Thursday, May 8, 2008

Forget The Doctor

Forget the Doctor, Government knows best. At least thats the way it seems from a new story.

The government is peddling their advice to doctors in this country. The government is essentially telling the doctors to give a prescription drug to help smokers quit smoking.

Ok, i have to stop the ride for a moment. There are many different programs out today to help someone quit smoking. There is the proven cold turkey method (which i successfully used almost 4 years ago to quit smoking), the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, and numerous different drugs that are out on the market to help aid the person stop smoking, not to mention other ingenious ways people have come up with to stop.
Why are there numerous different programs and items available?
Because being addicted to nicotine, there is not a one size fits all approach to quitting that works. So with so many different programs out, why is the government endorsing one? Since when did it become the governments right or responsibility to tell you how to quit. I mean they have already stepped over the line with trying to do everything they can (short of outlawing tobacco) to get people to stop smoking, even to the point of stomping on individuals rights.

So just from the point above is enough to show that government is not entitled to be in the business of telling people how to quit.

Now, the program that the government is advising the doctors to use is Chantix. A prescription drug. No it makes me wonder why the government is pushing so hard to get this product to be the norm for this problem. It all goes back the point i make numerous times on this blog. That is, the government wants to control you and your life more than anything else, and telling you what drugs to take is just the next layer of this Socialist Onion.

Now let me back track a little to make my last point. Why do some people not use drugs to stop smoking? Because of side effects. One of the drugs used is a form of Anti Depressant that they found helped stop smoking. When i went to quit i couldn't take it because i have a family trait that would have caused extreme depression. So i couldn't take it. Well guess what the major side effect of Chantix is, it is depression and suicidal tendencies.

So this is a drug that has been proven to cause problem and the government is backing it.

Makes no sense. It is time to push back this government to where it should, read the Constitution and you will see exactly what the government should be and shouldn't be.

Viva Liberty!

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