Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh What The Elections Will Bring

Well it seems that the election season has brought about the normal flip-floppery out of the politicians. This is the time when politicians will cast their morality, policy, and their stance just to sell themselves to gain whatever vote that they can get. They become the biggest prostitutes in history during this time.

The democrats have been yelling this whole time about how pumping more oil will not fix the gas price situation. They have even went so far, under The Pelosi Brigade, to block any type of legislation that would allow pumping.

Well the Democrats, seeing as how the feeling of the American people is, have changed their mind.

There are some Democrats that have been trying to get a bi-partisan bill that would allow off-shore drilling passed.

Why is it that the politicians will only listen to the American people when, We yell loud enough, When it benefits them, or It is a election year.

But these are the same politicians that will bring up other politicians flip flopping on issues.

Viva Liberty!

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