Well, there is more proof that our current administration is hell bent on creating more wars that involve us. I posted a week or so ago about how the administration has given the green light to special forces to cross into Pakistan to apprehend Al Qeada operative using the Pakistani Mountains as safe haven, without the Pakistani government approval.
I have stated before that we need to recognize the soveriegnty of other nations and only act inside their country when we have their approval to be there. I mean that is how we would demand it to be. We wouldn't allow the Mexicans or Canadians militaries to come across our border to complete military missions. Would We? No! Even though there is proof that the Mexican Military has been doing that lately to capture illegal immigrants in our country. But i digress.
Well it seems that Pakistan has had enough. The Pakistan government has given the order to shoot on site any member of the US Military operating missions on their soil.
I agree with Pakistan. I do not like the fact that our military personell could be killed. And No i am not Anti-Military. I am just the opposite actually. But i feel that our military should not be given the orders to go into another country, without that countries permission.
So if this administration keeps it up, we will find ourselves in another aggresive war. Something we definitely do not need.
It's about time we get out of other countries business and work on our own problems.
Viva Liberty!
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