Why is today that it seems like the only ones protected in our society are the criminals. I place this blame on the short sighted politicians that we vote into office and then fail to hold accountable. Too many times politicians will jump onto an issue without looking at spin-off issues that will come from that actions.
The reason i say is this is because of a news report i just read from FoxNews. A man in Connecticut hired a builder to construct a building for his business. This building was to cost $80,000 to construct. The business owner paid the Builder $39,500 up front, to pay the remainder upon completion of the structure. However the builder never showed up to start, much less complete, the construction project.
So the Business owner filed a criminal complaint against the builder. The builder was arrested and charged with Larceny. The builder worked out an agreement to pay the business owner $25,000 and pay restitution on the remaining balance.
This is were it gets the blood boiling.
It seems that shortly before the business owner filed the charges against the builder. The builder filed for bankruptcy, and the stolen amount was included. Paperwork was sent to the business owner informing him of this. However the paperwork was sent to the wrong address and the business owner never recieved the paperwork.
So the Builder's lawyers went before the Bankruptcy judge to bring forth that thier client had been arrested, and charged for something that he filed on his bankruptcy. Well since the charges were filed after the bankruptcy, it is not legal.
So the business owner was ordered to pay the builder back the $25,000 and pay legal fees for the builder. The victim had to pay back the thief.
I think it should be a law that anything acquired through illegal means should not be permitted on a bankruptcy case.
Only in America do politicians pass laws that allow a victim of a crime be cast as the perpetrator in court.
Viva Liberty!
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