Well with the economy in shambles. All politicians are wanting to get their name in lights as being part of the solution. When any reasonable thinking person knows that solutions by politicians are few, and the problems created by them are many.
Well in a new boute of vote buying, two of the whackiest senile senators in Washington are trying to show that they care about the Americans. Harry Reid and Robert Byrd have come together and wrote some legislation to help stimulate the economy.
The $56 Billion Economic Stimulus Package is being pressed as being a help in this trouble times. But these Political Quacks are so far off the mark it makes no sense. In fact, my 2 dogs and 2 cats could come up with a much better system to stimulate the economy than these 2 donkeys.
Ok so here are the details of this "Stimulus" package that is supposed to help create more jobs. This package would allot $6 billion to extend unemployment benefits by 7 weeks for all and 13 weeks for states with high unemployment rates. This package contains close to $20 billion to increase payments to states for Medicaid. This package includes $55 million to upgrade radios for the US Capitol Police. This package also has $905 million to combat bioterrorism and prepare for possible flu epidemic. There is even talk of it including $25 billion for infrastructure items such as roads and bridges.
Now the question i must ask, as would any smart citizens is this. How does this create jobs? It doesn't, it throws money away in an attempt to fool the public into thinking that these incompetent fools we send to Washington are actually accomplishing something.
I have said it many times and i believe it now, the only true fix is to get the government out of the market and the economy. The market will correct itself, the economy will correct itself. It has been proven many, many times that when taxes are cut, the economy grows and the job rate increases. So just think about how much the economy will grow and you and i will prosper if there were no taxes (or very small taxes). The more money we have, the more that will be put nito our economy. The more that is taken from us by government, the more money that is wasted in a system with no checks and balances, no over sight, etc.
So where is the money going to come from for these idiotic stimulus packages. US, just like always. It is time we take a stand and refuse to allow this raping of our money, our economy, our free market society.
Remember that The Boston Tea Party was acted on because of a 1/2 of 1% tax increase. And our fore fathers started their own country from thier, due to the over taxation. Currently our government has expanded and expanded the taxes to the point where it takes 15% from the average American in just Federal Tax, that doesn't include the Local, State, Property, Sales, Death, Capitol Gains Taxes ( All should be considered Theft Taxes).
If you go up to someone and forcably make them give you a percentage of their money would that not be a crime, punishable by jail time. YES, so we need to punish those politicians that steal from us daily.
So what is it going to take to make us stand and fight?
Viva Liberty!
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