Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Foriegners Want Obama

Well there is a report today of a study done. This study talked to around 35,000 from around the world on who they would like more as president McCain or Obama. More people wanted Obama.

Well here is my take on this. For those of you polled. You are in the country you are in. You are not citizens in this country. Therefore you have no say in this matter. I'm not trying to sound like an elitest or and egotistic American, but you opinion does not matter in this election. The same as our American voice does not matter in an election in your country.

This is just simply the way it is, like it or not. This is our country, our Constitution, our elections. Not anyone elses.

Now what we as Americans need to demand is that the attitutda i have be portrayed from our leaders. For too long we, as a people and a government, have been meddling in other countries affairs. Don't think we do? Then answer why we have our troops stationed in over 130 countries through this earth. We have been brainwashed to the point of thinking that we have to have our hands on the pulse of everyone else.

But what that eventually does is turn peoples ideas about us to be negative.

Its time to demand that we handle our own problems and let other countries deal with thier own. Then, and only then, will we start to get back to a point that we need to be in.

Oh, and for those polled, if you want Obama, you can have him. Free of Charge. And we will also throw in some others in the deal.

Viva Liberty!

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