Sunday, May 25, 2008

Here It Goes Again!

Well in a report, the US Ambassador to Iraq stated the Al Qaeda's network in Iraq has never been closer to defeat.

How much more do we have to hear of these proclamations of victory, when all that follows is defeat of sorts.

It has been been proclaimed that we defeated the Taliban in Afghanistan, yet the Taliban still attack our troops on a regular basis.

We all remember the "Mission Accomplished" ceremony some years back by the president stating that the Mission in Iraq was done. Yet We are still entrenched in that country with no end in sight.

So when i hear comments such as this from the current administration, it angers me to think that the only reason these words are spoke is to dupe us into believing that the administration is actually accomplishing something. When all it is, is a fake facade to pull the wool over our eyes.

Well it is not working for me. It is time to end this bumbling mess. Its also time to make this mis-administration stand up and tell the truth about this war and the mess it has become.

Viva Liberty!

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