Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another Gov'ment Crutch Destined To Fail

Yet again the US House of the Socialist Representatives are pushing a bill that will fail quicker than a man with a wooden leg standing on top of a termite mound. They have this glorious plan to push more "Deficit" money into the housing market. Yet another problem with the politicians thinking they know better than everyone else as to how to fix a problem, Even the experts know this is a failure.

They want to throw $300 Billion at the problem.

First, the most obvious, is when we are running you are running a deficit, the last thing you need to do is spend more money. Majority of us have a checking account. What happens when you write more checks than you have money? You bounce the checks. Then you get hit with fee's and you end up in worse shape than you were in. You end up running a deficit, and every penny you put into your account goes toward that deficit. If you do it enough, you will wind up in jail for it, by who - The Government. Now this is the same government that wastes the taxpayer money on many useless programs and projects. They do not care what they spend the money on , or how much they spend. And what do they do when they spend all of the money they take by taxes? They keep spending money. Its almost like they spend more money when they are out of money then they do when they have money. Anyways why do we let our elected officials continue the line of Waste they are notoriously proficient at? Its time we start charging them with a well known crime - Breach Of Trust. They are Breaching the public trust each and everyday, many times it is numerous times per day.

Second, the bill is mainly for giving the money to the FHA to insure more homes that would run the risk of forecloser. I can see what they are trying to do here easier than i can see through a glass wall. Why is the government needing to insure home loans? I elude to this in my previous post, they are trying to put in place a plan that would allow them more control over us Americans. They secretly plan to do this by a) insuring the loans b)when you can't pay the bill who gets the house, the government c)the government will then have more control, because they will then have the houses. If they continue to do this, then they will own the majority of homes in this country, especially if we hit another depression. then the government will have one more hand on us. They will then push a bill that would make housing free, but we would pay for it by our freedom. Ask a person in Cuba or any other Socialist or Communist Country and see how their housing is run, and then say welcome to our new coming society.

Third, this plan would insure more affordable fixed-rate loans for borrowers currently too financially strapped to qualify. I guess the most obvious comment i have is, If the borrowers are currently too financially strapped to qualify for the loan, how is throwing money at it going to help? This plan pushes houses on to people that CAN NOT afford the house, thus causing more foreclosures. Only a government can think a plan like this will work. They are wanting to help a situation out by making said situtation worse.

This is a ridiculous plan. Only politicians think this plan will work. And it will work from one aspect. It will give the government more control. They will allow more people to get houses they can not afford, they will default, government will take control of the homes and let the people live there free (expanding section 8 housing that they don't have to build), making more people more Dependant on the government, then another crisis will happen and the loop will continue. It will continue this until the government has complete control of the housing market. It will also work, at the same time, to take similar control over other aspects of our life, UNTIL you open your eyes in amazement when you find yourself living in the new Nazi Germany.

Stand Up People before it is too late.

Viva Liberty!

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