Well with the news i just heard, Get Ready to ride the Roller Coaster from Hell.
Just a few minutes ago it came across that The House Of Mis-Representatives failed to pass the massive, wasteful $700 billion bail out.
As most of you know, i have been against this since it was first talked about. I am dead set against any involvement from the government on this. Even though the government (Congress being the main culprit) was the main player in the downfall of the financial market, it doesn't need to be involved. The government bailout would only prolong the inevitable and bring about a worse financial mess 10 - 15 years down the road.
Let me reiterate why i feel this way. In 1993 under the Clintonian Institute of Lies & Bullshittery, laws were pushed through (by Democrats) to allow for low income families more access to home ownership (A noble idea on paper, especially for the Neo-Socialists in the Democratic party). Then in 1998 the law was expanded to allow for even more low income families to own homes. Then it culminated in 2000 with even more laws. Now what these laws basically did was force mortgage lenders to give money to people who did not make enough for the home they were buying, who were getting a mortgage over what they could afford, or had no capability to pay the debt back as promised. So the mortgage lenders were giving money to people that under normal circumstances would not have qualified for a mortgages. The life of these mortgage companies were put on the line all because some Politicians with a Socialism agenda wanted to buy the peoples vote, and make it look like they really cared about the "little people". Now this doesn't mean that i think that the mortgage lenders are Scott-free on this issue. There is the issue of them cooking the books to make it look good for investors and regulators all while going deeper and deeper in the hole of lending disparity. So they do have a role to play in this. But it would not have taken place if not for the laws forcing them to do it.
Now why would we trust a government that caused the problem to be capable of being the solution.
So get ready, the market will go heywire. The stock market will do a short term downward spiral. The economic status of this country will be in limbo. But this will only be short term. The market will rebound and be stronger than before. But only if it can be left to handle itself. The more the government dabbles with it, the worse a situation you will have.
I have said many times that our current state of government is hell bent on more and more control. And what better way to gain more control from the people without the people fighting back. Create a situation that will turn bad and then come in and acquire it under the guise of fixing it, and once government has its foot in the door it will not stop until it has complete domination.
As I have heard it said " There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program".
We must continue to fight to stop this unbridled raping of this country by our government.
Viva Liberty!
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