Saturday, May 31, 2008

Your Kids Health Be Damned!

Well, according to the a new prospective law in NY, my title for this blog sums up the politicians view of the citizens health in that state. Over the past 50 years or so there has been a massive push to push vaccines on people. I mean they have vaccines for just about everything these days, but the only thing that matters to the politicians is that everyone is forced to have these.

I, as most people, see some good in the vaccine program. There have been some diseases that have been hampered because of vaccines. I wouldn't go as far as some, saying that some diseases have been eradicated because of these programs, this is dangerous rhetoric that gives people a false hope. But they have helped give a healthier society from some aspects.

But i also, as most people, see that there are far too many major side-effects that come from these vaccines and the way that they are produced, which cause many problems, which in some cases out weigh the good. In a not to long past report, there is some link between the Autism epidemic and how vaccines are produced.

To me personally, it should be up to each individual family to weigh the benefits and risks and act accordingly. I remember, in my own case, taking one of my children to the doctor and getting the 3rd degree for being behind on the shots. It didn't matter to the doctor the reason the shots were behind or how we felt about the program, all that mattered was that we get them caught up at all costs.

So with all of this, NY lawmakers are trying to push a bill that would make it mandatory for all children to get all vaccines recommended by the CDC. This is a very reckless program if you ask me. It is up to the parents to decide to subject their children to the vaccines. And it also up to the parents to weigh out the benefits and dangers, they have to research these things out. Which takes time, due to the fact that the government and media only what to give one side of the matter. I know i will get the people that say that this is "A Public Good" program, so we need to have it (these are of the same regurgitative rhetoric that touts Welfare and Medicaid as being a public good), unfortunately a program can/should only be classified as such if it benefits all of the public, not just the recipients of the program while making the non-recipients pay for it. Roads can be classified as a Public Good, since we all use them and we all help pay for them (all goods and services are carried over roads, even citizens who don't drive use roads in some way. Even though i feel all roads should be privatized and out of governments hands).

So this law is not a public good, it is therefore something that the government needs to move away from. It is time for the power to be given back to the citizens of this country, for us to make our own decision on. I would implore the readers in NY and surrounding areas to fight this bill all costs, as i will do when this matter comes to my state. Demand your freedom back! Its the only way your going to get it.

Viva Liberty!

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