaigning for president). the answer is a resounding NO!
Furthermore, what does running a campaign of 1500 people have anything to do with experience. A campaign is made up largely of volunteers, not paid staff. The candidate, on the national level, has very little say in what happens. He may guide the portrayal made of himself but that is all. The paid staff are the ones making the decisions and guiding the ship. Not the candidate.
Plus why is Obama worried about a Vice Presidential candidate. I could see if it were the presidential candidate, but vice president candidate. I mean people like himself wants to tout the job of the president. But what does the president actually do. Does he pass laws? No! Does he create jobs? No! Does he have any control over the economy? No! The president is really no more than a figure head for our government. And thus either he gets undeserving praise for something good, or he gets unneeded heat for something bad. Sure he can influence things, but as for actually doing anything, he has very little control. the true power is held by the Congress and the Courts, and The People (or at least it should be if the politicians would keep their nose out of our rights).
Viva Liberty!
Well today it happened again. Obama has come out saying how he is better suited to handle a catastrophe, such as Katrina, than Palin (McCains running mate). Here is what he said from CNN's website.
“My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees. We've got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month,” Obama responded.
Our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the past couple of years and certainly in terms of the legislation I’ve passed in the past couple of years, post-Katrina.”
Ok first off, how do these two things even compare. Obama has been a state senator, then a federal senator. He has no experience in any capacity when it comes to handling a catastrophic event. He was not in office during 9/11. He was not in office when the war started. He played no role of any kind during the Hurricane Katrina debacle besides touring the area. Did he father one piece of legislation dealing with Katrina (Or any piece of legislation period during his 173 day tenure before campaigning for president). the answer is a resounding NO!
Furthermore, what does running a campaign of 1500 people have anything to do with experience. A campaign is made up largely of volunteers, not paid staff. The candidate, on the national level, has very little say in what happens. He may guide the portrayal made of himself but that is all. The paid staff are the ones making the decisions and guiding the ship. Not the candidate.
Plus why is Obama worried about a Vice Presidential candidate. I could see if it were the presidential candidate, but vice president candidate. I mean people like himself wants to tout the job of the president. But what does the president actually do. Does he pass laws? No! Does he create jobs? No! Does he have any control over the economy? No! The president is really no more than a figure head for our government. And thus either he gets undeserving praise for something good, or he gets unneeded heat for something bad. Sure he can influence things, but as for actually doing anything, he has very little control. the true power is held by the Congress and the Courts, and The People (or at least it should be if the politicians would keep their nose out of our rights).
Viva Liberty!
The Fat Tax
Well, leave it up to politicians to come up with inventive new ways to take your money away from you. Well politicians in Alabama have taken the senister lead.
Alabama is looking into charging its state employees a fee if they are deemed to be obese. This is all touted to help with budgetary shortfalls, and to make their employees maintain a more heathly lifestyle.
Well i feel both of these reasons are wrong. Alabama you are having budgetary shortfalls because your jackass leaders are addicted to spending money that is not theirs. Also the jackass politicians are try to dictate how a person should live. The phrase Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness comes to mind here. If in your pursuit of happiness, there lies you being overweight, what right does government have to say anything about it.
I know i will get the arguement from some saying that overweight people put a burden on the system, and will cost us more tax money for healthcare when the retire. This might be true. But if the whole medical system was privatized with no government involvement, it would not be a factor. Because in a competitive free market society everyone would pay for their, no one elses. But truly does overweight mean that you will have more health issues? No, i know plenty of healthy "overweight" people. I personally am around 240 lbs, 10 years ago i was around 190 lbs. I see the doctor less now than i did 10 years ago. So i think this crap about health problems should be put to rest.
But my main problem with this scenario that Alabama is trying to push is the humiliation that the government is bringing to the table. One of the ideas they are trying to push is to have office weigh ins. Making it to where you have to step on the scale in front of everyone in the office. This is pathetic step to try to humiliate people into doing what you want them to do.
People of Alabama, and we have a few readers there, i would hope that you would stand up for those in your state and see this idea defeated.
Viva Liberty!
Alabama is looking into charging its state employees a fee if they are deemed to be obese. This is all touted to help with budgetary shortfalls, and to make their employees maintain a more heathly lifestyle.
Well i feel both of these reasons are wrong. Alabama you are having budgetary shortfalls because your jackass leaders are addicted to spending money that is not theirs. Also the jackass politicians are try to dictate how a person should live. The phrase Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness comes to mind here. If in your pursuit of happiness, there lies you being overweight, what right does government have to say anything about it.
I know i will get the arguement from some saying that overweight people put a burden on the system, and will cost us more tax money for healthcare when the retire. This might be true. But if the whole medical system was privatized with no government involvement, it would not be a factor. Because in a competitive free market society everyone would pay for their, no one elses. But truly does overweight mean that you will have more health issues? No, i know plenty of healthy "overweight" people. I personally am around 240 lbs, 10 years ago i was around 190 lbs. I see the doctor less now than i did 10 years ago. So i think this crap about health problems should be put to rest.
But my main problem with this scenario that Alabama is trying to push is the humiliation that the government is bringing to the table. One of the ideas they are trying to push is to have office weigh ins. Making it to where you have to step on the scale in front of everyone in the office. This is pathetic step to try to humiliate people into doing what you want them to do.
People of Alabama, and we have a few readers there, i would hope that you would stand up for those in your state and see this idea defeated.
Viva Liberty!
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